Space Poop: i love you mom
davepoobond: ok
davepoobond: this is patrick right
Space Poop: dont u love me?
Space Poop: no
Space Poop: my name is dmi
davepoobond: unh hunh..
Space Poop: DIMMY
Space Poop: no really
davepoobond: aren’t you supposed to be on spacepoop2002
Space Poop: no
Space Poop: thats patricks SN
Space Poop: mine is spacepopp2001
Space Poop: blah
Space Poop: u kno what i mean
davepoobond: ……….
Space Poop: ………
Space Poop: did u see O
Space Poop: good
Space Poop: dont
Space Poop: it gives u AIDS!
Space Poop: oh so many aids it gives you
Space Poop: well i gotta poo
Space Poop: brb
Space Poop: waddya mean im too retarded to be a camera man?
Space Poop: HELLO
Space Poop: hit it
Space Poop: i like big butts and i cannot lie
Space Poop: A
Space Poop: a
Space Poop: hah!
Space Poop: i typed two letters in teh same second
Space Poop: i have defeted you
davepoobond: no you didnt
Space Poop: yes i did
Space Poop: what r u doing
davepoobond: Space Poop: A
Space Poop: a
davepoobond: 22, then 23
Space Poop: hold on
Space Poop: f
Space Poop:
Space Poop: f
Space Poop: CRAP
Space Poop: g
Space Poop: g
Space Poop: there
davepoobond: nope
davepoobond: Space Poop: g
Space Poop: g
Space Poop:
Space Poop: hah
Space Poop: there
davepoobond: thats cheating
Space Poop: no
Space Poop: i typed 2 letters in one second
Space Poop: d
Space Poop: d
Space Poop: there
davepoobond: Space Poop: d
Space Poop: d
davepoobond: 2 seconds
Space Poop: your rigging it
davepoobond: no i’m not
Space Poop: on my computer it shows its in the same second
Space Poop: ;
Space Poop: ;
davepoobond: that’s cause it doesn’t send it as fast
davepoobond: good job
davepoobond: it did it finally
Space Poop: hoorah
davepoobond: Space Poop: ;
Space Poop: ;
davepoobond: Space Poop (5:15:16 PM): hoorah
Space Poop: poop in a bucket
davepoobond: how’d you send me something from the future
Space Poop: uhhh
Space Poop: im the candy man
Space Poop: maybe i AM the future
Space Poop: ever think about that?
davepoobond: future of gay
Space Poop: no
Space Poop: the future of you
davepoobond: r mom
Space Poop: no
Space Poop: your mom
davepoobond: no, your mom
Space Poop: no, your mom
Space Poop: did u ever milk a cow
Space Poop: i feel like milking a hippo
Space Poop: g2g
Space Poop signed off at 4:19:42 PM.