Category Archives: Chat Logs

These are Lame Chats and Stupid IMs

#10476: stimpyismyname -> davepoobond

stimpyismyname: any cavities

davepoobond: yes….3254 of them

stimpyismyname: hah

stimpyismyname: thats gonna hurt

stimpyismyname: are theyvery deep

davepoobond: goes down to the roots

stimpyismyname: oh well

davepoobond: who are you doing ur ppt on

stimpyismyname: spielberg

stimpyismyname: u

davepoobond: hitchcock

stimpyismyname: what movie you gonna see

stimpyismyname: the birds?

davepoobond: yeah, we’re watching it right now

stimpyismyname: haha

davepoobond: its so boring

stimpyismyname: thats a really corny movie

davepoobond: we didn’t even get to the part where birds start killing

stimpyismyname: that parts funny

davepoobond: we only saw a sea gull attacking that bitch

#10475: NikkiNicole -> davepoobond

NikkiNicole: whos this?

davepoobond: dave whos this

NikkiNicole: nicole

NikkiNicole: dave who?

davepoobond: poobond

davepoobond: nicole who?

NikkiNicole: pieper

davepoobond: oh.

davepoobond: whaddya want

davepoobond: ?

NikkiNicole: i wanted to know who u were

davepoobond: oh

davepoobond: did you get my sn from a web site?

NikkiNicole: i dotn think so

NikkiNicole: where u live at

davepoobond: california

NikkiNicole: haha i did

NikkiNicole: omg

NikkiNicole: i just remembereed that

davepoobond: yay

NikkiNicole: lol

davepoobond: so do you like the web site?

NikkiNicole: yea

davepoobond: cooool

NikkiNicole: its awsesome

davepoobond: what do you like most about it?

NikkiNicole: the one where he kept warning u but it did not kick u off i thibk

NikkiNicole: think*

davepoobond: oh….i have about 30 of those…

davepoobond: anyway

NikkiNicole: lol

NikkiNicole: hehe;-)

#10474: YoursTruly -> davepoobond

YoursTruly: so……..

davepoobond: so

YoursTruly: whats you doing?

davepoobond: i get to go back to school tomorrow yay

davepoobond: nothin much

davepoobond: reading stuff at a forum

YoursTruly: lol i HAVE to go back to school

davepoobond: i dont wanna go back to school, if thats what your thinkin

davepoobond: heh

YoursTruly: oh, ok

#10473: davepoobond -> L Perihelion

davepoobond: have i talked to you before?

L Perihelion: I think

davepoobond: i remember your sn, but i cant remember what we were talkin about

L Perihelion: I think about you handing over your house

L Perihelion: I think you agreed

davepoobond: oh yeah thats right

L Perihelion: Yes

L Perihelion: You are right

L Perihelion: I also get your car

L Perihelion: and everything you own

davepoobond: not sally

davepoobond: !

L Perihelion: I can show you the path to enlightenment for a small fee

L Perihelion: of ONLY $500

davepoobond: k

L Perihelion: Just, hand over all your material possessions.

L Perihelion: Out lawyers will be there in 2 hours.

davepoobond: out lawyer?

L Perihelion: yes out lawyers

L Perihelion: its the mystery of Eris

davepoobond: as opposed to in lawyers

L Perihelion: yes

L Perihelion: all things are true

davepoobond: hahahah get it

davepoobond: in-law yers

davepoobond: do you post on the squackle bulletin board

L Perihelion: nope

davepoobond: why not?

L Perihelion: becauswe

L Perihelion: Eris Is more important

L Perihelion: she once gave me a pepsi can

davepoobond: who’s eris

L Perihelion: filled with Coke

davepoobond: ohhhh

L Perihelion:

davepoobond: what the

davepoobond: thats a lotta crap..

L Perihelion: ?

L Perihelion: Thou shalt eat a hotdog

L Perihelion: on friday

davepoobond: bs i havent eaten a hot dog for…3 months….why would i eat one tomorrow?

L Perihelion: Becasue eris demands it

davepoobond: and there’s even less of a chance

davepoobond: because we just threw away a pack of hot dogs

davepoobond: yeah!

L Perihelion: Yeah and?

L Perihelion: HAH!

L Perihelion: its yeah?

L Perihelion: yeah and ? combined dummy!

davepoobond: right

End of IMs4.

#10472: MyLeftTesticle -> davepoobond

MyLeftTesticle: What’s the difference between a new husband and a new dog?

davepoobond: one sniffs others butts

MyLeftTesticle: After a year, the dog is still excited to see you.

davepoobond: heh

MyLeftTesticle: Why does the bride always wear white?

davepoobond: to symbolize the fact that everyone loves her

MyLeftTesticle: Because it’s good for the dishwasher to match the stove and refrigerator.

davepoobond: heh

MyLeftTesticle: What’s the difference between Beer Nuts and Deer Nuts?

davepoobond: what

MyLeftTesticle: Beer Nuts are $1, and Deer Nuts are always under a buck.

davepoobond: heh

MyLeftTesticle: Why did OJ Simpson want to move to West Virginia?

davepoobond: people weren’t racist there

MyLeftTesticle: Everyone has the same DNA.

MyLeftTesticle: Why do men find it difficult to make eye contact?

davepoobond: urrh i dont get that one

davepoobond: dont know

MyLeftTesticle: Breasts don’t have eyes.

davepoobond: heh

MyLeftTesticle: What’s the difference between a Northern fairytale and a Southern fairytale?

davepoobond: southern always have it during the civil war

davepoobond: and they’re winning

MyLeftTesticle: A Northern fairytale begins “Once upon a time.” A Southern fairytale begins “Y’all ain’t gonna believe this shit.”

davepoobond: lol

MyLeftTesticle: That’s some funny stuff.

davepoobond: yep

MyLeftTesticle: I can’t believe you don’t get the OJ one. That’s priceless.

davepoobond: what’d it mean though

MyLeftTesticle: Eh, I didn’t really get it either. Heh.

davepoobond: heh

MyLeftTesticle: Dude, I got a PS2 for Christmas. Good times.

davepoobond: thats cool

davepoobond: what games you got

MyLeftTesticle: Yeah. I got 4 games with it too. My girlfriend brought over a shit load more the next day. I’ve got Jak and Daxter, Gran Turismo 3, SOCOM: Navy SEALS, Kingdom Hearts (my sisters wanted that game; it looks pretty cool, too), Soul Reaver 2, Kessen 2, Dark Cloud, The Bouncer, and a bunch of other games, too.

davepoobond: wow

davepoobond: ur girlfriend gave games to you?

davepoobond: Kingdom Hearts is really fun though

MyLeftTesticle: Yes and yes.

MyLeftTesticle: I beat Soul Reaver 2 the other day. Man, that is THE BEST game EVER!

davepoobond: you’ve got more games than me and i’ve had my PS2 for a year >.>

MyLeftTesticle: I’m also 95% done with Jak and Daxter already. Fun game.

MyLeftTesticle: Heh.

MyLeftTesticle: I’m already burnt out on it, though.

davepoobond: after a week?

MyLeftTesticle: Yep.

davepoobond: do you have gta3 or vice city?

MyLeftTesticle: No.

davepoobond: sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo borrrrrrrrreeeeedddddd

MyLeftTesticle: How ’bout I give you a spoon.

davepoobond: ok

davepoobond: :-!

MyLeftTesticle: So you can eat my ass.

davepoobond: that’d be good

davepoobond: yes

davepoobond: what i’ve always wanted

MyLeftTesticle: I know.

MyLeftTesticle: gtg, peace.

davepoobond: k bye

#10471: davepoobond -> adidasdrgn

This entry is part 2 of 2 in the series adidasdrgn's Friend

The next day, after #10470.

davepoobond: blah

adidasdrgn: blah

davepoobond: bloop

adidasdrgn: hey my friend was bugging you last night. GERP

davepoobond: yeah

adidasdrgn: did he say who he was?

davepoobond: but i bugged her back

adidasdrgn: HER?

davepoobond: er

adidasdrgn: you mean HIM

davepoobond: yeah

adidasdrgn: lol

davepoobond: that’s right

adidasdrgn: yup, hahahah he said he was a girl?

davepoobond: coulda fooled me

davepoobond: not really

davepoobond: i just got that vibe

adidasdrgn: LOL

adidasdrgn: haha, that’s funny

adidasdrgn: What did u guys talk about

davepoobond: he called you a crack whore

adidasdrgn: 😉

adidasdrgn: lol, not really

davepoobond: heh

adidasdrgn: brb\

davepoobond: he was annoying me, and i was busy doing something, so i didnt really pay attention to what he was saying for about a half an hour

davepoobond: and then i started being annoying back to him

adidasdrgn: good job

adidasdrgn: he told me the conversation got bad?

davepoobond: not really

davepoobond: i told him he was an idiot

adidasdrgn: lol

adidasdrgn: goood

adidasdrgn: haha people got a kick out of your sn.

adidasdrgn: but i gotta play a game now, cya

davepoobond: whaddya mean

davepoobond: my sn

adidasdrgn: YOur icon

davepoobond: oh

adidasdrgn: whooops

davepoobond: the red guy

adidasdrgn: es

adidasdrgn: yes

davepoobond: oook

#10470: adidasdrgn -> davepoobond

This entry is part 1 of 2 in the series adidasdrgn's Friend

adidasdrgn: yo man

davepoobond: gugu

adidasdrgn: HI DAVE

davepoobond: HI

adidasdrgn: Hi

adidasdrgn: hello

adidasdrgn: hola

adidasdrgn: So whz up

davepoobond: not much you

adidasdrgn: Not much but jessica is being a crack hoe

adidasdrgn: 😀

davepoobond: unh hunh

adidasdrgn: :-*


davepoobond: is this her sister or somethin

adidasdrgn: No just a friendly friend

adidasdrgn: Not her boyfriend

davepoobond: unh hunh

adidasdrgn: Oh yeah

adidasdrgn: Uh uh uh uh uh thats good

adidasdrgn: bye

davepoobond: k bye

adidasdrgn: YO

adidasdrgn: :-*

adidasdrgn: :-X

adidasdrgn: So not talken hughghghg

davepoobond: right

davepoobond: happy new year

adidasdrgn: tatatatatata

adidasdrgn: THe sound of a computer typing

davepoobond: oh yeah?

adidasdrgn: Hi again

davepoobond: i didnt know that

davepoobond: woooowwwhoooo

davepoobond: look at me, i’m making a tatatatata sound

davepoobond: if i had a kazoo i’d toot it all day long cuz of that fact

davepoobond: wouldn’t you?

davepoobond: come on singalong

davepoobond: toot toot tatatatatat toot toooot tatatatata

adidasdrgn: What didn’t you know

adidasdrgn: tatatatatatatatattoootootoototot

davepoobond: the sound a computer made was tatatatatta

adidasdrgn: I was singing along

davepoobond: whatever

adidasdrgn: tatatatatatatatatatatatatatatatata

adidasdrgn: Weeeeeeeeeeeeee

adidasdrgn: tatatatatatatatatatatatatatatatatatatatat6atataatata

adidasdrgn: booga booga

adidasdrgn: Hot Dog

davepoobond: hammmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm


adidasdrgn: the sound of letters

adidasdrgn: wooof wooof ruff

adidasdrgn: are you:-X

davepoobond: thats right. just plain :-!


adidasdrgn: ~

adidasdrgn: /’/’

adidasdrgn: 1235486847

adidasdrgn: s/’hjr87344wjn4 ygd\\

adidasdrgn: ¤<HR>gyRTIHITrd



adidasdrgn: aBye

davepoobond: whoa how’d you do that

adidasdrgn: Do what

adidasdrgn: atatatatatTATAATATATATtatatataTATATATtatatat

davepoobond: yeah that

adidasdrgn: tatata caps lock TATATAtatatat

adidasdrgn: just train your fingers young padawan

davepoobond: i will

adidasdrgn: atatatata

davepoobond: obi wang

davepoobond: hahahaah

adidasdrgn: gOOD lowk GROunrunner

adidasdrgn: hahahahHAHAHAHAHhahahahHAHAHAH

davepoobond: that wasn’t funny

adidasdrgn: yES IT WAS. you’re just jealous

adidasdrgn: hahaHAHAHAHAHhahahahHAHAHAHA TAKE that

davepoobond: asdf…x2

adidasdrgn: what?

davepoobond: please remember, all passwords are case sensitive

davepoobond: space consensitve

adidasdrgn: sure whatever

adidasdrgn: weird

davepoobond: and follow the law of conversion of mass

davepoobond: conservation of mass*

davepoobond: would you like to know what that is? click YES or NO

davepoobond: you clicked YES

davepoobond: thank you for clicking…YES

davepoobond: you better REPRESENT

adidasdrgn: Nooo. I will stand above the rest with my

davepoobond: the law of conservation of mass is the fact that ALL RAPPAS

davepoobond: and the areas all filled with snare drums

adidasdrgn: My name is DAVID AND YOU SHALL BE AVenged

davepoobond: and you have to ordeer Hip Hop Blast From the Past Volume 6

davepoobond: which is non-existant


davepoobond: and will not be forever

davepoobond: so good luck finding it


davepoobond: LOSERR

davepoobond: I HAVE IT AND YOU DONT

adidasdrgn: :-*

davepoobond: AHAHAHAHAH

davepoobond: AHAHAHH

davepoobond: AHAHAH








adidasdrgn: BOOO YEAH

adidasdrgn: BOOGA booga BOOGA booga BOO


adidasdrgn: tatatatatata


davepoobond: thats not nice.

adidasdrgn: 😀

davepoobond: dont raise your font at me mister

adidasdrgn: bOO JINGLEY

adidasdrgn: AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA:-DO:-)8-):-P>:o:-[:-!:-X

adidasdrgn: who’S YOUR DADDY!

adidasdrgn: wiggy

davepoobond: shutupshutup

adidasdrgn: NEverever

adidasdrgn: cha cha cha cha cha cha chaw cba xchs sdnhsd ahjcd wnswv

adidasdrgn: my finger just grew and i started hitting different keys

davepoobond: you’re an idiotttttttttttttttttttt

davepoobond: fingers dont grow in 3.4 seconds man

adidasdrgn: That waas sssssoooooooooo harsh

adidasdrgn: it was .2 secs so hush up bobobobobyobyobyobyobyykobyobyoyboy

davepoobond: dont call me BOY, BRA

davepoobond: ur huggin the wrong tree

adidasdrgn: jock

adidasdrgn: strap

adidasdrgn: Tight

adidasdrgn: painfully

adidasdrgn: tiot

adidasdrgn: tite

adidasdrgn: Squeeze it tight

adidasdrgn: I gotta go so bye

davepoobond: finally

davepoobond: geez

davepoobond: thought you’d never leave

adidasdrgn: bye

davepoobond: LEAVE

davepoobond: NOWWWWWWWWW

adidasdrgn: fine

davepoobond: ur not gone yet

davepoobond: its been 6 minutes

adidasdrgn: nope

davepoobond: yes it has

adidasdrgn: yup

adidasdrgn: soooooo

davepoobond: so you didn’t leave

adidasdrgn: nope

davepoobond: did you leave NOW?

adidasdrgn: nope

adidasdrgn: did you leave yet?

davepoobond: yes, i left and came back

adidasdrgn: me too

adidasdrgn: so what do you wanna talk about?

davepoobond: nothin in particular

davepoobond: go to my web site:

adidasdrgn: nah, not right now. im busy

davepoobond: how about now

davepoobond: eh eh eh?

davepoobond: wazza matta? you bored with me now that i am more annoying than you?

#10465: kalifornia2010 -> davepoobond


davepoobond: ur mom is gay

kalifornia2010: YEAH I KNOW

kalifornia2010: SHE

davepoobond: right

kalifornia2010: sleeps wit ur mom

davepoobond: now u can sleep with your dad and keep him company at night

davepoobond: and then go screw a chicken

kalifornia2010: but

davepoobond: and tell a turkey about your feelings

kalifornia2010: i wanna fuck yore smelly ass

davepoobond: about your sexual encounters with the dead

kalifornia2010: i fucked your ass

kalifornia2010: it smelt good

davepoobond: i bet you dug up your dead grandma and fucked her

davepoobond: while she was rotting

kalifornia2010: like pungent oranges

davepoobond: of course everyone is rotting

davepoobond: did you know that?

davepoobond: kalifornia

kalifornia2010: i wanna fuck you ass

davepoobond: hello

davepoobond: did you

davepoobond: hear that

davepoobond: did you hear

davepoobond: what i said

davepoobond: u

davepoobond: are

davepoobond: stupid

davepoobond: u

kalifornia2010: yeah

kalifornia2010: ur mom is gay

kalifornia2010: and your anal

kalifornia2010: STUPID

kalifornia2010: LOL

davepoobond: excuse me?

kalifornia2010: YOUR SITE IS STUPID

kalifornia2010: AND SO ARE YO LOSER

davepoobond: sure it isnt

kalifornia2010: wsquakle?

kalifornia2010: thats for faggots

davepoobond: your ass if for faggats

davepoobond: you have a sign saying “fags only”

kalifornia2010: yeah

kalifornia2010: ok

davepoobond: hangin under your ass

kalifornia2010: high school boy

kalifornia2010: lol

kalifornia2010: fucking your headmasters ass

kalifornia2010: FULL GIRTH

kalifornia2010: IN YOUR ASS

davepoobond: hey hey. my headmaster is a hot 20 year old

kalifornia2010: CMON MAN ADMIT IT

davepoobond: i’m gonna stick your head in a griddle

kalifornia2010: you like my cock in your mouth

davepoobond: oh baby, let me get some A1 and shove it up your ass

davepoobond: that’ll make your face all nice and steak saucey

kalifornia2010: yeah

davepoobond: mmmh can’t you just hear that hair sizzle

kalifornia2010: i got some insturctions for you

davepoobond: mmmmmhhmmmmmhhhh

kalifornia2010: ready?

kalifornia2010: this is for you now

davepoobond: can’t wait till i get some of that nice friend skin

kalifornia2010: make sure u follow directions

kalifornia2010: ANAL SEX

If you didn’t cum on her ass, you might want to lick your fingers work them in her asshole. Or you can just lick her asshole and wiggle your tounge inside her bowels if you like, both will do the tick. Animals are generally not to ound of buttfucking, it hurts them too, only they are used to passng massive amounts of shit so their assholes are a tad looser.

kalifornia2010: Necro-beastiality can be dangerous. You are sticking your dick in dead flesh, and there’s lots of bacteria at work decomposing her body. So, now you have more than just one disease to worry about. But I know how satisfying it can be to fuck a cold, dead pussy. The nice thing is you don’t have to worry if she wants to or not. She’s dead. Also, you don’t have to worry about lubrication. During the course of decaying, the animal’s cunt will be bloated with puss, so once you start to bang all those tastey juices go free!! You might alo want to try oral sex with her. Just bend over and lick up the puss. Don’t attempt anal sex!

Her intestines are stiff, when you pull your dick out, her guts will still be wrapped around your dick and it gets real messy…

davepoobond: a tad eh

davepoobond: where are you gettin this stuff?

davepoobond: your mom?

kalifornia2010: nop

kalifornia2010: your sisters ass

davepoobond: it is pretty big isn’t it

kalifornia2010: had to clear the cum dried frickles away first

kalifornia2010: FINDING AN ANIMAL

Make sure the animal’s cunt is big enough to fit you dick! You haven’t felt pain until you’ve had a donkey crack your nads! Suggested animals- Sheep, cow, horse (if your over 6′), pig. Just go out in the country if you live in the city, or the zoo if you have no wheels.

davepoobond: stupid fucktard.

davepoobond: i dont need that shit

davepoobond: i know it all already

davepoobond: u think i’m in preschool?

kalifornia2010: FOREPLAY

Animals have to get excited, just like humans. Try to pick an animal without a tail, cause usually they have shit caked in the hair. Leave the animal standing, don’t attempt to lay it down. Remember, they fuck standing up ( Unless you choose a cat ). Now, get on your knees and GENTLY grasp her ankles. lose your eyes and slowly run your tounge along the length of her slit. Try to hold your nose, the slime on her uter lips is a mixture of spit, piss, smegma, and whatever else she rubbed her cunt in. Her hips will start to get a little relaxed, and soon her pussy-juice will start to drip down your face. Use your fingers and find her clit if you can. Work a finger in at first, then 2 until her hole is loose enough to bang.

kalifornia2010: >> IMPORTANT STEP

kalifornia2010: Now slip on your rubber. I recommend Trojan(C), lubbed with receptical. Never use ribbed or you’ll get kicked in the nuts again.

kalifornia2010: FUCKING THE ANIMAL

Slowly stand up, you don’t want to destroy the mood she’s in. Animals can be even flakier than real women. Reach down nd spread her cuntlips open. Doesn’t it look great! Now, the hard part. Slowly slide your firm, hard dick up her loose, smelly gash. Once you have it in, hold your position. Let her get used to the feeling of you member inside her. Now slowly grind you pelvis into her ass. I know you’ll be getting shit all over your bush since her asshole is right there, but this will arouse her even more. Don’t be suprised if she farts either, they can’t hold gas when they fuck. SLOWLY thrust in and out. Be sensitive to the needs of your partner, work out a rythem WITH her, don’t be selfish. Occasionally reach down and fondle her clit, her anus, her thighs. She will loe you for it. Now you can quicken the pace and let go of your wad. Sometimes, if the mood is right, you can whip off your rubber and shoot your wad all over her butt, using your cum for lube if you decide to fuck her in the ass later.

davepoobond: U STUPID FUCK

Previous message was not received by kalifornia2010 because of error (9:46:30 PM): User kalifornia2010 is not available.

I get warned to 35, I warn him to 45.

#10460: davepoobond -> kalifornia2010

davepoobond: where’s my money, bitchass whore

kalifornia2010: hi dady

davepoobond: i know you were out last night

davepoobond: where’s my money BITCH

davepoobond: asshole!

I get warned to 35, so I warn him to 50.

kalifornia2010: If you didn’t cum on her ass, you might want to lick your fingers work them in her asshole. Or you can just lick her asshole and wiggle your tounge inside her bowels if you like, both will do the tick. Animals are generally not to ound of buttfucking, it hurts them too, only they are used to passng massive amounts of shit so their assholes are a tad looser

davepoobond: not this shit again

I warn him to 55%

kalifornia2010: shut your mouth you dumb n*gger, nobody wants to hear n*ggers talk

davepoobond: jo mama does

Previous message was not received by kalifornia2010 because of error: User kalifornia2010 is not available.

I sign onto a different screen name.

davepoobond: hey emily

kalifornia2010: hi

davepoobond: how are you

kalifornia2010: fine ty

davepoobond: i’m doing ok

kalifornia2010: thats good

kalifornia2010: you truly are a dumkb n*gger as well

davepoobond: since when do you get into skulls and severed hands? the wallpaper is kinda scary. and the animated skull

davepoobond: for ur buddy icon

davepoobond: fag

davepoobond: fag

davepoobond: fag

davepoobond: fag

davepoobond: fag

I get warned to 35%

kalifornia2010: yes i know what a fag you are

davepoobond: ur such a stupid fag

Previous message was not received by kalifornia2010 because of error: User kalifornia2010 is not available.

And then i warn him to 90% ahahahah

I sign onto a different screen name.

davepoobond: hey stupid fool. like being at 90%?

kalifornia2010: oh im so upset, im srying, then realizing what a true loser from birth you really are

davepoobond: ahahahahaha UR GONNA DIEEEEE

kalifornia2010: If you didn’t cum on her ass, you might want to lick your fingers work them in her asshole. Or you can just lick her asshole and wiggle your tounge inside her bowels if you like, both will do the tick. Animals are generally not to ound of buttfucking, it hurts them too, only they are used to passng massive amounts of shit so their assholes are a tad looser

davepoobond: u stupid grandma grave digging fucking up the ass after u do penny wincher

Previous message was not received by kalifornia2010 because of error: User kalifornia2010 is not available.

I warn him to 100% VICTORY. but whats a victory without rubbing it in their face? I sign onto yet a different screen name.

davepoobond: can i interest you in a product of ours?

davepoobond: its called Viagra

davepoobond: and 90% of the male population needs it

davepoobond: bwah, how do u like not being able to talk

davepoobond: stupid fool

davepoobond: mwah

davepoobond: mwah

davepoobond: MWAHAHAHAHAH

davepoobond: la la la la, u cant say anythin

davepoobond: and i can talk all i want

davepoobond: and u cant do anything about it

davepoobond: boy this isn’t very interesting anymore

davepoobond: u stupid grandma grave digging fucking up the ass after u do penny wincher

davepoobond: that’s it, i’m done.

davepoobond: :'(

#10459: davepoobond -> Sonic Blur

davepoobond: hey whos this

Sonic Blur: ray

davepoobond: do u remember who i am?

Sonic Blur: no?

davepoobond: eh for some reason i got u on my buddy list

Sonic Blur: do i know you?

davepoobond: i dont know

davepoobond: wellll

Sonic Blur: yesyes?

davepoobond: are you in LotS or somethin

Sonic Blur: no you might know my nephew roy

davepoobond: ehhhhhh nope

davepoobond: does he use this sn

Sonic Blur: yes

davepoobond: ehhhh pry, what timing i’ve got….i’ll leave ya alone sry

Sonic Blur: ok