Category Archives: Site Updates

Updates from the past and future.

UPDATE 8-28-00

davepoobond:   boohoo……only 2 days until school starts for us!  =(  and for you unfortunate souls already in schools, you have my pity…but, please enjoy the site, while you have free time to enjoy the site, that is….the updates today are REALLY funny, especially the Annoying a Chat Room and an IM in one!

stuff updated/put up today:

Stupid IMs:  Annoying a Chat Room 2, Annoying a Chat Room and an IM in one!, ANNOY!, km

UPDATE 8-24-00

davepoobond:  i’m gonna be gone until maybe sunday night or monday, so there probably wont be any updates, today theres a lot of things for Stupid IMs going up

Elmoisfurry:  flies smell bad when you burn them, poo poo!

Stimpyismyname:  boy howdy

stuff updated/put up today:

Stupid IMs:  teddy IM, ferni IM, pongoo IM, fajita bum IM

Squackle Pictures:  Sailor Mars

UPDATE 8-9-00

davepoobond: ok, everybody! put on your cottage cheese dresses and whip cream hats! we’re goin to the super market!

donkmaster: i feel like a million fire ants are biting at my skin! is that a bad sign?

Elmoisfurry: doodee kaka fart splat poop!!

Stuff Put up/updated today:

Stupid IMs: gashek IM

Jokes: Suprise Package

Stories: The “Poyfect” Storm

UPDATE 8-7-00

davepoobond:  hhhhhaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaaa hhhhhhhaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

Elmoisfurry:  i’m a donkey!  moo moo moo.  i make donkey potty heads, that come out of my nose…POOPIES!!!!!

Stuff Put up/updated today:

Songs: Blue Balls, by violentj-osh, sung to the song Blue, by Eiffel 65, and FART!, by davepoobond, sung to a song in the club in Ace Ventura

Jokes: Fool’s Paradise

Poems: Deliver! , by G-Man and Green Peanuts and Ham, by davepoobond

Other JunkSquackle Quotes

Stupid IMsAyanna IM, foofoo IM, and cats IM

UPDATE 7-31-00 (later today)

davepoobond:  yay!  Squackle got an award!  it was givin to us by Bob Online.  You can see the award in the awards page.  there is also a fanfic by LouBoy which will go up tomarrow.  We now have plans to make our own award to give out, so if you want to get our award, apply today!please remember to send anything you can think of that is funny, and you WILL get credit for it…

UPDATE 7-27-00

davepoobond: yay!!!!!! i’m finally back from my stupid vacation…i changed my name to davepoobond….i fixed the link to the paid 2 surf programs, i forgot to link it on the table, here’s a link to it too: Paid-to-surf programs

Stuff updated/Put up today:

Dictionary: F V W G O ALL

Guides: How to Be a Squackle Hobo

Songs: (new song) Gasper, the smelly ghost, sung to the song “Casper, the friendly ghost,” by davepoobond