Tag Archives: pink

How To Have a Flat Stomach

If you don’t have a flat stomach, you can never have freaky posture.  You can strengthen the fruits in your stomach by proper exercises.  Here is an exercise that will improve your dick.  Lie on the floor on your sex bone and raise your dick over your head.  Do this 69 times while keeping your pussy tense.  Next exercise:  stand with your pooer flat against the wall. Bend over and try to touch your butts. This will keep your spine sexy.  Next, sit on the floor with your knees bent against your bank.  Then freely sit up and touch your shopping cart with your left toad.  Keep up these exercises until you feel pink.  Then stop.  At once.

The Crowded Quad…

As I walked around the crowded quad with my friend Christina, I noticed that next to the wall grew a beautiful flower called a rose. So I sat down on a nearby bench, and started to study this wonderful plant. I found out a couple interesting facts about this rose. For example, it smelled like a perfume that my mother wears to a party or to her work. It has spiky thorns located on its stem, and has the color pink and red in its petals. Later, I saw a bug on a lunch table that scared Christina and me because we had not seen such a bug before. It had a lime green body with six legs, three on each side of its body. It jumped about three inches high into the air, kind of like a baby cricket.

A couple of feet away from the bug there lay a trash can, in the dirt next to some grass and weeds. The trash can became covered in dirt from the wind. It used to smell like rubber, but now it smells like trash. I saw some kids squash it a couple of days ago, which can destroy the environment. I smelled many things in the quad that I did not notice until I really gave it some thought. For example, the air smelled of a hot dog which came from the snack shop. The trees smelled of pine.

I’ve learned that there are many smells in not only the quad but everywhere in the world. There are also plants, little tiny creatures, interesting smells, and many other things on this Earth, that we need to take some time to think about. For all we know, those facts that we came up with will be very handy in our future.


Once upon a time there was a shoe salesman named Jenkins. He had a terrible life. He was gay, an alcoholic, weighed 450 pounds, and he hadn’t sold a pair of shoes since 1978. Then one day the tooth fairy came to him. He said “what the hell are you doing here, you’re the tooth fairy, get away”. The tooth fairy said “No. You are pretty weird. I’m here to help you and you won’t except my help. What kind of position are you in to shoo me away huh fatty?” Then Jenkins said fine, What should I do. So the tooth fairy extracted all of his teeth, made his hair pink, made him work out until he weighed 98 pounds, and put him in a permanent tutu. His life got even worse. So he shot the tooth fairy with a shot gun and he exploded. Jenkins is living in a mental institution as of now and the tooth fairy has not been seen since. The moral of the story is, don’t trust the tooth fairy or your life will suck forever.

The End


Panzazz was a cute, pink, little fluffball from the happy-go-lucky forest. Panzazz was so pink and fluffy one look and you could die from its fluffiness! This made Panzazz very dangerous and was the main reason there weren’t any other animals in the Happy-go-lucky forest. Panzazz got very bored because of this because there were no friends to play with, not even other cute, pink, little fluffball animals. This, too, was all Panzazz’s fluffiness-state of being fluffy fault.

You see, if there are more than one cute, pink, little fluffballs in the same forest, fierce competition breaks out over one’s fluffiness. As a result of this, the cute, pink, little fluffballs tend to eat each other. This isn’t all that good for their species, but they were doomed to die out any way. Humans have ground them up into colored marshmallows for as long as anyone in my family can remember. Anyway…Panzazz was very lonely, so he decided to go over into the nearby town to find some friends. This is very bad because, as I mentioned before, cute, pink, little fluffballs are lethal. Panzazz bounced, or flew, or however cute, pink little fluffballs move over to the city. The effect was lethal and everyone died, the end.

Where Pink Lemonade Comes From

Pink Lemonade comes from the far away land of Lemone, which is of course a democracy. With the creation of Lemonade, the land’s economy skyrocketed, because everyone wanted lemonade. The local stock markets, The Dow Lemon and the NasLemon, were at all-time highs, and people lived prosperously.

Jealous of Lemone’s success in creating lemonade, Limee, the tyrannic nation to the left of Lemone, made Limenade, which was very bitter in taste, but still sold enough to take away from the economy of Lemone.

So Lemone put some food coloring combinations into lemonade, made Pink Lemonade, and stuck it up Limee’s ass. Lemone sold double of what it was before. Lemone rules! Lemone foreverrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr! Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa! Whoooooooooooooo!