Tag Archives: davepoobond

#21886: TommyLinthurst -> davepoobond

On Last.fm, this guy TommyLinthurst, asked to be my friend so I said yes and he sends me the following messages:

TommyLinthurst:  Hey, thanks for becoming a friend!
this is NOT spam. I just seriously think you’ll be interested.
Please check out my band’s latest EP called “1991” to listen to some kickass Rock! If you really like it, then go to <url here> and download it absolutely for FREE!!
You see, I manage the band, and there’s no other way of promoting them, so sorry if it was annoying.
Spread the word & Thanks a lot! This music needs to be heard!

davepoobond: i’m not entirely sure what your definition of “not spam” is but “unwanted advertisements via the internet” are considered spam.

TommyLinthurst: alright, whatever. you just missed a good band.

Fuck you Tommy.  Get off your lazy ass and promote at shows like a normal band does.

The Automatic Egg Thrower

Dear Mike,

I hope that you will appreciate my new invention.  It is an automatic egg thrower!  I assure you it will be of really good use.  You can use it for social groups that are bothering you or people who will not get off your lawn after you asked them nicely to go or get off.  Then you can load eggs in the egg thrower and shoot them till they run away!  You will laugh at their facial expression!  There is a brochure that comes with it so you know how to launch eggs with the egg thrower.  My egg thrower is going to both the Self-Defense convention and the Joker’s convention!  All the eggs that miss your targets will be good nourishment for your grass so you do not have to pick it up.  After you throw eggs at somebody they will negotiate with you and do as you set out to accomplish.  I insure you they will.


Your best friend,



PS Write back soon!!!!

Quote #21716

“Favorite TV Shows

My TV shows are ranked in order of preference:

1. ‘The Real Adventures of Johnny Quest’ I like it because I like the computer graphics.

2. ‘Hey Arnold’ I like it because it is interesting and funny.

3. ‘Dexter’s Laboratory’ I like it because it is funny.

4. ‘Johnny Bravo’ I like it because it is funny.

5. ‘KABLAM!’ I like it because it is funny.”

– davepoobond

WoW Chat #21714: Cardrek -> davepoobond

In trade I was trying to sell stuff:

[2] [davepoobond]: WTS [Comfortable Insoles] only 10g each!

Cardrek: wat do they do

davepoobond: make you jellin like a felon

Cardrek: i woulda bought em if u didnt attempt that pathetic ryme

davepoobond: its from a commercial

Cardrek: its gross

davepoobond: wat

Wade Fulp Is a Big Meany

Back in 2004 I was an avid user of Newgrounds.com.  Newgrounds had a lot of stuff that appealed to me at the time, but since the following conversation I have used it sparingly.

To put it bluntly, I may have deserved the reaction I got from him, but at the same time I don’t think it is warranted considering the situation and the fact that he doesn’t seem to care about the people who visit his web site.  The situation is this:  I had uploaded a sound file to Newgrounds’ newly launch “Audio Portal” which was to compliment their Flash Portal.  I thought, “hey, great, I’ll add a sound file I have and see how it works and if its worth the effort, I’ll upload some music I made.”  After my sound file was approved and displayed on the site, I was banned from uploading anything else, with no explanation.

All it said was that I was banned.  So, I decided to e-mail support, which, at the time, was Wade Fulp.  The following exchange of e-mails took place.

From: davepoobond@squackle.com [mailto:davepoobond@squackle.com]
Sent: Saturday, April 17, 2004 3:03 PM
To: wade@newgrounds.com
Subject: audio portal banning

I was banned from uploading anything to the audio portal. I haven’t done anything to deserve this. It would be most appreciated if I were allowed to upload to the audio portal again.

My name on Newgrounds is davepoobond

Thank you.

From: wade@newgrounds.com
To: davepoobond@squackle.com

Did you submit original quality work?


Wade Fulp
Newgrounds.com, Inc.

From: davepoobond@squackle.com [mailto:davepoobond@squackle.com]
Sent: Tuesday, May 04, 2004 9:28 PM
To: wade@newgrounds.com
Subject: RE: audio portal banning

I had submitted a sound effect of me saying “You suck!” which was put up. I was planning on putting more sound effects and songs I had made recently.



From: wade@newgrounds.com
To: davepoobond@squackle.com

You people cease to amaze me! Look at your earlier statement:

” I was banned from uploading anything to the audio portal. I haven’t done anything to deserve this.”

So you think submitting “You suck!” as an audio clip is going to get you approved??? Are you that dumb? We’re looking for music, not people saying “You suck!”. We are looking for serious artists. Now stop wasting my damn time.


Wade Fulp
Newgrounds.com, Inc.

From: davepoobond@squackle.com
To: wade@newgrounds.com

Ok, fine then. I see your point. I’m glad you told me off.

I was just trying to be nice in my first email. I understand that saying “You suck!” isn’t that original, but I hadn’t seen anywhere you couldn’t submit those kinds of sound effects.

If its really that big of a deal, maybe you should make it more clear that you ONLY want music on your site. I understand you probably get hoardes and hoardes of stupid people emailing you about stupid things, but I was only looking for an explanation, really. I understand people are stupid, but I’ve at least got some more sense than most. I know its a tough job dealing with so many stupid people on a regular basis.

I don’t give a lick of shit whether or not I’m able to upload MY music onto your web site to help out the community there, but I didn’t think that submitting a sound effect was good enough for me to get banned from uploading to the audio portal. I DO have music to upload, that I am still willing to upload.

This was just a misunderstanding between us, and I found it a little surprising that you’d just explode at me about a stupid little thing like this.

Humbly yours,


Safe to say he didn’t read my response, or at least he didn’t care to e-mail me back with any reaction.  If they didn’t like the sound effect, it didn’t make sense why it was on their site for so long.  It’s not up anymore, and I have no idea if I’m still banned from uploading to Audio Portal but it’s not like I’d ever want to.

WoW Chat #21630

During a raid, Elementen was demanding to buy some Volatile Waters out of the guild bank…

[G] [Elementen]: Ok, so i cant buy somethign out of the gabnk that means nothing cause your over 200k in there and i ask why and i get no reply. ther is no voltile water in the AH so i thought you all would help out a guildy.

[G] [Vongimi]: let me check to see if i have some water

[G] [Unclechu]: who are you?

[G] [davepoobond]: ^

[G] [Elementen]: Im a guildy!

[G] [Unclechu]: i dont know what that means

[G] [davepoobond]: thats worse

[G] [Unclechu]: setarial?

[G] [davepoobond]: than anything else

[G] [Elementen]: yeah

[G] [davepoobond]: you could be

[G] [Unclechu]: is that your main?

[G] [Elementen]: alt

[G] [Unclechu]: are you a social?

[G] [Elementen]: yes

[G] [Unclechu]: who do you know?

[G] [Elementen]: i apped and was invited by Graiff

[G] [Unclechu]: well, then ask graiff for the water

[G] [Unclechu]: case closed

[G] [Rev]: they’re doing a raid right now

[G] [Rev]: so

[G] [Vongimi]: graiff hates people though

[G] [Elementen]: I have i got no answere but i see he is in raid

[G] [Rev:]: that’s most likely the reason you aren’t getting an answer

[G] [Korrigan]: no shit he does

[G] [Unclechu]: hes probably yelling at someone

[G] [Gloworm]: why dont you ask trade chat

[G] [Vongimi]: no water on this guy either…

[G] [Elementen]: because im guild but yes i can ask trade

[G] [Battle]: trade chat is full of pleasant individuals with whom to have meaningful conversations

[G] [Elementen]: lawl

[G] [Gloworm]: I think you misunderstand the guild you’re in

[G] [Vongimi]: gah i swear i had some

[G] [Vongimi]: let me check my rogue

[G] [Elementen]: I know im in a very respected raiding guild like server 5 but i didnt know that meant you didnt take care of your lower socials

[G] [Vongimi]: GAH

[G] [Vongimi]: cant find these waters

[G] [Vongimi]: i think i sold them >.<

[G] [Rev]: it’s not an issue of not taking care

[G] [Gloworm]: the stuff in the bank is for main raiders

[G] [Rev:]: for all any of us know those waters are gonna be used for something

[G] [Vongimi]: how many do you need?

Elementen has left the guild.

[G] [Deek]: hahaha

[G] [Rev]: ahahahahahahaahaha

[G] [Gloworm]: lol……..

[G] [Vongimi]: wow i was trying to help him…

[G] [davepoobond]: what a fucking fucker

[G] [Gloworm]: i looked in my banks and stuff =/

[G] [Rev]: where’s the sense of entitlement come from?

[G] [Gloworm]: i dont even remember what those look like

[G] [Rev]: love it!

[G] [Gloworm]: was that his alt or friend?

[G] [Murmandamos]: who gives waters to socials

[G] [Deek]: his note was “social – forever alone”

[G] [Murmandamos]: hell i didn’t even know they gave that shit to anyone

[G] [davepoobond]: nobody knows who the hell he is

[G] [Vongimi]: hes not online anymore

[G] [Gloworm]: whelp

[G] [Gloworm]: post them on the AH for sky high prices and profit?

[G] [Deek]: well i put some one the ah for him

[G] [Deek]: maybe he wants them for 100g

[G] [Deek]: a piece

[G] [Gloworm]: makes me want to go farm some

[G] [Unclechu]: was that guy a transfer?

[G] [Unclechu]: bad beato

[G] [Gloworm]: ick, when did gem prices go up so much

[G] [Vongimi]: patch 😛

[G] [Gloworm]: fffuuuu why

[G] [Catheriana]: tron touched himself and then all the sudden prices trippled

[G] [Gloworm]: T^T