– from a girl’s dating profile
– from a girl’s dating profile
“i am doing my master and being an interpreter at the same time.”
– from a girl’s dating profile
Materials: Bowling ball
Players: 2+
What you do:
Use a bowling ball to destroy as much reef as you can.
Gather all of the reef you destroy after each turn and weigh it in kilograms. This is your score for your turn.
The first to one metric ton (1000 kg) wins.
Boundaries: The area in which you have chosen to play ReefBall.
Materials: Bowling Ball
Players: 2+
What you do:
Use a bowling ball to destroy glaciers.
Each glacier you destroy, you get one point.
First to 10 points wins.
Boundaries: The polar regions of the planet you are on
Q: How do you make an orange turn over?
A: Tickle its navel.
Q: What do you get when you cross fruit with a necklace?
A: A food chain.
Q: What’s red, yellow, orange, green, purple, and blue, an ate all over?
A: A bowl of Fruity Pebbles
Q: What is purple, round, and grouchy?
A: A sour grape.
Q: How many lemons grow on a tree?
A: All of them.
Q: What’s the fruitiest stone that can be found?
A: Limestone.
Q: What do you have when 324 blueberries try to get through the same door?
A: A blueberry jam.
Q: What do you get when you cross a dinosaur with fireworks?
A: Dino-mite!
“What if the stories I wrote came true? Know what I’d write? I’d write a story about a boy whose stories came true. Actually, that’s what this story is about. Think it will come true? Am I confusing you yet?”
– RL Stine
“This may be the coldest book I ever wrote. It’s all snow and ice and freezing winds. It was very different to write — mainly because it’s hard to type when you’re wearing mittens!”
– RL Stine
“I think telephones are scary. You never know who’s on the other end of the line. So I decided to write about scary phone calls. If you like this book — please don’t call me!”
– RL Stine