Q: What do you call it when two egotists meet?
A: An I for an I.
One liner jokes.
Q: What do you call it when two egotists meet?
A: An I for an I.
Q: What do you call a gossip?
A: Someone with a great sense of rumor.
Q: What do you call it when you dream in color?
A: A pigment of your imagination.
Q: What did the salt say to the pepper?
A: “Season’s greetings!”
Q: Why did the boy take his baseball bat to the library?
A: Because his teacher told him to hit the books.
Q: It can be cracked; it can be made. It can be told; it can be played. What is it?
A: A joke.
Q: What kind of coat can only be put on when wet?
A: A coat of paint.
Q: It is weightless, but it can be seen. Put it in a bucket, and the bucket will be lighter. What is it?
A: A hole.
Q: What can run but never walks, has a mouth but never talks, has a head but never weeps, has a bed but never sleeps?
A: A river.
Q: A woman gave birth to two sons who were born in the same hour of the same day of the same year, but they were not twins. How is this possible?
A: They were two of triplets.
Q: What’s big, red, and flies?
A: A fire truck.
Q: How do you keep a blonde occupied?
A: Unplug your stereo and tell her to turn it on.
Q: How do you play Iraqi bingo?
A: F-18, F-16, B-52, F-15…
Q: Why is it not a good idea to play poker in Africa?
A: Because there’s too many cheetahs.
Q: What do you call a nun sleepwalking?
A: A roamin’ Catholic.