spitzmacher – n. a person who is gay
;} one who moderates brianshome.com.
Ex. What a spitzmacher that douche is.
spitzmacher – n. a person who is gay
;} one who moderates brianshome.com.
Ex. What a spitzmacher that douche is.
spifled – n. a gay store owner
spacmun – n. a country that only really gay, retarded, drunk, or stoned people live in.
Ex. Holmes is from a spacmun, which is no great suprise, given that he’s really, really, really gay.
sogay – adj. really gay.
Ex. You are sogay
sobye – n. a rainbow colored fag (not flag)
sneppositus aldermius – n. scientific word for being as gay as/gayer than a normal gay person. There has been no cases where anyone is as gay or gayer than this person.
Ex. The sneppositus aldermius is the gayest creature on Earth. Mitchell is a big, fat, faggot who sucks dick and can’t play rugby for shit cause he’s a fucking fuck cunt with tits.
snappolitis – n. the sickness you get when you become extremely gay. Related to snapisafagolitis. <see snapisafagolitis>
Ex. The man had caught snappolitis.
snaporka – n. a form of the ‘Hakka’ telling the story of gayness and his attempt to bring gayness across the land and how he was defeated by the great warriors Shannon, Alex and Nathan.
Ex. poof’ate, poof’ate, snaporka, snaporka, mitches a gayer tapooftatapoofta, mitches a sucka de cocky da ti te, hesa, hesa gayer, hesa a gayer with dick, GAY. mitchells is trying to get back at me for writing stuff by he a faggot so dont listen to him
snapisafagolitis – n. a sickness where symptons are becoming very gay.
Ex. The straight man caught snapisafagolitis and became gay.
shnagorf – n. a person with a gay dad and a lesbian mother
sertooo – n. a gay snail
Rick Wyngaard – n. a very gay kid who has no penis and no friends. He has got to be one of the gayest kids alive. He grabs other guys and humps them in the showers. He is really gay
rap – n. a GAY type of music for people who are GAY. die mo fucka.
;} Acronym. acronym for “retards attempting poetry.”
Ex. Haha, you listen to rap, you must be GAY
Ex. I hate rap!
ramalotofass – n. now extinct homosexual male dinosaur who had a whole lot of anal sex.
pillow-biter – n. a gay male who bites pillows while being penetrated