Q: What do whales spread on their toast?
A: Jellyfish
The whole Joke archive. Tons of jokes!
Q: What do whales spread on their toast?
A: Jellyfish
Q: What bird is always sad?
A: A bluebird
Q: When is a door not a door?
A: When it is ajar
Q: Where does a monkey go when he loses his tail?
A: A retail store
Another variation of this joke:
Q: What do space creatures do when they lose their tails?
A: They go to a retail store.
Q: Why didn’t the skeleton cross the road?
A: He didn’t have the guts
Another version of this joke:
Q: Why was the ghost a coward?
A: She didn’t have any guts!
Q: What goes up and down the stairs without moving?
A: A carpet
Q: Why couldn’t the glass fool anyone?
A: People could see right through him
Q: How do rabbits travel?
A: By hare plane
Q: What kind of ties are too heavy to wear?
A: Railroad ties
Q: What kind of clothing does a house wear?
A: Address
Q: What can you catch but not throw?
A: A cold
Q: What’s brown and has holes in it?
A: Swiss shit
Q: What do bees use to cut wood?
A: Buzz saws
Q: Where do plants play football?
A: The ivy league
Q: What’s more dangerous than pulling out a shark’s tooth?
A: Giving a porcupine a back rub