All posts by davepoobond

I own this site.

Quote #22691

“Im going to college to become a preschool teaching trying to become a preschool teacher thats my passion and my profession.I like to go the computer and watch tv and watch movies too and I love to go swim.
I dont act like anybody else or be something Im not.I like all kinds types of music except Jazz.I like to go partying and drinking just have a good time. And I love beer and I love to smoke weed and hookah. I want to just to find nice,good and sweet,kind gentle man guy.Ive never been to a rave or strip club yet at all.”

– from a girl’s dating profile

500,000 Hits!?

I should probably not be surprised, considering over the years there have actually been at least twice as many hits served from my site before I switched over to WordPress, but hey GUESS WHAT? in its current incarnation (on WordPress) has hit more than half a million page hits!  508,000+ to be exact.  That has been since 2007.  Not bad, I guess.

To commemorate this milestone, I thought I’d post a list of some of the current popular pages for all to see:

Thank you to everyone who keeps coming back to Squackle — and also thanks to everyone who does random ass google searches and thinks that will actually provide helpful information (when it is actually quite the opposite).

Quote #22658

These are multiple parts of the same profile.  Made better by keeping them all together.  Only the funny parts are here.

My self summary:

“hey, if u r wondering why i feel i saw this girl before? yea, u r rite….i had too much fun about this site the other morning and delete my account by mistake >.br />so, about me………im a little bit of everything all roll into one. my friends always tell me that im so different than the first time they met me. so yea….u do the math :D”

What I’m doing with my life:

“doing something i always want to do, but before i actually achieve, let’s just keep that to myself~”

I’m really good at:

“turn normal conversation into either funny or awkward…..really depends on how other thinks tho…
bring random bruise to myslef….yea, dont know how and when i did it……i guess i have “aiming” issues? :D”

I spend a lot of time thinking about:

“here and there, random and serious…..yea…..i told u nothing…..but well :D”

The most private thing I’m willing to admit:

“i do not like zombie and clown, they r really just scary and creepy! but i pretend im ok with them…..”

– from a girl’s dating profile

#22656: sunny_girl -> davepoobond

sunny_girl: hey how are you? i love Donnie Darko! every time i hear that song from the movie i can’t help but sing along and think of frank!!!

davepoobond: yeah the song instantly reminds me of that movie too. i’ve probably seen it about 10 or 15 times all together. did you read much into the conclusion of the story that much? which interpretation did you prescribe to?

sunny_girl: there are all kinds of things…telling the future, he’s posesed, its a dream, they go back in time, its a relfection of the past, he has schizophrenia…there are so many things. i get something new each time i watch it

davepoobond: well, i know that, i was just wondering which one you believed it was

sunny_girl: lol i think its a dream which do you think

davepoobond: i think it had more to do with the universe needing to explain to itself where the airplane jet engine came from, so it created the alternate path to show what would happen had donnie lived. i thought it was the more believable explanation rather than the religious one or just it being a dream, which I suppose is the less complex explanation.

sunny_girl: That is pretty complex.

#22655: DizzyLizzy -> davepoobond

DizzyLizzy: Hi,
I noticed you looked at the profile and saw I am in Oregon. Sorry about that, I lived in your city before here, and I think I was just messing around, and missing home a little bit, so I was looking at people near there. I didn’t really need to explain all that, but I guess I did anyway. It is sad what being away from home does to a person.

Quote #22651

A guy in a normal, not very interesting-looking denim long sleeve shirt is walking by davepoobond.  One of the employees of the store is walking behind him, sort of chasing him a little.

Employee: “Hey, that’s a nice shirt.”

Guy doesn’t hear him or ignores him.

Employee: “Hey that’s a nice shirt, man!”

Guy stops and turns around.

Guy: “Huh?”

Employee: “I said that’s a nice shirt.”

Guy: “Oh. Thanks…”

Guy walks off.

– at davepoobond’s job