Insects feed on the flowers’

“I would like to become a florist one day”
– from the TV
Q: If April showers bring May flowers, what do January blizzards bring?
A: Lots and lots of snow!
If I were a flower, I bet even the bees would ignore me.
Brother: Do you know what I’m going to give Mom for her birthday? A beautiful cut-glass flower vase.
Sister: But she already has a beautiful cut-glass flower vase.
Brother: No, she doesn’t. I just dropped it!
Sister: Did you tell Mom you broke the vase?
Brother: Yes. I said, “Mom, do you remember that vase you always worried that I would break?” And she said, “Yes, what about it?” And I said, “Your worries are over!”
alladode – v. to frequently find fresh flowers for a girl named Franny
Honey: Excuse me, dear. What is the meaning of these flowers on my desk today?
Bunny: Why, it’s your wedding anniversary.
Honey: Is that so? Well, do let me know when yours is so I may do the same for you.
Q: How is belly-button lint like a flower?
A: It grows best in a moist, warm place.
Knock, knock
Who’s there?
Art who?
Arts and flowers just for you!
hissloop – n. the combination of flowers, stars, hearts, and jewels
aguacate – v. to play guitar in a flower field
flower scorpion – n. a “scorpion” that is actually a flower with a curved stinger like a scorpion. Don’t ask.
I asked for a flower,
He gave me a garden.
I asked for a tree,
He gave me a forest.
I asked for a river,
He gave me an ocean.
I asked for a friend,
He gave me “YOU.”