fartsinajar: shut the PUCK up
davepoobond: har har thats pretty funny there
fartsinajar: hahahaha\
fartsinajar: ha
fartsinajar: jhahaha
These are Lame Chats and Stupid IMs
fartsinajar: shut the PUCK up
davepoobond: har har thats pretty funny there
fartsinajar: hahahaha\
fartsinajar: ha
fartsinajar: jhahaha
AnGeLbAbE21801: hi
davepoobond: hi
AnGeLbAbE21801: hi
davepoobond: hi
AnGeLbAbE21801: hi
davepoobond: hi
AnGeLbAbE21801: hi
AnGeLbAbE21801: boy this is an interesting convo
davepoobond: yeah
davepoobond: so what can i help you with
AnGeLbAbE21801: im jus really bored
CapnChubby: hahahhahhahahah hello kitty is japajanaesese
davepoobond: yeah..
CapnChubby: it rhymes with chinese
CapnChubby: like chinese food
CapnChubby: from the dollar store
CapnChubby: i bought it
CapnChubby: it was
CapnChubby: ummm
CapnChubby: a dollar
davepoobond: heh
CapnChubby: i think
CapnChubby: with the economics all screwed up, the dollar stores will either gain a lot of money because of low affordable prices, or go out of business because of lack of funding and high prices from inflation
CapnChubby: but they also have hair dye which surprised me and made me want to be a goth again
davepoobond: heh
End of IMs5.
HardcoreNothing2: moo cow like me smell
davepoobond: hi
HardcoreNothing2: chessy croup
HardcoreNothing2: I almost forgot about, (he links to some virus site)
HardcoreNothing2: hi
davepoobond: hi
HardcoreNothing2: group*
HardcoreNothing2: are you stupider then um…squirrels on crack
davepoobond: why
HardcoreNothing2: just wondering
HardcoreNothing2: cause the garden gnomes told me you were
HardcoreNothing2: and so did the gay little penguins runnin around in my house
davepoobond: great
HardcoreNothing2: hey you dont find me amusing
HardcoreNothing2: fine then
HardcoreNothing2: dot put this conversaion on your site
HardcoreNothing2: mr squacle dot com
davepoobond: why not
davepoobond: its pretty stupid
davepoobond: and you are too
davepoobond: har har
HardcoreNothing2: i know im stupid you cheese face
davepoobond: ohhh burnnn
HardcoreNothing2: <3 )~~~~ thats a mouse
davepoobond: great
HardcoreNothing2: you big granola doorknob
HardcoreNothing2: you should go kiss a miss with a diss and the hiss at the blyss thatkills your wrist
This was probably blowthetoad, but I have no idea, really.
stimpyismyname: blah
davepoobond: hi
stimpyismyname: i said blah not hi
stimpyismyname: theres always one person that votes for 1 on each game
stimpyismyname: arg
davepoobond: i do
stimpyismyname: all of them?
stimpyismyname: bastard
davepoobond: sure why not
stimpyismyname: why
davepoobond: why NOT
stimpyismyname: cause youre an ASSHOLE
davepoobond: lol
stimpyismyname: you vote too much
davepoobond: once…
davepoobond: for each game
stimpyismyname: you already voted for them all first
stimpyismyname: then you go back
davepoobond: no i dont
davepoobond: it saves it for you
davepoobond: you can only vote once
stimpyismyname: you flagget
stimpyismyname: thats right flagget
stimpyismyname: your a flaggie but a guy
stimpyismyname: yay bmg is 10th
davepoobond: ..
davepoobond: why are you callin me a flaggie
davepoobond: i didnt have a flag today
stimpyismyname: cause you twirl flags
stimpyismyname: and wooden guns
stimpyismyname: flagget
stimpyismyname: sausage fest
davepoobond: monkey turd
stimpyismyname: penis parade
davepoobond: ass circus
stimpyismyname: butt balloon
davepoobond: piss clown
stimpyismyname: gerald
davepoobond: fuk u
davepoobond: watch with email capabilities!!
stimpyismyname: eh?
stimpyismyname: aol tv?
davepoobond: subject in an email
davepoobond: no, a watch
davepoobond: with email capabilites
stimpyismyname: aol tv is stupid
davepoobond: its not AOL TV…
stimpyismyname: im just sayin
davepoobond: k…
davepoobond: i’m gonna get a computer that can hook up to a TV monitor
davepoobond: and then use a big screen
davepoobond: oh yeah
stimpyismyname: not as good resolution
stimpyismyname: unless you get hd or somethin
davepoobond: that’s why i’d only use it for playing games
stimpyismyname: uh huh..
davepoobond: i’d probably go for a plasma or hd
stimpyismyname: isnt that what youd want the resolution for
davepoobond: ….
davepoobond: maybe
davepoobond: but i dont care
davepoobond: big screens rule
davepoobond: blah
stimpyismyname: blah
stimpyismyname: halb
stimpyismyname: labh
davepoobond: k…
stimpyismyname: lahb
stimpyismyname: byew
stimpyismyname: bye’
stimpyismyname: by
davepoobond: k
stimpyismyname: buy
davepoobond: bye
davepoobond: hey gertrude
dinsageofpower: what?
dinsageofpower: who is this?
davepoobond: its me! dave! y’know, i rented you out last night
davepoobond: and you gave me your AIM sn cause you wanted to talk to me again
dinsageofpower: THIS IS NOT A WHORE, GO AWAY
davepoobond: what the hell?
davepoobond: gertrude, don’t be messing around…
davepoobond: you’re gonna lose a customer
dinsageofpower: GO AWAY
He warns me to 35%.
I warn him to 49% from 19%.
dinsageofpower: FINE
dinsageofpower: ILL MEET U SAME PLACE 9:00
I warn him to 64%.
dinsageofpower signed off at 3:28:59 PM.
davepoobond: chuck u. farley
Aubaine II: what?
davepoobond: CHUCK U FARLEY
Aubaine II: what is that supposed to mean?
davepoobond: CHUCK.
davepoobond: U.
davepoobond: FARLEY.
Aubaine II: why are you saying that?
davepoobond: CHUCK YOU FARLEY switch the CH and F…
Aubaine II: i don’t know and charley…so why are you saying that?
davepoobond: man you’re slow
Aubaine II: yes…I am
davepoobond: FUCK YOU CHARLEY
Aubaine II: ok, I understand your saying that, but why?
davepoobond: cause i hate you and your mom
Aubaine II: I don’t know you
davepoobond: and that stops me from hating you why?
Aubaine II: I don’t know
davepoobond: :-[
Aubaine II: ?
davepoobond: :-X
Aubaine II: Indeed…
davepoobond: :'(
davepoobond: lame ass
Aubaine II: who are you?
davepoobond: kurt hamet
Aubaine II: don’t know any kurt’s
davepoobond: have you seen Pearl Harbor
Aubaine II: yes
davepoobond: did you like it
Aubaine II: it had too much of a love story, took too long to get to the main part
Aubaine II: but it was alright
davepoobond: there’s no love story…what are you talking about
davepoobond: its just a buncha kids having sex in a parachute hangar
Aubaine II: close enough…
davepoobond: and they always show the money shot
davepoobond: i bet you like those dont you
Aubaine II: money shot?
davepoobond: yeah, the cum shot
davepoobond: where they show them having the orgasm
Aubaine II: I personally thought Tora Tora Tora was a better movie on Pearl Harbor….what does this have to do with anything anyways?
davepoobond: hrmm
davepoobond: lemme think
Aubaine II: take your time
davepoobond: sorry what
Aubaine II: nevermind
davepoobond: sweet dreams of rhythm and dancing
davepoobond: sweet dreams of passion througghhh the night
davepoobond: sweet dreams are taking overrrr
davepoobond: sweet dreams of dancing through the nighhtttt!
Aubaine II: ok…
davepoobond: oh now i remember
Previous message was not received by Aubaine II because of error (5:56:15 PM): User Aubaine II is not available.
I tried to warn him then, but it wouldn’t allow it.
davepoobond: bubba tylerrrr
BubbaTyler2005: who is this
davepoobond: bubba dave
BubbaTyler2005: ?
BubbaTyler2005: do i know you
davepoobond: maybe
davepoobond: we’re the same relative
BubbaTyler2005: what are you smoking
BubbaTyler2005: do i know you
BubbaTyler2005: have i seen your face
davepoobond: yes
davepoobond: heehee
davepoobond: guess who i am
BubbaTyler2005: david?
davepoobond: dammit
davepoobond: what gave me away?
BubbaTyler2005: am i right
BubbaTyler2005: the dave
davepoobond: hmmm
BubbaTyler2005: david who
davepoobond: guess
BubbaTyler2005: in studyhall
davepoobond: i dont have study hall
davepoobond: well if i do, i dont know, cause i skip that everyday
BubbaTyler2005: just tell me
BubbaTyler2005: what school do you go 3
BubbaTyler2005: 2*
davepoobond: #3
BubbaTyler2005: im this close to blocking you till i find out
davepoobond: if you do you’ll get a nasty surprise
davepoobond: mwahahahaha
BubbaTyler2005: ?
BubbaTyler2005: tell me in 5
BubbaTyler2005: 4
BubbaTyler2005: 3
BubbaTyler2005: 2
BubbaTyler2005: 1
davepoobond: Greenwood
davepoobond: :-\
BubbaTyler2005: what school do you go to
davepoobond: told uuuuuuuuuuuuuuu
BubbaTyler2005: greenwood
davepoobond: y eah
davepoobond: y e a h
BubbaTyler2005: what state do you live in
davepoobond: Greenland
BubbaTyler2005: brb
davepoobond: i bet you just said that so i wouldnt say anything anymore
davepoobond: you dont even have your away message on
davepoobond: even more reason why i shouldnt believe you are “brb”
davepoobond: but your wrongggg
BubbaTyler2005: k back
BubbaTyler2005: what?
BubbaTyler2005: how old are you?
davepoobond: 45
BubbaTyler2005: and are you gay?
BubbaTyler2005: your screen name
BubbaTyler2005: dave POO
davepoobond: ….
davepoobond: and that makes me gay how
davepoobond: are you saying poo is a gay word?
BubbaTyler2005: yes
BubbaTyler2005: your not 45
davepoobond: i meant 13
davepoobond: or was it 31
BubbaTyler2005: if your 31 you have no life at all
BubbaTyler2005: talking to strangers
BubbaTyler2005: that are male
davepoobond: so are you
davepoobond: so i guess that means your gay
BubbaTyler2005: your the one who started talking to me and im not 31
BubbaTyler2005: lmao
BubbaTyler2005: or a flaming hommo
davepoobond: hommo
davepoobond: hommmo
davepoobond: hommmmmmmmmmmmo
davepoobond: 8989898
davepoobond: 321654987
davepoobond: 0
davepoobond: har har
BubbaTyler2005: ok im leaving now
davepoobond: k bye
BubbaTyler2005: peace out
davepoobond: hi
I warn him to 35%.
davepoobond: then there was youuuuuuuuu
davepoobond: and everything went from wrong to right
davepoobond: and the stars came up and filled up the sky
davepoobond: it was love at first site
BtownsBlueAngel: who tha hell is this
davepoobond: ……………..kylie minogue
davepoobond: who that hell is that
BtownsBlueAngel: ?
davepoobond: u
davepoobond: !!
BtownsBlueAngel: um…………..ok dude
davepoobond: die die die my darling
BtownsBlueAngel: When someone loves you, they will try and do anyhting for you. They will help you in anyway. If you send this to 11 people something good will happen to you at 10:00 o ‘clock tomorrow morning
davepoobond: why would i send that to anyone
BtownsBlueAngel: i dunno… who is this
davepoobond: i told you
davepoobond: kylie minogue
BtownsBlueAngel: a/s/l
davepoobond: 34/bi/NY
BtownsBlueAngel: um..ok
davepoobond: u
BtownsBlueAngel: 17/f/alabama
davepoobond: you’re close but no cigar
davepoobond: i dont wanna hear ittt
BtownsBlueAngel: uh..ok
davepoobond: and i wont waste my time fitting innnnnn
davepoobond: cause i dont think something something
davepoobond: lame
davepoobond: have you seen Pearl Harbor
BtownsBlueAngel: yes
davepoobond: did you liiiiike it
BtownsBlueAngel: sure
davepoobond: fly away on my zephyr, we’re gonna live foreverrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
davepoobond: forever!
BtownsBlueAngel: ok dude
davepoobond: ok
I was acting like a porn bot, sending a link to Squackle as “quality porn.”
davepoobond: Quality Porn! GO NOW!
Auto response from sweet krysty: I am shaving my tongue, I will be back when I am finished.:-D
I was acting like a porn bot, sending a link to Squackle as “quality porn.”
davepoobond: Quality Porn! GO NOW!
davepoobond: YES I AM
I was acting like a porn bot, sending a link to Squackle as “quality porn”
davepoobond: Quality Porn! GO NOW!
crummyBJ69: who is this
davepoobond: i’m a bot, don’t talk to me
davepoobond: har har har
davepoobond: see, i’m laughing at you
davepoobond: and that’s a computer laugh
davepoobond: hello are you there
davepoobond: did you go
After a while, I warn him to 5%.