Category Archives: Prank IMs

1 to 1 pranks.

#6102: davepoobond -> JstnLova

This entry is part 6 of 11 in the series Are You Potty Trained?

davepoobond: are you potty trained?

JstnLova: lol yes u?

davepoobond: yessum

JstnLova: good job

JstnLova: a/s/l

davepoobond: how do you know?

JstnLova: how do i know what

davepoobond: how do you know what that thing that i asked you about and you said yes how about u

JstnLova: whoa whoa *confused*

davepoobond: do you eat boogers?

JstnLova: no

davepoobond: :-X

davepoobond: thats bad

JstnLova: lol why is that bad?

davepoobond: :-\

davepoobond: why do you think?

davepoobond: you dont get nutrients that you need so badly

JstnLova: lol um ook

davepoobond: like the occasion shot of alka seltzter

JstnLova: ew that stuff is gross

davepoobond: tastes like club soda

davepoobond: i am space ghost

JstnLova: kewl

#6098: davepoobond -> Syfir

This entry is part 2 of 11 in the series Are You Potty Trained?

davepoobond: are you potty trained?

Syfir: no..I am not

davepoobond: why not

Syfir: haha

Syfir: I already saw the picture

davepoobond: what picture?

davepoobond: picture of what?

Syfir: i already saw it

davepoobond: saw what

Syfir: let me guess….

Syfir: what would i do if i have a presention and i shit in my pants…right?

davepoobond: eh? how’d you know i was gonna ask that question?

Syfir: haha

Syfir: I am smarter then you think I am

davepoobond: ok, then, what am i gonna say now?

Syfir: haha

Syfir: you are just gonna chnage it

davepoobond: seriously, what am i gonna say?

Syfir: oh

Syfir: you are gonna tell me to wear diapers

davepoobond: well, i wasnt gonna say that…

davepoobond: i was gonna say “do you wear diapers”

Syfir: sure you are not

Syfir: yea

Syfir: same different

davepoobond: not to tell you to

Syfir: i don’t like that stuff on me

davepoobond: do u sit in slices of bologna?

Syfir: go mes with competition

davepoobond: syfir……..does that mean seifer?

Syfir: nope

Syfir: Syfir as in my call name

davepoobond: ok

davepoobond: whatever

davepoobond: i’m gonna mess with competition then

davepoobond: but, how did you know i was gonna say the first thing?

Syfir: I told you

Syfir: I am smart

davepoobond: riiight

davepoobond: i bet you just asked paun or something

Syfir: paun?

Syfir: is he even there?

davepoobond: he was when i asked you

Syfir: oh

Syfir: dunno

davepoobond: i cant IM competition

davepoobond: you’re stuck with me!

davepoobond: mwah!

Syfir: hahaha

Syfir: IM dizeka

Syfir: then

davepoobond: ok

davepoobond: she left

Syfir: he*

Syfir: IM…..

Syfir: um

Syfir: nizi


This IM happened:


davepoobond: well, he isnt talking anymore

Syfir: haha

Syfir: x erik o


This IM happened:


davepoobond: nyargh! he warned me!

Syfir: hah

davepoobond: well, now what?

Syfir: dunno

davepoobond: =(

#6097: davepoobond -> paun

This entry is part 1 of 11 in the series Are You Potty Trained?

davepoobond: are you potty trained?

paun: nope

davepoobond: why not

paun: because

paun: its too much a hassle

davepoobond: why do u think so

paun: because

paun: I don’t want to walk to the bathroom

paun: I’d rather just go

davepoobond: when you’re giving a presentation to the class in school, and you have to poo, do you just crap in your pants?

paun: yes

davepoobond: when do you clean your pants out?

paun: never

paun: it fertilizes my pants

davepoobond: so, you must have brown pants then?

davepoobond: and whenever your pants are overloaded, do they just slide down your leg slowly, leaving a trail and while you walk they just drop out of the bottom?

paun: no

paun: I wear diapers

davepoobond: diapers are overated

davepoobond: what you need,

davepoobond: is a super soaker bottle

paun: no

davepoobond: just jam it in, anyway you want, and go in it

#6092: davepoobond -> kittycat

davepoobond: HI

kittycat: hi

kittycat: who is this


kittycat: right

davepoobond: YEP, I AM RIGHT

kittycat: yea..i know you


kittycat: wow….really?

kittycat: do i really fuckin care

davepoobond: UH

davepoobond: YEAH

kittycat: no

davepoobond: …………………………………….YEAH?

kittycat: hahaha…..NO!!!

kittycat: and what the hell is wrong with your sn

davepoobond: ………………………………….YES

davepoobond: PLOP GOES THE POOP?

kittycat: yea?

kittycat: how old r u

davepoobond: ……

kittycat: thats like an sn a 2nd grader would have


kittycat: your an idiot

davepoobond: NO

kittycat: no u are such a fucking idiot


davepoobond: WUTTTZ YOUR NAME

kittycat: a/s/l

kittycat: what is yours

davepoobond: TOLD YOU

kittycat: no

davepoobond: YES

davepoobond: MY NAME IS BOND

davepoobond: JAMES BOND

davepoobond: HAPPY

davepoobond: TELL ME YOURS

kittycat: how old r u

davepoobond: 15

kittycat: do u go to lchs

davepoobond: POSSIBLY

kittycat: yea or no

davepoobond: OR

kittycat: yea or no

davepoobond: POO

kittycat: shit

kittycat: stop bringin that up

davepoobond: ouch…

davepoobond: you hurt my feelings

kittycat: your a fucking idiot

davepoobond: so

kittycat: oh u know it

kittycat: well that makes u a step smarter

kittycat: but not really

kittycat: do u have ne idea who i am

davepoobond: hmm

davepoobond: yeah

kittycat: or r u just iming me to piss me off

davepoobond: no

davepoobond: who are you anyway

kittycat: y did u im me if u dint know who i was

davepoobond: cuz your sn was in LARGEgerbil’s info

kittycat: thats carls sn

davepoobond: yeah

davepoobond: so

davepoobond: its in his info

davepoobond: if you click the big i when you talk to him

kittycat: who r u and i’ll tell u who i am

kittycat: i know

davepoobond: branden

davepoobond: whats yours

kittycat: nu uh!!

davepoobond: yuh uh!

kittycat: no way!

davepoobond: you told me to tell you my name

davepoobond: i told you my name

davepoobond: and your saying its NOT

davepoobond: what am i supposed to do?

kittycat: your name is dave

davepoobond: tell you a FAKE name?

davepoobond: dave?

davepoobond: what the?

kittycat: no shit buddy

kittycat: thats what i said dint i?

davepoobond: what are you smokin

kittycat: what do u think

davepoobond: ………..if you think i’m someone named “dave” you’re crazy

kittycat: yea cause everyone named dave is an idiot right?

davepoobond: no

kittycat: name some smart daves that go to lchs

davepoobond: …..david copperfield?

kittycat: oooohh…smart

kittycat: NO!!!



davepoobond: i’m just a lowly man named Branden

kittycat: neither do i

kittycat: right

davepoobond: whats your name

kittycat: no your name is dave

davepoobond: ::chokes carl::

davepoobond: whats your name!?

davepoobond: no my name isnt dave

kittycat: its not branden

davepoobond: its not katie either

kittycat: and i know its dave

davepoobond: and i know its not

kittycat: do u go to lchs

davepoobond: whats my last name if you think you’re so smart?

kittycat: i might know u

kittycat: (*censored*)

davepoobond: …..

davepoobond: the fuck

davepoobond: he’s a fuckin shit head

davepoobond: i’m not him

kittycat: dammit u r stupid

davepoobond: wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwhat

davepoobond: nooooooo

davepoobond: i got into…………..12th grade diddddddddnt i

kittycat: u dont get it i know who u r

davepoobond: i know who you are TOO

kittycat: who am i?

davepoobond: like you, i have my own resources too

kittycat: k

davepoobond: (*censored*)

kittycat: and who told u that

davepoobond: a little leprechaun

davepoobond: he knows wonders of things

davepoobond: u should hear his speech about LARGEgerbil Poo

kittycat: and what is this little leprechauns name?

davepoobond: Roy

davepoobond: he has a Rolls Royce

davepoobond: it can fly

kittycat: well now that i know who u r i dont really wanna talk to you

kittycat: bye

kittycat signed off at 10:48:39 PM.

#6062: stimpyismyname -> DeadOrAlive60

This entry is part 2 of 2 in the series DeadOrAlive60: Gay Man or Myth?

stimpyismyname: hey

stimpyismyname: whyd u leave

DeadOrAlive60: because the site is dumb and youwont tell me the ttruth

stimpyismyname: the site is just messed up

DeadOrAlive60: well is wcw boy real

stimpyismyname: itll be fixed in a month

stimpyismyname: no

DeadOrAlive60: well who was i talking to last night then

stimpyismyname: i alreadsy told u that

stimpyismyname: davepoobond

stimpyismyname: probly

stimpyismyname: who cares

DeadOrAlive60: is he a guy

stimpyismyname: yeah

DeadOrAlive60: well he told me he was masturbating with the mouse cord

stimpyismyname: u said u gave dogs blowjobs

DeadOrAlive60: i was just playing

DeadOrAlive60: i didnt have no one to talk to

stimpyismyname: so was he

stimpyismyname: idiot

DeadOrAlive60: well is he gay

stimpyismyname: no

DeadOrAlive60: how do you know

stimpyismyname: fine hes gay

stimpyismyname: what do you care

DeadOrAlive60: is he gay for real?

stimpyismyname: ui dont know

stimpyismyname: i dont know

DeadOrAlive60: well he talked ay last night he told me his dick isze

stimpyismyname: u asked

DeadOrAlive60: so just wanted to see if he really would answer them

stimpyismyname: ok

stimpyismyname: so he did

stimpyismyname: u asked a bunch of times

stimpyismyname: whatd u want him to do

DeadOrAlive60: because i am bi

stimpyismyname: ok…

DeadOrAlive60: i am bisexual

stimpyismyname: thats great

DeadOrAlive60: are you a guy

stimpyismyname: yeah

DeadOrAlive60: well are you straight?

stimpyismyname: yeah

DeadOrAlive60: well can we chat about sex?

stimpyismyname: now?

stimpyismyname: no

DeadOrAlive60: why not

stimpyismyname: why do you always want to

stimpyismyname: are you a sexaholic

DeadOrAlive60: because it makes me horny

stimpyismyname: thats wonderful

DeadOrAlive60: well can we?

stimpyismyname: i already said no

DeadOrAlive60: bye then

stimpyismyname: …..ok…

stimpyismyname: perv

#6061: stimpyismyname -> Staindxx

stimpyismyname: hi

Staindxx: hi

stimpyismyname: do you like cheese

Staindxx: yeah

stimpyismyname: what kind

Staindxx: um…

Staindxx: Cheddar?

stimpyismyname: orange?

stimpyismyname: i like orange

Staindxx: …….?

stimpyismyname: mmm mmmm

stimpyismyname: orange cheese

stimpyismyname: am i right or what

Staindxx: um..

stimpyismyname: high five!

stimpyismyname: cmon

Staindxx: e

stimpyismyname: just say high five

Staindxx: ….

Staindxx: high five?

stimpyismyname: as a wise man once told me, “there are bulls and bears but you are thinking like an animal”

Staindxx: …..

stimpyismyname: bonds have more FUN

Staindxx: …

stimpyismyname: my friend says to go to the EDGAR section

stimpyismyname: yes

stimpyismyname: want to know how to turn Office into a fully integrated business powerhouse

stimpyismyname: ?

Staindxx: …….

stimpyismyname: guess not

stimpyismyname: but i could tell you

Staindxx: ok…..go ahead

stimpyismyname: actually i dont want to

stimpyismyname: its a family secret

Staindxx: ok..

stimpyismyname: sorry

stimpyismyname: hello?

Previous message was not received by Staindxx because of error: User Staindxx is not available.

#6060: stimpyismyname -> Laospryderx

stimpyismyname: hi

stimpyismyname: u like wwf?

Laospryderx: wut

Laospryderx: ya

Laospryderx: and wcw

stimpyismyname: how about that wcw though

stimpyismyname: yeehaw

stimpyismyname: ecw

stimpyismyname: all the way

Laospryderx: no never seen it befor

stimpyismyname: how aout seinfeld

stimpyismyname: seen tht?

Laospryderx: talk later

stimpyismyname: ok

stimpyismyname: see ya later spry-ator

#6059: stimpyismyname -> SLIPKNOTSIC

stimpyismyname: do you like to play games?


stimpyismyname: cool

stimpyismyname: ChristopherSoft

stimpyismyname: its an awesome site


stimpyismyname: its awesome



stimpyismyname: yea

stimpyismyname: just go

stimpyismyname: its notporn

stimpyismyname: sign the guestbook

#6056: stimpyismyname -> MrFredRogers

stimpyismyname: hello

stimpyismyname: do you like games

MrFredRogers: yes

stimpyismyname: JAGUAR IS MAKIN A COMEBACK!!

stimpyismyname: huh?

MrFredRogers: ok

stimpyismyname: am i right or what

MrFredRogers: it depends

MrFredRogers: are they?

MrFredRogers: / is it?

stimpyismyname: yes

stimpyismyname: the system

stimpyismyname: atari jaguar

stimpyismyname: booyeah

MrFredRogers: oh that one ok

MrFredRogers: i thought a new one

MrFredRogers: or some such stuff

stimpyismyname: yeah

stimpyismyname: that would be cool

MrFredRogers: ok

stimpyismyname: yep

stimpyismyname: i’ve ever played it

stimpyismyname: i heard it sucked

MrFredRogers: ok

stimpyismyname: so did ur mom

MrFredRogers: yeah

stimpyismyname: so…..

stimpyismyname: wanna be a member of my website

MrFredRogers: depends

MrFredRogers: what is it


stimpyismyname: hey

stimpyismyname: did u go

MrFredRogers: i had an error

stimpyismyname: o

stimpyismyname: i dunno

MrFredRogers: ok

stimpyismyname: try it again

MrFredRogers: try what

stimpyismyname: the link


MrFredRogers: ?

stimpyismyname: …what?

MrFredRogers: ng

stimpyismyname: whats that

Previous message was not received by MrFredRogers because of error: User MrFredRogers is not available.