Category Archives: (C) Sports Jokes

Joke #12838

A successful basketball coach who was only six feet tall claimed that he could rate a player’s potential just by looking him in the eye.  If he could look a player in the eye without stooping, he rated him poor.  If he had to stand on his tiptoes to look him in the eye, he rated him fair.  And if he had to use a stepladder to look him in the eye, he rated him good.

Joke #12833

OVERHEARD: “When I was in college, I was on the football team, but the coach didn’t think much of my ability.  I’ll never forget one rough game we played.  Every player on my team got hurt except me.  In the last quarter, with 3 minutes to go, our right tackle got hurt.  I was sitting on the bench all by myself when the coach took a look over at me and said, ‘Kelly, get up and move aside.  I’m sending the bench.'”

Joke #12832

The golf match to end all golf matches was played up in Heaven by St. Peter and St. Paul.  St. Peter had the honor of the first tee and promptly made a hole in one.

St. Paul, undaunted, repeated the performance.

St. Peter marked the scores down dutifully on his card, then remarked, “What do you say, Paul?  Let’s cut out the miracles and get down to business!”