Q: What has two arms, four legs and eats light bulbs?
A: A space creature, because he’s a light eater.
Q: What has two arms, four legs and eats light bulbs?
A: A space creature, because he’s a light eater.
Q: What do you know when you see three space creatures walking down the street wearing blue sweatshirts?
A: They’re all on the same team.
Q: Why are space creatures sitting on a fence like a dime?
A: They’re heads on one side and tails on the other.
Q: Why did the space creature eat through the rug?
A: He wanted to see the floor show.
Q: What did the adding machine say to the Martian?
A: You can count on me.
Q: Why are four legged Martians poor dancers?
A: Because they have two left feet.
Q: What space creatures have their eyes nearest together?
A: The smallest.
Q: Why do Martians always put their shoe on last?
A: Because when they put on one, the other is left.
Q: Why did the Martian want to become a bus driver?
A: So he could tell Earthlings where to get off.
Q: There were seven aliens in a spaceship. They had eight cigarettes but no matches. How did they light them?
A: They threw one cigarette overboard and that made the spaceship a cigarette lighter!
Q: What’s green and lives in salt water?
A: Moby Martian.
Q: Why isn’t a Martian’s nose 12 inches long?
A: Because if it were, it would be a foot!
Another version of this joke:
Q: Why can’t your nose be 12 inches long?
A: Because then it would be a foot.
Q: What steps should you take if a flying saucer chases you?
A: Long ones.
Q: Why did the Martian stand behind the donkey?
A: Someone told him he’d get a kick out of it.
Q: Why did the space creature take hay to bed with him?
A: To feed his nightmare.