Tag Archives: blowthetoad

t r i p wood,
hat toss,


Your search for extreme gayness has finally ended. His obsession with Squackle has left many Squackle members being very careful when they bend over and waking up in the middle of the night screaming.

Age: 12 or something, who cares

Thought to have been real pictures of blowthetoad, but is actually his “ex-girlfriend’s brother.” But we’re still gonna leave it up, just because they’re funny.  Sorry to this guy who’s real name is supposedly Devin, if he ever sees these.  I’d take a bet that this is actually blowthetoad’s gay lover in his dreams (or even in real life???):

#6024: stimpyismyname -> davepoobond

stimpyismyname was on a screen name that looked like davepoobond’s screen name, because he replaced the “o” with a “0” and had the name in all caps so you wouldn’t notice the difference


stimpyismyname: hi

stimpyismyname: i am blow the toad

davepoobond: fuck off

stimpyismyname: blow a toad

#5950: blowthetoad -> davepoobond

blowthetoad was on a different sn, trying to be annoying, but it was very easy to tell that it was him. He’s stupid, cause he calls davepoobond “young david” when dave is 3 years older than him.


blowthetoad: hello there young david

blowthetoad: do you dream of horses running on the beach, with a sun set, and sand in your hair?????/

blowthetoad: because i do

blowthetoad: so…

blowthetoad: remove your foot from my poop

davepoobond: ok

blowthetoad: :: kisses you, and congradulates you ::

blowthetoad: my number on my screen name is higher than yours

blowthetoad: so haha

davepoobond: who the hell r u

blowthetoad: oh, so what now? u think you’re a hot shot

blowthetoad: a big boy

blowthetoad: i am….

blowthetoad: hm…..

blowthetoad: mr. rogers

blowthetoad: and who are you? young david

blowthetoad: talk to me, tell me your name, you’re like a la la la la parachute, she walks like she talks and she talks like she walks

blowthetoad: she bangs, she bags

blowthetoad: the magical horses

blowthetoad: she poops like a rabbit, and fucks like a bee

blowthetoad: like ever girl, in history

blowthetoad: [chorus]

blowthetoad: i want chicken i want liver meow mix meow mix so delicious

blowthetoad: you are so beautiful

blowthetoad: now i must leeve……to my mission…..

blowthetoad: to the moon

blowthetoad: good bye……i will always always love you

davepoobond: ok great

blowthetoad: my dearest……

blowthetoad: David John Bond

davepoobond: heh

blowthetoad: :: cries and goes into space ship shaped like a penis ::

blowthetoad: :: waves good-bye ::

blowthetoad: :: rocket launches in air ::

blowthetoad: :: rocket falls down ::

blowthetoad: :: breaks David John Bond’s (c) penis ::

blowthetoad: :: runs away ::

blowthetoad: :: gets in a space ship again ::

blowthetoad: ::waves good-bye and flys off::

blowthetoad: weeeeeeeeeeeee

blowthetoad: :: space ship makes poopy t.v. out of tune sound ::

blowthetoad: :: dissapears in mid-air ::

#5949: blowthetoad -> ELeMenT

blowthetoad: WAWAWA!!!!! I ATE A PINK TUNA!

ELeMenT: wtf dude thats sick

blowthetoad: not if you wear pink pants on your head and plug your nose, and look like rodger rabbit, and have a black dot on the tip of your nose!

ELeMenT: dude idk if its drugs you are taking or drugs you need to be takin, but do SOMETHING

blowthetoad: why, roger rabbit is a sex symbol!

ELeMenT: dude get some sleep

blowthetoad: why!!!!! im sexier than the poo in your bottox!

ELeMenT: holy shit dude lol

blowthetoad: but it’s true…..

ELeMenT: hahaa

blowthetoad: don’t laugh at me you bisexual ape with a pokédot pokémon bow in your hair!!!!!!!!!!

ELeMenT: ok

blowthetoad: promise?

blowthetoad: cross your heart?

blowthetoad: hope 2 die?

blowthetoad: stick a poo in your eye?

blowthetoad: DEAL

blowthetoad: :: SHAKES HANDS ::

#5948: blowthetoad -> KinkyKat

blowthetoad: how’s carly?

KinkyKat: uMM iM SurE ShEs oK

KinkyKat: whoS Dis

blowthetoad: chicken little

blowthetoad: and you?

KinkyKat: uMM

KinkyKat: BoB

blowthetoad: wow

blowthetoad: my mom’s name is ‘BoB’!!! WITH A CAPITOL B!

KinkyKat: Coo Coo

blowthetoad: Si Si

KinkyKat: LoLz

KinkyKat: coMo eSTa (how are you?)

blowthetoad: asi asi (eh…i’m okay)

blowthetoad: y tu? (and you?)

KinkyKat: Mas o MeNos (:: shrugs ::)

blowthetoad: umm…. ok

blowthetoad: si* (yes)

KinkyKat: Naw FreaLz….

KinkyKat: wHo i S diS?

blowthetoad: CHICKEN LITTLE!!!!!

KinkyKat: oK

KinkyKat: Do i Noe u?

KinkyKat: asHLeY?

blowthetoad: AnD wHy Do yOu YoU tYpE LiKe ThIs?

blowthetoad: does it do it automaticly?

KinkyKat: uH No

KinkyKat: HaBiT

KinkyKat: i oNo

blowthetoad: habit?

KinkyKat: YeaH suRe

blowthetoad: weeeeee

blowthetoad: :: toots :: (habbit)

KinkyKat: ??

KinkyKat: oK

KinkyKat: iM coNFuSeD

blowthetoad: lets start from the top….

blowthetoad: i farted…..

KinkyKat: oK

blowthetoad: it’s a habbit…..

KinkyKat: oK

blowthetoad: got it?

KinkyKat: i caNt SPeLL?

blowthetoad: exactly

blowthetoad: thats my point

blowthetoad: duh

KinkyKat: oK TheN

KinkyKat: Too BaDD i Nu DaT ALreaDy

blowthetoad: alright

blowthetoad: yeah

blowthetoad: oh well

blowthetoad: lifes a big pickle….

KinkyKat: PiCKLeS R GrosS

blowthetoad: no

blowthetoad: i like them

KinkyKat: YES

KinkyKat: Woo Hoo FeR u

blowthetoad: cucumbers are also yummy

KinkyKat: oK

KinkyKat: do i Noe u??

blowthetoad: yes…. and a big H( o )( o ) TER PAIR FOR YOU!

blowthetoad: YeS No MaYbE So

KinkyKat: wtF!

KinkyKat: oK wHo r u?

blowthetoad: C

blowthetoad: H

blowthetoad: I

blowthetoad: C

blowthetoad: K

blowthetoad: E

blowthetoad: N

KinkyKat: uR MaKiNg MeeH MaD!!

blowthetoad: L

blowthetoad: I

blowthetoad: T

blowthetoad: T

KinkyKat: BYe

blowthetoad: L

blowthetoad: E

blowthetoad: WAIT!!!!!!

KinkyKat: wHAT

blowthetoad: REMEMBER ME!????

KinkyKat: uH No

KinkyKat: ………………………………….!!!!!!!!!!!!

blowthetoad: yes…..

blowthetoad: im sorry u had to hear that

blowthetoad: my dog farted in your face….

KinkyKat: wHaT

KinkyKat: oK

KinkyKat: NewaYz

KinkyKat: Bye

blowthetoad: thtinky poo

blowthetoad: WAIT!!!!!!1

blowthetoad: my name is….

blowthetoad: ASHLEY

KinkyKat: Too BaDD iTz NawT HuH

KinkyKat: …….. braNdon??

blowthetoad: i know :-\

KinkyKat: watEVeR

KinkyKat: Go awaY

blowthetoad: huh?

blowthetoad: where did u get brandon from?

KinkyKat: suM1

blowthetoad: oh, that one person…..

KinkyKat: YaH

KinkyKat: DiS oNe PeRsoN

blowthetoad: No LiMiT KuTHi?

KinkyKat: YaH

blowthetoad: i see

KinkyKat: woW

blowthetoad: what

KinkyKat: Bye

blowthetoad: wait

KinkyKat: oK

blowthetoad: bye, i THOUGHT this was michael…..

KinkyKat: NewaYz

blowthetoad: guess not

KinkyKat: GoodbYe!!

blowthetoad: tu gordo pito……

KinkyKat: sure

blowthetoad: asta lasanga, poopé face!