Q: What do you call 4 black guys in a car?
A: Tinted windows.
Q: What do you call 4 black guys in a car?
A: Tinted windows.
Q: What’s worse than a busload of blacks going off a cliff?
A: An empty seat!
Q: What is the difference between a white girl and a airplane?
A: Not everyone has been in an airplane.
Q: What starts with a N and ends with a R?
A: Neighbor
I woke up from bed
The news said
Barneys dead! (Finally)
I can’t believe they said
That gay dino who is sick in the head
Is finally dead.
Barneys dead
Barneys dead
We knocked off his frikkin head
With Logan’s baseball bat
On fire now
Barneys hanging from a telephone wire.
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