Q: What’s the difference between a target shooter and a dry cleaning person?
A: One spots the mark, the other marks the spot.
The whole Joke archive. Tons of jokes!
Q: What’s the difference between a target shooter and a dry cleaning person?
A: One spots the mark, the other marks the spot.
Q: What do you give a snowman for his birthday?
A: A cake of ice.
CLARA: “I read this pamphlet that said “By the time you finish reading this paragraph, someone will have died.”
SARA: “What did you do?”
CLARA: “I stopped reading right away.”
RANDY: “I read this study that said every time you breathe, a person dies.”
SANDY: “I didn’t think my breath was that bad!”
Q: How is a tailor like a lawyer?
A: They both press your suit.
Q: Why was the automobile mechanic fired?
A: He took too many brakes (breaks).
Q: What did the little tire want to be when he grew up?
A: A big wheel.
Q: What kind of cars do rubber bands drive?
A: Stretch limos.
JOE: “My mother got fired from the telephone company.”
MOE: “What happened — did she miss her calling?”
Q: What’s the difference between a Boy Scout and an answering machine repairman?
A: A Boy Scout’s motto is: “Be Prepared.” An answering machine repairman’s motto is: “Beep Repaired.”
Q: What’s the difference between the Coast Guard and an old wreck?
A: The Coast Guard goes to sea, and old wreck ceases to go.
Q: What’s the difference between prospectors and butchers?
A: Prospectors stake their claims, butchers claim their steaks.
Q: What has four wheels and diaper rash?
A: A baby in a shopping cart.
Q: What’s a pig’s favorite fairy tale?
A: Hansel and Gruntel.
Q: What fairy tale tells about a wooden puppet who wears cloth diapers?
A: Safety Pin-ochio.