Which do ya got?

“There is toxic barrels of toxic stuff under our feet”
– davepoobond
“That one apple can spoil the barrel…”
::nods a lot::
“…I read it somewhere”
– Mrs. Stickums
There’s this cat, right. And he likes to harass this mouse, see. And there is a pending lawsuit from said mouse to this cat for his constant harassment. This cat is like a bible basher, but worse. He’s a murderer.
The cat is listening to his Def Leppard tunes and getting a tan outside the mouse’s house. But as to not feel like a complete and total loser, he beckons the house to come out of the mouse. Or, rather the mouse to come out of the mouse. It’s all supposed to rhyme or something, but really, its all just pretty terrible.
Since the mouse is a pasty gray mouse, he dotes on the idea of getting a tan in the sun with the cat. But the mouse comes to the conclusion that since the cat is a murdering sociopath and opts to err on the side of caution and not play with the cat. Or his ball that he magically made appear out of nowhere.
So, the impoverished mouse goes back into his mouse hole and lights a barrel on fire to keep warm. He cooks some soup over the barrel and keeps getting harassed by the cat. Then the cat leaves, to seemingly go and masturbate in a corner somewhere as he thought about murdering the mouse.
Instead of being a smart mouse and staying inside and not caring about what the hell the cat is doing, the mouse wonders where the cat is, while just around the corner, the cat waited, erect with anticipation.
Then the mouse decided it was a good idea to go get a prostitute at this very moment because he had nothing else better to spend his life savings of cheese on and left his house thinking the cat didn’t see him. But the cat did, so in a murderous rampage, the cat chased the mouse around the house, breaking some stupid lady’s vase and tearing up a chair’s skirt. Along the way, the bird was molested by the cat and had relationship problems for the rest of his life.
The mouse hid behind the chair then taunted the cat as he was fondling the bird. The cat chased after the mouse again and then along the way the cat pissed into the fish’s bowl. Whoever owned this cat sure like to buy a lot of pets that this cat would want to kill. Seriously, what cat owner has a bird, a fish, AND a mouse?
The mouse ran back into his house and then taunted the cat to get inside the small hole. To which, the stupid cat tried to shove his face inside, but lo and behold, the cat couldn’t fit his stupid face inside. So he tries to shove his tail inside, like that would do any better.
The mouse taunts the cat with earl gray tea. Too bad they can’t sip tea over the fire he’s got going in his little house. So the cat asks the mouse to come out and give him tea, but the mouse won’t so he sits in his little chair and drinks tea from a bowl and eats his cheesecake. Then the mouse made a sign and put it in his yard that says “NO CATS.”
Then the mouse suffocated due to carbon monoxide inhalation, cause he lit a fire in his house for hours on end and didn’t think it was a good idea to have a proper ventilation shaft installed in his mouse hole.
paartne – n. a barrel of C-4 just hanging around where a fire is, so as to make everything blow up. Randomly appears in movies.
Q: There are two plastic jugs filled with water. How could you put all of this water into a barrel, without using the jugs or any dividers, and still tell which water came from which jug?
A: Freeze them first. Take them out of the jugs and put the ice in the barrel. You will be able to tell which water came from which jug.
shafeeq – n. a cow in a barrel
pem – n. a barrel full of hair
omae – n. 261 midgets in a barrel
coao – v. to play a flute on a barrel