Category Archives: Chat Logs

These are Lame Chats and Stupid IMs

#6378: davepoobond -> Blind Bubba

davepoobond: what are you doing today

Blind Bubba: Contemplating the ‘true meaning’ of this very old, ugly monitor in front of me. All other priorities I once held now pale in comparison. Thus, any IMs must wait awhile until I feel this ‘holy mission’ is complete.

be back in few hours…

davepoobond: ………WHAT THE HELL did you just say

#6376: davepoobond -> Kaz

davepoobond: moo

Kaz: You know cows dont say moo right?

davepoobond: what do they say then

Kaz: They sound more like uuuuuuuurnm

davepoobond: muuuuuuuuu

Kaz: uuuuuuuurnm

davepoobond: muuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu


davepoobond: MOOOOOOOOO



#6373: DarkCrawlerz -> davepoobond

This entry is part 2 of 2 in the series Squall Is Not From Kansas

This person IMd me because of the IM #6372 that I had with Squall.


DarkCrawlerz: go to hell

davepoobond: who are you

DarkCrawlerz: a friend of shawn

davepoobond: ya well

davepoobond: if you’re a friend, then i’m the king of england

DarkCrawlerz: ok

davepoobond: and i’m screwin the queen of england

davepoobond: while she’s jackin off your mom

davepoobond: while she’s jackin off your dog


DarkCrawlerz: haha

DarkCrawlerz: go to hell

davepoobond: no. YOU go to hell

DarkCrawlerz: already in hell

DarkCrawlerz: why dont u come down

davepoobond: i’m already there too

DarkCrawlerz: who ru

davepoobond: where do you live? i’ll come over

DarkCrawlerz: pennsauken

davepoobond: no kidding

davepoobond: well how about that

#6372: davepoobond -> Squall

This entry is part 1 of 2 in the series Squall Is Not From Kansas

davepoobond: boo

Squall: who is this

davepoobond: Asdilik Pickinson

Squall: ohh

davepoobond: 1423 Oak Park Drive

Squall: right…

davepoobond: Missouri, Kansas

davepoobond: i didnt name the town, i’m sorry

Squall: i dont know anyone from kansas

davepoobond: so what

davepoobond: now you do

Squall: right..

davepoobond: so whats up

Squall: nuthin

davepoobond: same with me. momma is milking the cows, and my sister is milking the chickens, and i’m trying to make millions of dollars on the internet so we dont have to milk any animals any more

Squall: right…

davepoobond: guess whos back

Squall: your mom?

davepoobond: back again

davepoobond: guess whos back guess whos back guess whos back guess whos back guess whos back

davepoobond: EM EM EM EM EM INEM


davepoobond: actually my moms back now

davepoobond: she wants to talk to you

davepoobond: is that ok

Squall: no

davepoobond: seriously now, you dont remember who i am?

Squall: no

#6371: davepoobond -> Lil Angel Gurl

davepoobond: boo

Lil Angel Gurl: wassuP

Lil Angel Gurl: aYe i nOe yOu!

davepoobond: nothing

Lil Angel Gurl: buh i fOrgot hu yOU are

Lil Angel Gurl: haha

davepoobond: you DO?

davepoobond: oh

Lil Angel Gurl: Ü

davepoobond: then that means you dont know who i am

Lil Angel Gurl: yesh i do

davepoobond: you just said you didnt

Lil Angel Gurl: i fOrgot ur name

Lil Angel Gurl: buh i nOe yOU

davepoobond: dave

Lil Angel Gurl: oO

Lil Angel Gurl: how dyd i meet yOu agains?

Lil Angel Gurl: hey bbl

davepoobond: k

Lil Angel Gurl: ima go take a shOwer

davepoobond: ooOoh

#6366: softballgur -> davepoobond

softballgur: hey

softballgur: a/s/l again i forget

davepoobond: uhh

davepoobond: what

davepoobond: i never told it to you

softballgur: a/s/l

davepoobond: 12/bisexual/louisiana

softballgur: female or male?

davepoobond: whats that?

softballgur: r u a boy or a gurl?

davepoobond: both

softballgur: what?

softballgur: were u born a boy or a girl

davepoobond: i dont know

softballgur: how don’t u no

davepoobond: because all the doctors say i am a boy and girl

softballgur: r u half a gurl but the half a boy

davepoobond: uh i gues

softballgur: * so ur half boy and half gurl

softballgur: ummm ok

davepoobond: ya

davepoobond: thats it

davepoobond: i asked my mom and she said yes

softballgur: o

softballgur: do u have a dick?

davepoobond: ya

davepoobond: of course

davepoobond: thats what makes me half a guy

softballgur: do u have brest

davepoobond: yeah

davepoobond: do you

Previous message was not received by softballgur because of error: User softballgur is not available.

#6365: softballgur -> davepoobond

softballgur: hey

softballgur: a/s/;

davepoobond: hi

softballgur: *a/s/l

davepoobond: 5/m/3tits City

davepoobond: you

softballgur: ur 5 years old?

davepoobond: um yeah

davepoobond: i’m just trying to get some

davepoobond: i’m sorry

davepoobond: i barely know how to type

davepoobond: my mom is typing for me

softballgur: ha

davepoobond: say hi mom

davepoobond: hi mom

davepoobond: see thats her

softballgur: hello

softballgur: sup?

davepoobond: nothing. i’m bored so i’m typing for little chester here

softballgur: kool

davepoobond: here, i’ll let chester do something


davepoobond: that’s enough chester

davepoobond: i beat him everyday so he’s kind of retarded

softballgur: o

softballgur: y do u?

davepoobond: i told you, he’s retarded

softballgur: o

davepoobond: do you want him?

softballgur: no it’s ok

davepoobond: ok..


softballgur: sure

davepoobond: click the link then

davepoobond: did u go

softballgur: ya

davepoobond: k

#6364: davepoobond -> DemonHatchet

davepoobond: where’s my money at bitch. i know you were out last night.

DemonHatchet: yes i ws out

DemonHatchet: i am not giving you your money ho

davepoobond: HEY! WHOS THE HO HERE

davepoobond: YOU BE DA HO

DemonHatchet: you ?

DemonHatchet: i be da pimp

davepoobond: …

davepoobond: there seems to be some misunderstanding here

DemonHatchet: yea there is where is MY money?!?!?!

davepoobond: i dont know, but you should give it to me NOW, befo i get you offa da program

davepoobond: and OUT of the system

DemonHatchet: but it is my moneyyou work for me

davepoobond: no, you work for ME

davepoobond: you get da money

davepoobond: i protect you

davepoobond: and you give me dat money

DemonHatchet: no no no you work for my little cousin

davepoobond: o i pop you in da nose

davepoobond: your little cousing!

davepoobond: WAT BOY

davepoobond: OR GIRL

DemonHatchet: yea my little cousin


davepoobond: hold on my momma wants to talk to you

DemonHatchet: boyee i gon cap you ass….

davepoobond: who is this

davepoobond: what the HELL are you doing talking to my son

davepoobond: you should be doing less talking and more giving money to him

DemonHatchet: just having a civilized chat madame

DemonHatchet: and he works for me

davepoobond: BULLLLLLLL SHIT

davepoobond: MY SON WORKS FOR NO ONE


DemonHatchet: yes he does

DemonHatchet: no you raised him to be an employee…

DemonHatchet: he gets a salary of a niclke a month





davepoobond: that’s enough momaa

davepoobond: you best pay me ‘fore this day is out

DemonHatchet: oh i am so sorry you wanted THAT money ok i will give you your nickle … just write to the office building … and the director of personel will give you your nickle …

davepoobond: nickles dont do good here

davepoobond: nickels do

DemonHatchet: yea your nickel

DemonHatchet: get it ! or i will fire you

davepoobond: fire me! i fire you!

davepoobond: bitch!

davepoobond: get outta my face

DemonHatchet: no you don’t!

davepoobond: WE ARE DONE TALKING


DemonHatchet: I am not in your face i am lounging in my computer chair

davepoobond: I DONE WITH YOU

DemonHatchet: i am typing … foo

DemonHatchet: i think i am done wit chu

DemonHatchet: hello ?

DemonHatchet: are you dead ?

davepoobond: i thought we were DONE

DemonHatchet: no i thought you died! HURRAH you’re alive!!!

davepoobond: i’m done with you

davepoobond: give me my money and go away

DemonHatchet: no it is me who is done with you

davepoobond: fine

davepoobond: dont be ‘spectin any more protection

DemonHatchet: i am going to give you your nickel

DemonHatchet: this is funn

DemonHatchet: in fact for amusing me i am giving you a 100% raise you now get a dime every month

davepoobond: that means you give me 50 dollars

davepoobond: 100% of 5 equals 50

davepoobond: didnt you ever go to ho school, ho

davepoobond: the pimp always gets 1 zero on the end of a 100% increase

DemonHatchet: 100% of 5cents is 5 cents

davepoobond: AHEM

DemonHatchet: adding that to 5 is 10 which= a dime

davepoobond: didn’t you learn ANYTHING

DemonHatchet: yea i learned how to nap

davepoobond: .

DemonHatchet: i only payed attention in kindergraden

DemonHatchet: *paid

davepoobond: whos Attention

DemonHatchet: my half brother from kansas my step father was high when he named him

DemonHatchet: i gave him a cookie

davepoobond: what brand

DemonHatchet: oreo

davepoobond: ah HA

DemonHatchet: ?

davepoobond: how did i KNOW you were going to say that

DemonHatchet: becuase you like oreos

DemonHatchet: and they taste good

DemonHatchet: do you know why you knew i was gonna say oreo ?

davepoobond: yeah

davepoobond: because all people that use oreos are hypocrites

DemonHatchet: iu am a hypocrite? it is you who are the htpocrite …. you lied about your mother she was you!

DemonHatchet: either that or you have multiple personality disorders

davepoobond: shut up

DemonHatchet: well if you are going to continue the funny i will brb

DemonHatchet: no

DemonHatchet: can i call you mr paperclip ?

DemonHatchet: ok fine then later mr paper clip … feel free to im me again it was funny