I hate him
He hates me
Let’s hang Barney in a tree
With a kick and a punch
And a bullet to his head
Now that purple freak is dead
I effin hate Barney (and chemestry)
I hate him
He hates me
Let’s hang Barney in a tree
With a kick and a punch
And a bullet to his head
Now that purple freak is dead
I effin hate Barney (and chemestry)
I hate you
You hate me
Let’s hang Barney in a tree
With a stick up his butt,
And a bullet in his wiener.
Q: There is Stalin, Hitler, and a goth. You have a gun with two bullets, who do you shoot?
A: The Goth. Twice.
Q: Why shouldn’t you shoot a goth?
A: The bullet is worth more.
Q: What’s faster than a speeding bullet and able to clean tall buildings with a single sponge?
A: Soaperman.
“Did you hear about the pro track sprinter who was faster than a speeding bullet?”
“Yeah. The coach fired him.”
sheepher – n. a bullet with butterfly wings
aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaacrap – v. to stop a bullet with only 1/4 of a loaf of bread. haha, I’m first. (what’s actually funny, is that he’s not)