Category Archives: Chat Logs

These are Lame Chats and Stupid IMs

Chatroulette #12201

davepoobond: hi

Person In the Shadows: show me your tits

davepoobond: my tits?

Person In the Shadows: yes

Person In the Shadows: show me your tits

davepoobond: they’re too hairy to actually see

davepoobond: sorry

Person In the Shadows: show me your tits

Person In the Shadows: now

davepoobond: ok ok

davepoobond: you dont have to be so forceful

Person In the Shadows: ….

davepoobond: you could just ask nicely

Person In the Shadows: i like it rough

Person In the Shadows: please

davepoobond: i like it in general

davepoobond: get it???

Person In the Shadows: show me your tits please

davepoobond: but they’re so tender and big

davepoobond: i only show it to nice people

Person In the Shadows: i like big tits

Person In the Shadows: show me your tits

davepoobond: im lactating right now

Person In the Shadows: im so wet

Person In the Shadows: show me your tits

davepoobond: did you turn the sink on again

davepoobond: and put water on your face

davepoobond: how many times have i told you

Person In the Shadows: i musta let it dripping

davepoobond: not to do that

davepoobond: it wastes water

davepoobond: and you know

Person In the Shadows: do you want a sandwich?

davepoobond: how much the water bill comes

Person In the Shadows: show me your tits

davepoobond: and the garbage man comes

davepoobond: i actually do want a sandwich

Person In the Shadows: show me your tits

The Person In the Shadows then came forward and revealed himself to be a man! Then he skipped me.

Chatroulette #12199

Dark Room Person: any music playing right now?

Dark Room Person: like can u hear it?

davepoobond: i can hear somethin…

davepoobond: not like i can tell what it is though

Dark Room Person: anything new now?

davepoobond: no

Dark Room Person: idarn….

Dark Room Person: why isnt my sound working.

davepoobond: maybe because you cant see the volume switch

davepoobond: lights would be the first step to solving the problem

Dark Room Person: i see speaker and Mic

Dark Room Person: do those need to be all up?

davepoobond: i dont know what you’re talking about nor do i care

davepoobond: sorry

Chatroulette #12198

German Guy: du hund

davepoobond: das boot

German Guy: wheare you from

davepoobond: usa

davepoobond: you

German Guy: i m from germay

German Guy: wat s am mann

German Guy: up

davepoobond: nothin, just bored

davepoobond: how about you

German Guy: i m coksing

davepoobond: is that german for masturbating

davepoobond: there’s too many people masturbating on here

German Guy: im speaking ltle english

davepoobond: i dont know any german, so i cant really help 🙁

German Guy: wow

German Guy: have you girl friend

German Guy: in usa

davepoobond: no, do you have a girlfriend in usa

German Guy: no

German Guy: hear in germany

German Guy: i m have

German Guy: bitshes

davepoobond: lots of bitches right

German Guy: yes i m fuck hear bithses in ass

davepoobond: i hope you use a condom, its not good to get shit in your dick

#11028: stimpyismyname -> ZolaOnAOL

stimpyismyname: for what

ZolaOnAOL: Why do you think?

stimpyismyname: why do i think what

ZolaOnAOL: Why do you think you think what?

stimpyismyname: why do i think that i think what

ZolaOnAOL: Why do you think you think that i think what?

stimpyismyname: why do you think that i think that i think that you think what

ZolaOnAOL: It was the only thing I could think of.

#11026: stimpyismyname -> davepoobond

stimpyismyname: gangster tic tac toe

davepoobond: heh

davepoobond: are you gonna make it

stimpyismyname: probably not

davepoobond: you should make a lot of the simple games and make them gangster

davepoobond: that’d be funny

davepoobond: put them into a gangster arcade

stimpyismyname: you do it

davepoobond: why the fuck would you say that

stimpyismyname: YOU do it

stimpyismyname: YOOOOOU

davepoobond: i don’t know how to program in game maker

stimpyismyname: so…

stimpyismyname: learn

stimpyismyname: i did

davepoobond: and

davepoobond: you’re

davepoobond: stupid

stimpyismyname: and

stimpyismyname: fuck

stimpyismyname: you

davepoobond: that’s

davepoobond: harsh

stimpyismyname: you like cock

davepoobond: your mom does

stimpyismyname: your mom likes yours

stimpyismyname: thats why she wants to keep you close

davepoobond: your mom likes that you like your mom likes yours

stimpyismyname: you think that makes sense but it doesnt

davepoobond: it does

davepoobond: it means she likes that you like her liking yours

stimpyismyname: not the way you said it

davepoobond: read it closer

stimpyismyname: YOU read it closer

davepoobond: i did

davepoobond: i wrote the damn thing

stimpyismyname: your mom likes that you like that she likes yours

stimpyismyname: that would make sense

stimpyismyname: i GUESS

stimpyismyname: ..fag

davepoobond: i’m the fag? you’re the one who likes it when your mom likes that you like her suckin on your pencil dick

stimpyismyname: oooh my names dave and i said mark has a pencil dick

stimpyismyname: im soo funny

davepoobond: oooh my name’s mark and i dont have a comeback so i’m just going to act like i’m mocking dave and denounce it as not funny

stimpyismyname: im dave and im gonna say more stupid shit to make it look like the other shit isaid was DAVES GAY

davepoobond: i’m mark and i’m not original so i’m going to keep doing the same thing again but this time doing it to the thing dave did mocking me mocking him

stimpyismyname: stimpyismyname: daves being stupid

hypermachodude: haha

hypermachodude: what a fag

davepoobond: who the fuck is that

stimpyismyname: your mother

stimpyismyname: 😉

stimpyismyname: wink wink


stimpyismyname: look im asian

davepoobond: who the hell is that macho dude guy

stimpyismyname: wouldnt youuuu like to know

davepoobond: kind of

stimpyismyname: oooooooh

davepoobond: i dont think he even knows me

stimpyismyname: im sure he doe

stimpyismyname: s

#11025: Izumo Etsuko -> davepoobond

Izumo Etsuko: “If a kid ever asks you how Santa Claus can live forever, I think a good answer is that he drinks blood.”

Izumo Etsuko: I remember we were all horrified to see Grandpa up on the roof with his Superman cape on. “Get down!” yelled Uncle Lou. “Don’t move!” screamed Grandma. But Grandpa wouldn’t listen. He walked to the edge of the roof and stuck out his arms, like he was going to fly. I forget what happened after that.

davepoobond: heh

Izumo Etsuko: Jack Handey rocks

Izumo Etsuko: If I was the head of a country that lost a war, and I had to sign a peace treaty, just as I was signing I’d glance over the treaty and then suddenly act surprised. “Wait a minute! I thought we won!”

Izumo Etsuko:


Izumo Etsuko: I wish scientists would come up with a way to make dogs a lot bigger, but with a smaller head. That way, they’d still be good as watchdogs, but they wouldn’t eat so much.

davepoobond: did you read my article

Izumo Etsuko: reading it now

Izumo Etsuko: yay

Izumo Etsuko: a fellow anti-RIAA dude

Izumo Etsuko: the MPAA sucks ass too…

Izumo Etsuko: they sued 2600

Izumo Etsuko: -.-

davepoobond: they’re the same companies

davepoobond: basically

Izumo Etsuko: yeah…

Izumo Etsuko: but the MPAA sued 2600

Izumo Etsuko: >>

davepoobond: movies are a different deal than music

Izumo Etsuko: …they sued 2600 for linking people to DL a program that would let them rip and back up their DVDs

davepoobond: what do you want me to do about it, call them up and ask them to stop?

Izumo Etsuko: …

Izumo Etsuko: x.x

Izumo Etsuko: Sundays blow monkey ass

#11024: Izumo Etsuko -> davepoobond

Izumo Etsuko: whats up?

davepoobond: not much. you

Izumo Etsuko: contemplating going to get my headphones cause these ones suck hairy monkey balls

Izumo Etsuko: …I think I will, o.o brb

davepoobond: ok

Izumo Etsuko: but mine are too short

Izumo Etsuko: -.-

Izumo Etsuko: …the world sucks

davepoobond: sorry about that

davepoobond: if you were writing an essay, in which you can get internet sources from, do you think it would be allowed if you wrote an article about the topic you were writing, with all the quotes you wanted to use, and you just use certain quotes from that article which you published on a web site?

Izumo Etsuko: ………x.x

Izumo Etsuko: let me read that over a few times to understand it right

davepoobond: meaning, can i use myself as a source?

Izumo Etsuko: I don’t see why not

davepoobond: if i wrote an article

davepoobond: but i’d just say it was someone else

Izumo Etsuko: no, say it was you

Izumo Etsuko: e.e

davepoobond: just in case or whatever

Izumo Etsuko: cause I don’t see anything wrong with it

Izumo Etsuko: I know a guy who dad that

davepoobond: i’ll just say that it was davepoobond that wrote it…

Izumo Etsuko: the most that’ll happen is the teacher will get mad at you

davepoobond: but in my essay it’ll have my real name

davepoobond: she won’t even know

davepoobond: that its me

Izumo Etsuko: x.x

Izumo Etsuko: then it’s no fun

Izumo Etsuko: 🙁

davepoobond: this essay is my freaking english grade

davepoobond: i don’t want to mess it up

Izumo Etsuko: ……

Izumo Etsuko: okay

Izumo Etsuko: good reason

Izumo Etsuko: e.e

Izumo Etsuko: English is like…the only class I’m passing

Izumo Etsuko: o.o

Izumo Etsuko: and that’s cause I’m scared if I do bad the teacher will pick me up and throw me out the window

Izumo Etsuko: some kid wasn’t paying attention to what we were reading in class during the first week…

Izumo Etsuko: so he threw the kid’s book out the window and sent him to the Dean’s Office

Izumo Etsuko: o.o

Izumo Etsuko: it was scary

davepoobond: interesting

davepoobond: “i’ll make you pay more attention by throwing your book out the window”

Izumo Etsuko: well…it worked on everyone else

Izumo Etsuko: o.o

Izumo Etsuko: no one’s drifted off since

davepoobond: what happened to the guy

Izumo Etsuko: he got a detention

Izumo Etsuko: o.o

davepoobond: how do you get detention for not paying attention?

davepoobond: its not rowdy behavior

Izumo Etsuko: because the Lit. is one of those guys who cares about the students, and does anything(including becoming an ass) to get to pass

Izumo Etsuko: o.o

davepoobond: he’s not bothering anyone except the teacher

Izumo Etsuko: Lit. teacher*

Izumo Etsuko: get them to*

Izumo Etsuko: x.x

Izumo Etsuko: I’m full of typos today…

#11023: davepoobond -> manceman

davepoobond: did you go trick or treating

manceman: nope

manceman: did you?

davepoobond: yeah

davepoobond: i didn’t say trick or treat once though

davepoobond: heh

manceman: damn your evil

davepoobond: yeah

davepoobond: that’s why it was raining yesterday

davepoobond: God was frowning upon me

manceman: hahahaha

davepoobond: most every house we went to, everyone hated us

davepoobond: except the ones that didn’t really care, because there wasn’t that many trick or treaters coming

manceman: haha

manceman: thats cause your almost an adult

davepoobond: yeah i know

davepoobond: i look like i’m 21 though

manceman: ya you do

#11006: Izumo Etsuko -> davepoobond

Izumo Etsuko: tonight rocked…

Izumo Etsuko: o.o

davepoobond: oh

davepoobond: what’d you do

davepoobond: recite poetry

Izumo Etsuko: walked around…

Izumo Etsuko: but dude…it was really fun

Izumo Etsuko: 😀

Izumo Etsuko: these dudes were driving around in a car shooting people with paintball guns

davepoobond: never heard of someone getting so much joy out of walking

Izumo Etsuko: they tried to hit me and my friends, but they completely missed us and nailed the people behind us

davepoobond: hrh

davepoobond: heh

Izumo Etsuko: and we didn’t even move

Izumo Etsuko: o.o

Izumo Etsuko: I am so fucking tired

Izumo Etsuko: x.x

#11005: stimpyismyname -> Shawn64C

stimpyismyname: youre online a lot

Shawn64C: i dont get off aim

Shawn64C: im gone alot from the computer

Shawn64C: not really

Shawn64C: uhh

Shawn64C: about an hour a day im gone

Shawn64C: i have no life

Shawn64C: help

stimpyismyname: no

stimpyismyname: looser

stimpyismyname: i might catch looser

stimpyismyname: looooser