“Poop will rule the world in the year 2067!”
– Fajita Bum
“Poop will rule the world in the year 2067!”
– Fajita Bum
“I think, therefore I pee, poop, fart, belch, and any other disgusting bodily functions you think are funny.”
– Boxtop11
“Poop gas, dump gas, turd gas, fart gas, shit gas, toot gas and so on all equal farts.”
– Boxtop11
Pigeons must have E.S.P. They always seem to know when you’ve just washed your car.
meadow muffin – n. a pile of poo in the middle of a field or meadow
Q: What’s hot and soft and has five toes?
A: A meadow muffin with a footprint in it.
Q: What’s warm, fresh, and full of grain?
A: A cow-pie in a wheat field.
Q: Why did Tigger hop through the woods?
A: He didn’t want to step on Pooh.
Q: What do a diaper and a dump truck have in common?
A: During the day they both pick up a load.
Poop On You (9.4 KiB, 1,991 hits)
Its like the OK Buttons program, but instead of OK buttons that you click on, its poop that you cant get rid of. It'd probably eventually freeze your computer if you let it go long enough.
pigeon-toed – n. the sensation resulting from stepping in pigeon droppings.
shampoop – n. dried shampoo pieces
;} poop used as shampoo
It is a blocked off one way street for me.
I am totally delusional about any possibility of pooping that might stem from any food that I have.
No one will ever be poop with me. She never pooped with me… I never had a chance to poop, I don’t have a chance to poop with anyone. Was there ever an opportunity? Guess not, after all. I truly am naive about this stuff, and I’ll never catch up with those assholes that treat their poop like shit. But I don’t want to be someone that poops the first poop that ever goes out my ass either. But I’ll probably end up being that kind of person if it ever even happens.
This shit is lame, why do I have to get worked up over this crap when I know what the ending will be? Poop stays the same.
I’d like to think that someday it’ll happen, but will it? No one cares. I should probably stop caring, too. I’m starting to think I’m constipated. Am I really? I think I am. I probably am. Constipation is the word of the day. I create these situations, and feel like something may happen, but they never do. How many times has this happened to me? Is it 10 times, now? When is going to be the next one? It’s like I’ve been on a toilet for 10 years.
I am constipated. I eat things that do not exist, as if only to hurt myself and to make myself even more constipated, trying to attach myself to the next poop that might even show some sort of unintentional interest to come out of me. I probably need a fucking doctor.
I’m as pitiful as you are. Probably even more so. I make fun of the things you poop, but are they so far from what I actually feel like pooping?
Can I stop myself from not pooping into another constipation? I don’t know how I can when its all I fucking think about. I always think about how it would be just great to poop, as if it actually would make things better. Would things even be better? No, who am I kidding? I’m only creating more poop for myself to fall into and think endlessly about, and waste my time when I should probably just be pooping. Or does THAT even matter? Will I even remember that I pooped the next time I poop? No, of course not. Very unlikely, after all. Just another one of my delusions of thinking that I could take a crap without thinking so heavily.
What can I do? I have no idea.
I never understood how poops can even begin. Its like “hey let’s be a poop?” Fuck. How the hell am I supposed to know? How do you even poop one if you don’t know how it becomes poop? It hurts my bowels.
I really don’t want to poop alone, but it seems that it’ll be the case when I get to the end of the road.
poosterior – n. an ass with poo on it or in it.
Ex. Look at her poosterior!
poogensplar – v. to poo in a toilet and not flush it