corn cob – n. slang for a dildo
Tag Archives: dildo
anal dildo
anal dildo – n. a dildo that is designed to be inserted anally. Most anal dildos are flared at the base for safety, unlike regular dildos.
AC/DC dildo
AC/DC dildo – n. a dildo with two differently sized heads – a large head on one side and a smaller head on the other.
Joke #21018: Voodoo Dick
A guy goes on vacation, and finds a rare an exotic porn shop. He goes in and asks the clerk if he has anything special that he could give to his wife.
The guys says that he has a “voodoo dick” which is a one of a kind dildo that fucks whatever you tell it to on demand. The buyer doesn’t believe him and asks for a demonstration. The clerk says, “voodoo dick the door” and the dildo immediately humps the door so vigorously that it falls down. The guy agrees to buy it for a tidy sum, and the clerk tells him to remember that the only way to get it to stop is to say “voodoo dick off.”
So the guy brings it home and his wife is thrilled. The next day while he’s at work, she quickly gets it out and says, “voodoo dick my pussy”. After an hour of this, she has to get ready for work, but she can’t remember how to turn it off, so she tries to drive to her husbands work with the voodoo dick in her.
Unfortunately, she can’t drive like this and swerves all over the road. Eventually, a cop pulls her over and asks what the problem is. She scream, “I can’t get this voodoo dick to stop humping me!”
And the police officer quickly responds, “voodoo dick my ass.”
Am I an Introvert or an Extrovert?
Are you an introvert or an extrovert? Answer the next 10 questions, and tally up your results at the end to see your fate.










Total up how many of each Introvert and Extrovert answers you’ve selected.
If you’ve chosen more answers that are marked as Introvert, then you’re a loner. Get some friends. Or play volleyball.
If you selected more answers that are marked as Extrovert, then you’re an asshole. You might want to keep yourself a little contained, you try-hard.
If you chose more of the third answer in this quiz, then you are either extremely lame or really really crazy.
idmioeri – v. to jam a 14 inch dildo all the way up someone’s ass
Hate Mail #8610
This form was submitted: Jan 14 2004 / 14:44:31
name = jeff
email = jeffrey mc
hatemail = you fart flicking monkey stabbing
ankle biting squirrel fucking
nut nibbling
ball sniffing
dildo munching
bush rushing
bum slapping
tramp in box
Joke #5343
BAD: You can’t find your vibrator.
WORSE: Your daughter “borrowed” it.
toshow – v. to strap a dildo on your head
suhada – v. to use a vibrating cell phone as a regular vibrator
sivaler – n. a dildo made of shit
Penis Pirate
Penis Pirate – n. a pirate that straps on a dildo, instead of a patch, on their eye
leyero – n. the planet that only has dildo-manufacturing plants on it
kikwe – v. to use a dildo as a sword
goover – n. a dildo taser