“Doodee kaka fart splat poop!!”
– elmoisfurry
“Doodee kaka fart splat poop!!”
– elmoisfurry
“I’m a donkey! moo moo moo. i make donkey potty heads, that come out of my nose…POOPIES!!!!!”
– elmoisfurry
“I own a rhino, boy does he poop a lot. That’s why i call him PoopMonkey.”
– elmoisfurry
“All i have to say is……………………POO PIES”
– elmoisfurry
“I am the almighty elmo. all bow down to me, unless u dont want to, of course. I like to eat a monkey tail everyday, and i recommend u to also. good bye”
– elmoisfurry
“Hi, i am furry. Tickle me, and i will say, stop tickling me, or i’ll beat the crap outta you.”
– elmoisfurry
::talking to davepoobond::
“elmoisfurry says that you suck. He told me to tell you”
– Blind Bubba
Bahrain (900.1 KiB, 1,667 hits)
A power point about Bahrain made by davepoobond and elmoisfurry. Actually shown in-class in 8th grade.
davepoobond: wanna do somethin with me and mark today
elmoisfurry: na…no clothes atm, and im real tired hehe…maybe tomorow if ya do something then
davepoobond: k..
elmoisfurry: have fun, wee
davepoobond: oh yes we will
davepoobond: have lots and lots of fun
elmoisfurry: good
elmoisfurry signed off at 1:26 PM
elmoisfurry: yea yea
davepoobond: if ya need help give me a buzz
elmoisfurry: buzz my ass
davepoobond: on the telephony
davepoobond: you left your swithblade ruler at school
elmoisfurry: no, i put it there
elmoisfurry: i didnt want to keep it
davepoobond: oh
davepoobond: i have it now
davepoobond: har har
elmoisfurry: wow good job
elmoisfurry: now FUCK OFF!!!!!!!!
davepoobond: yessir it was
elmoisfurry: >:o
elmoisfurry: die
elmoisfurry signed off at 11:48 PM
davepoobond: pow
POWder DJ: yes? how can i help you
davepoobond: by dying
POWder DJ: oh please dont, i just died like 32 times this weekend
davepoobond: aw thats so sad
POWder DJ: at lease gimme a breeeeaakkk
davepoobond: ok one coffee break then
POWder DJ: yay
POWder DJ: depesche mode is god
davepoobond: yes they are
POWder DJ: whats up with you
davepoobond: nothin. u
POWder DJ: i just died like 32 times this weekend
POWder DJ: like i said
davepoobond: oh yeah….
POWder DJ: i was sick as fucking hell
POWder DJ: but
davepoobond: that’s pretty sad on a 4 day weekend
POWder DJ: one hour photo came out today
POWder DJ: and so did rules of attraction
POWder DJ: and um buying them
davepoobond: rules of attraction? was that any good
POWder DJ: um
POWder DJ: its my favorite movie ever
davepoobond: is that the one with nicolas cage or vanderbeek
POWder DJ: besides requiem for a dream
POWder DJ: vanderbeek
POWder DJ: not cage
davepoobond: they’re both so alike
davepoobond: stupid writers getting ideas off of each other
davepoobond: make up your own shit! that’s what i always say
davepoobond: well not really
POWder DJ: i make up my own shit
davepoobond: i usually flush mine though…
davepoobond: har har
POWder DJ: this is elmoisfurry right if im not mistaken
davepoobond: no..
POWder DJ: hm
POWder DJ: then youre one of his frienes
davepoobond: who is this
davepoobond: anyway
POWder DJ: Fajita Bum gave me this sn like 5 years ago
davepoobond: uhh….
davepoobond: didnt know that…
POWder DJ: you imd me so you tell me who you are
POWder DJ: haha
davepoobond: dave…
POWder DJ: a?
davepoobond: you were just on my buddy list
POWder DJ: that was my SECOND choice
POWder DJ: haha
davepoobond: i dont know how you got there anyway
POWder DJ: elmoisfurry ims me sometimes
POWder DJ: so i thought it might be him
POWder DJ: and hes friends with Fajita Bum
POWder DJ: so it kinda loopholes
POWder DJ: this is carl
davepoobond: i’m friends with Fajita Bum too
POWder DJ: i know
POWder DJ: so am i
davepoobond: oh ha…yeah
POWder DJ: you should see rules
POWder DJ: its really good
davepoobond: i’ll try to catch it on hbo or somethin
POWder DJ: have you seen requiem for a dream
POWder DJ: ah youre lame
davepoobond: no
POWder DJ: rent ti
davepoobond: but that costs money
POWder DJ: ah youre double-o lame-o
davepoobond: yeah well
davepoobond: i’m not exactly that exciting anyway
POWder DJ: rent em both
POWder DJ: its liek 6 buuuuucl
POWder DJ: buckkkkks
POWder DJ: u still get money off squackle?
davepoobond: yeah
davepoobond: 17 bucks so far
POWder DJ: there yah go
POWder DJ: hahahhaha
POWder DJ: well
POWder DJ: use some ofthat
POWder DJ: !
davepoobond: no, that’s just the money i like looking at
davepoobond: y’know, gotta have some of that
POWder DJ: ooh yes
POWder DJ: thats wonderful
POWder DJ: stuff there
davepoobond: i saw jay and silent bob yesterday wow
POWder DJ: ehh
POWder DJ: the first 4
davepoobond: strike back
POWder DJ: in the series were so much better
davepoobond: only that one.
davepoobond: i haven’t seen anything else with them though
POWder DJ: wow dude
davepoobond: eh what can i say? too much Joe Millionaire………..
POWder DJ: you need to invest your 17 dollars… and rent those and requiem
and rules
POWder DJ: the only tv i ever watch
davepoobond: yeah it was pretty lame yesterday
POWder DJ: is comedy central
POWder DJ: and then
POWder DJ: the last episode
POWder DJ: of joe millionare
davepoobond: they were talkin about a stupid twist
davepoobond: there wasn’t any fuckin twist
davepoobond: they just gave them a million
POWder DJ: i know
POWder DJ: that would have been bad ass if
POWder DJ: brb
davepoobond: they made such a big deal out of it
davepoobond: k
POWder DJ: yeah
POWder DJ: back
POWder DJ: no if
davepoobond: k
POWder DJ: after she was like
POWder DJ: ill continue the journy
POWder DJ: the guy comes out
POWder DJ: the annoying short guy
POWder DJ: paul or whatever
POWder DJ: and hes like
davepoobond: stupid butler
POWder DJ: congradulations….. now you get to choose him or ill give
you a million dollars!
POWder DJ: she would take the million
POWder DJ: that would be funny
davepoobond: didnt he just give them the million bucks
davepoobond: i didnt see the whole thing, it was too stupid
POWder DJ: yeah they dud
POWder DJ: did
POWder DJ: but taht would be badass if theyt like fucked him over like
davepoobond: yeah
davepoobond: i knew it was gonna be Zora from the first episode
davepoobond: i was hoping she’d lose
davepoobond: cause her stupid town was “supporting her”
davepoobond: and she’s so nice
davepoobond: man it woulda been great to see her go down in flames
davepoobond: “i was thinking of selling my necklace so i can help my aunt
with cancer”
davepoobond: that’s such crap no one does that except her
POWder DJ: lmao
POWder DJ: i didnt see any of that
POWder DJ: i only saw the last episode
POWder DJ: but
POWder DJ: yeah shes lame
davepoobond: i saw that whole hour of them talking about those stupid girls
POWder DJ: bull shit
davepoobond: all those girls were so boring
POWder DJ: no shit
davepoobond: they were showing what they did in their spare time
POWder DJ: they just wanted the money
davepoobond: that stupid asian girl was a “hula hoop champion”
davepoobond: A FUCKIN HULA HOOP CHAMPION and she’s like “why didnt he pick
me? i definitely woulda stayed longer if he knew that i was a hula hoop champion”
davepoobond: “i woulda rocked his world”
POWder DJ: no way
POWder DJ: they prob chose like 50 dumbasses to say shit like that
POWder DJ: my god
davepoobond: and it was so ridiculous when they were talking about sara and
her fetish videos
davepoobond: instead of showing the real thing
POWder DJ: wha?
davepoobond: they showed “simulations”
davepoobond: of people being tied up
davepoobond: only showing their feet though
POWder DJ: hahahahahhahahahahhahahahaha
davepoobond: or their wrists
POWder DJ: hahahahhahahahhaa
davepoobond: and they were still shots
POWder DJ: silly FOX……..
davepoobond: i like FOX, but they’re just stupid sometimes
POWder DJ: lol i kno
davepoobond: especially with “fox box”
davepoobond: and “power rangers ninja storm”
POWder DJ: whats a fox box
davepoobond: the stupid name they call their kids thing in the morning
davepoobond: kids programming
POWder DJ: haha
davepoobond: its not as gay as “1 saturday morning” though
POWder DJ: haha
POWder DJ: i wouldnt even know
POWder DJ: i hate tv
POWder DJ: i like
POWder DJ: the chapelle show
POWder DJ: insomnia with dave attell
davepoobond: yeah i saw 1 episode of that, but its on too late for me
POWder DJ: and
POWder DJ: south park
POWder DJ: and the man show
POWder DJ: umm
POWder DJ: and snl
POWder DJ: and
POWder DJ: uhhhh
POWder DJ: thats about it
POWder DJ: i gtg shower tho later bro
davepoobond: k bye
stimpyismyname: cockknocker
davepoobond: lol
stimpyismyname: cunt rag
stimpyismyname: let me know when one strikes your fancy
stimpyismyname: cunt cunt
stimpyismyname: dousch rocket
stimpyismyname: queerboat
davepoobond: i think cunt rag did it for me
stimpyismyname: good to know
stimpyismyname: noodles
stimpyismyname: snoogins
stimpyismyname: yeah… that was Nose and elmoisfurry
stimpyismyname: g2g
davepoobond: ok
elmoisfurry: you lika da juice huh?
davepoobond: right
elmoisfurry: da juice is nice huh?
elmoisfurry: juice taste good huh?
elmoisfurry: i geta da juice