Tag Archives: honey
Joke #18007
Q: What do bees brush their hair with?
A: Honeycombs.
Carlo’s car wash cleaned 1,478 cars…

Insects feed on the flowers’

Quote #16680
“Would you go to the smirk and get my copies, honey?”
– Mrs. Stickums
Joke #11296
Knock, knock.
Who’s there?
Butcher who?
Butcher arms around me, honey, and hold me tight.
oosod – n. honey-glazed duck pizza
Joke #5252: Car Problems
My wife came home yesterday and said, “Honey, the car won’t start, but I know what the problem is.”
I asked her what it was and she told me it has water in the carburetor.
I thought for a moment, then said, “You know I don’t mean this badly, but you don’t know the carburetor from the accelerator.”
“No, there’s definitely water in the carburetor” she insisted.
“OK, Honey, that’s fine, I’ll just go take a look. Where is it?”
“In the lake!”
hyeteyentlent – v. to coat the inside of someone’s boxers with WD-40 and honey
erakat – n. a dessert that is made of popcorn seeds, honey, and a strawberry cooked at 450 degrees for 4 minutes
bee tea
bee tea – n. tea made with crushed bees (to get the raw honey)
bahwa – n. a drink that consists of milk and a bit of honey