All posts by A Squackler

A Squackler is a generic person who has submitted content to Squackle. They basically are not worthy of having their own name made in the blog system because they basically only submitted a small amount of content.

A Bear in S p a c e

Once upon a time in space, there was a bear named David.  David was a sad bear who didn’t have any bear friends.  Since David was a hairless bear, except for his head, no one wanted to be his friend because he was different.

No one at David’s house cared for him either.  His momma and poppa bear were always at the river catching fish.  Whenever his parents came home, they only gave David the head of the fish since they hated the head part.  David was always hungry as a result.

So, one day, David decided to take off his helmet and leave this sad universe.  David said his last goodbyes and took off his helmet.  Then his face blew up like a balloon and that was the end of David the lonely bear.

Moral: Shave your head if your whole body is hairless.  Then maybe you will conform to the standards of the society and not be seen as an outcast, and have a crummy life to show for it.

#10919: SR71 Steve -> Daedric Lord 666

Alright, i have a cooperation betweeen dan and he. I pick out some fool at random. Dan’s IM is basically dan trying to hit on him. Here’s my side.

SR71 Steve: 😀

SR71 Steve: 😀

Daedric Lord 666: hey

SR71 Steve: 😀

Daedric Lord 666: whoz dis?

SR71 Steve: 😀

Daedric Lord 666: ????????????

SR71 Steve: :-\

Daedric Lord 666: O_o??????????

SR71 Steve: >

Daedric Lord 666: ?????????????

SR71 Steve: i like pie

SR71 Steve: and i’m a pimp

Daedric Lord 666: ooo u


Daedric Lord 666: ???

Daedric Lord 666: who r u again?

SR71 Steve: spawn of satan

SR71 Steve: who are you?

SR71 Steve: the real slim shady?

Daedric Lord 666: sweet

Daedric Lord 666: and I’m a G-UNIT soldier

SR71 Steve: G-unit!

SR71 Steve: roflmao

SR71 Steve: G-units are the bitches of F units

SR71 Steve: lol

SR71 Steve: stupid g units

Daedric Lord 666: whaa??

SR71 Steve: Do my laundry bitch

SR71 Steve: your my bitch G unit

Daedric Lord 666: hell no

SR71 Steve: ARROWED!

SR71 Steve: POSSUMS!

Daedric Lord 666: tell my other bitches that

Daedric Lord 666: they’ll do ur shit

SR71 Steve: you have fucking H unit for bitches

SR71 Steve: H unit isn’t worth crap


Daedric Lord 666: who the hell are u?

SR71 Steve: spawn of satan

SR71 Steve: fucktard

SR71 Steve: i gusse it’s a G unit thing

SR71 Steve: Hi

Daedric Lord 666: how in hell did u got my sn?

SR71 Steve: Daddy gave it too me

Daedric Lord 666: who>>> ur daddy????

Daedric Lord 666: weird

SR71 Steve: think about it

SR71 Steve: shithead

SR71 Steve: SPAWN of satan

SR71 Steve: thessse G-units

SR71 Steve: think they’re all tough

SR71 Steve: but then they meet a possum

SR71 Steve: or get arrowed

SR71 Steve: seriously, blue meatloaf is the shit

SR71 Steve: hi

SR71 Steve: my homosexual friend says you’re hitting on him

SR71 Steve: is that how it goes with you G units?

SR71 Steve: hi

SR71 Steve: hi

SR71 Steve: hi

SR71 Steve: hi

SR71 Steve: hi

SR71 Steve: hi

SR71 Steve: hi

SR71 Steve: hi

SR71 Steve: hi

SR71 Steve: are you the real slim shady?

SR71 Steve: cuz my dad thinks he’s the shit

Daedric Lord 666:

Charger979: wanna cyber anyways?

Daedric Lord 666: hell no!

Charger979: ….you dissapoint me

Charger979: come on, it’ll be fun

Daedric Lord 666: hell no

Charger979: Is that all you say?

Charger979: either way, it turns me on

Daedric Lord 666: o god

Charger979: come on man

Charger979: you start

Daedric Lord 666: hell no!

SR71 Steve: STOP HITTING ON HIM!!!!!!!!

SR71 Steve: he;’s too good for G unit

SR71 Steve: fucktard

Daedric Lord 666: then u go and fuck him

SR71 Steve: I don’t go that way

SR71 Steve: homophobe

SR71 Steve: your going to hell dude

SR71 Steve: and hell is bad

Daedric Lord 666: hell is good

SR71 Steve: yeah, if your the spawn of satan

SR71 Steve: if you’re just some crappy G unit, it sucks


Daedric Lord 666: slim shady sucks

SR71 Steve: damn, that’s another pineapple up the ass from daddy

SR71 Steve: and quit raggin on mexicans

Daedric Lord 666: what???

SR71 Steve: i know why you won’t cyber with my friend

SR71 Steve: it’s cuz he;s mexican

SR71 Steve: racisit bastard

Daedric Lord 666: I’m not gay!!!

SR71 Steve: ;-)suuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuure;-)

SR71 Steve: and quit trying to shit behind my back

Daedric Lord 666: IT’S TURE!!!!!!!!!!!!> !!!!!!!!!!!!!

SR71 Steve: i know what your IMing him

Daedric Lord 666: Thats it I gonna get the other G-Unit soldiers to kick ur gay ass!


SR71 Steve: G unit sucks

SR71 Steve: literally

SR71 Steve: my friend knows

SR71 Steve: so what about that digiduel

SR71 Steve:

#10900: Charger979 -> Spike52688

Charger979: hi

Charger979: hi

Charger979: hi

Charger979: hi

Charger979: hi

Charger979: hi

Charger979: hi

Spike52688: whos this?

Charger979: names frank

Spike52688: umm ok?

Charger979: do you like speedy ganzoloaz?

Charger979: or whatever the fuck tht thing’s nam is

Charger979: well?

Charger979: you pussy, won’t say anything

Spike52688: why?



Spike52688: fuck u

Charger979: fucking pussy that got beaten up by a kid half his size

Charger979: fuckin loser

Spike52688: where do u go to school?

Charger979: brentsville district high school

Charger979: why?

Charger979: what about you?

Charger979: horizon!

Charger979: fucking AZ loser

Charger979: Virginia is way better

Charger979: fucking loser

Charger979: getting beat up by a kid half your size

Charger979: that’s unheard of!

Charger979: that’s exactly why its known coast to coast i guesss…

Charger979: but still

Charger979: i can’t believe how much you suck

Charger979: you suck at life

Charger979: you deserve to die

Spike52688: u wanna fight me or somethin

Charger979: yeah

Charger979: i’m more then half your size, so there’s no way i’ll lose

Charger979: too bad i’m across the country you fuck

Spike52688: when r u in az?

Charger979: although it would be fun to kick your ass

Charger979: never

Charger979: idiot

Charger979: never have been

Charger979: news of you though has made it over here

Spike52688: i can kick ur ass

Charger979: so, of course i took the time to find your sn from some people i met who used to live here

Charger979: bull shit!

Spike52688: im stronger now

Charger979: you fucking loser!

Charger979: don’t even talk

Charger979: that’s pussy talk

Spike52688: SCREW YOU TOO

Spike52688: u to pussy to come to az and fight me?

Charger979: it doesn’t matter how strong you are if you kid has to jump to punch you in the head

Charger979: ha!

Charger979: i’m not going to waste my time and money

Charger979: fucking loser

Spike52688: im stronger and faster now

Charger979: i can’t believe your up for another fight

Spike52688: i can kick ur ass

Charger979: oh no, i’m so scared

Spike52688: u better be stupid fuck

Charger979: the kid who got beaten up be a kid half his height has gotten stronger

Charger979: i fight for a living you ass hole

Spike52688: fuck off

Charger979: oh no. . .

Charger979: please

Charger979: actually, wait

Charger979: that’s a good point

Spike52688 signed off at 1:34:25 AM.

Best part about this one is that i gave him the illusion that news of his fight has reached virginia. Which is beyond awesome, and, now it has. MWUHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAAAA!!! It’s a true story incase you didn’t realize. Kid’s name is Will. Spread the word. Please.

#10899: Charger979 -> MonkeysAreComing

Charger979: hi

Charger979: hello???

MonkeysAreComing: hey?

Charger979: hi

Charger979: what’s up

MonkeysAreComing: who may this be?

Charger979: i like pie, and stuff

Charger979: don’t know who this is

Charger979: some one i guess…

Charger979: kinda a nobody

Charger979: do you like pie?

Charger979: i just happened to have your SN, i don’t know why

Charger979: pretty weird if you ask me

Charger979: but anyways

Charger979: you don’t talk much do you

MonkeysAreComing: do you know a keith?

Charger979: not much of a jedi obviously, bec/ hell, i’ve met a lot of jedi in my day, and they never shut up

Charger979: no

Charger979: don’t know a keith…

MonkeysAreComing: beef?

Charger979: beef is good

Charger979: beef is very good

Charger979: you can eat it…

Charger979: play games with it. they kinda suck at scrabble though

Charger979: you can throw it at people too though

Charger979: that’s always fun

Charger979: anyways

Charger979: hi

Charger979: hi

Charger979: hi

Charger979: hi

Charger979: hi

Charger979: hi

MonkeysAreComing: WHO IS THIS?

Charger979: are you gay by any chance? lots of canadians are gay

MonkeysAreComing: grady?

Charger979: no, gay, homosexual

Charger979: are you?

Charger979: i mean, you never know

MonkeysAreComing: no

Charger979: it’s kinda creepy when you figure out you’ve been talking to a homosexual, so…

Charger979: okay

Charger979: that’s good to hear

MonkeysAreComing: who are you?

Charger979: …haven’t come out of the closet yet have you?

Charger979: umm…

Charger979: hmm….

Charger979: some guy…

Charger979: damn it!

Charger979: wtf was my name again? i don’t really remember

Charger979: hold on

Charger979: let me ask my brother

Charger979: he remembers things

Charger979: i tend to forget things

Charger979: now what was i going to do again?

Charger979: did you know

MonkeysAreComing: what is your name?

Charger979: i dream of my own death over, and over, and over and over again every night?

Charger979: my names dan

Charger979: what’s yours?

Charger979: what’s yours?

Charger979: what’s yours?

Charger979: what’s yours?

Charger979: what’s yours?

Charger979: what’s yours?

Charger979: what’s yours?

Charger979: what’s yours?

MonkeysAreComing: keith or beef, whichever you prefer

Charger979: oh

Charger979: i’ll try to remember that

Charger979: i better right it down

Charger979: keith or beef = monkeysarecoming on AOL Instant Messenger

Charger979: maybe i should write it down somewhere else, huh?

Charger979: so you like star wars?

Charger979: i like star wars

MonkeysAreComing: dan?

Charger979: yeah

Charger979: dan

Charger979: that’s my name

Charger979: good call

MonkeysAreComing: last name?

Charger979: i’ll ask my brother

Charger979: hi

Charger979: what’s your name?

Charger979: oh

Charger979: my bad

Charger979: now i remember

Charger979: anyways

Charger979: what was i going to do again?

Charger979: oh, right

Charger979: i actually remembered!

Charger979: that’s like the 1st time ever!!!!

Charger979: yeah!

Charger979: woohoo!

Charger979: wait, why am i happy again???

Charger979: damn…

Charger979: that sucks

Charger979: anyways

Charger979: what’s going on?

MonkeysAreComing: UHH


Charger979: do you like star wars?

MonkeysAreComing: tell me

Charger979: oh, right

Charger979: real name

Charger979: dan harrison

Charger979: why?

Charger979: does it really matter?

Charger979: i woke up one day

Charger979: and BAMN!

Charger979: your name is on my screen name

Charger979: err….

Charger979: buddy list

Charger979: hehe

Charger979: anyways

Charger979: answer the damn question! i answered yours!

Charger979: do you like star wars!!!!!

MonkeysAreComing: do you ever get tired of hearing yourself talk?

Charger979: hmm. . . .slow typer arent we

Charger979: no, not really, bec/ i always remember myself

Charger979: thats always good

Charger979: so no

Charger979: now answer the question punk ass!!!

Charger979: do you like star wars!?

MonkeysAreComing: hey, bud dont talk to me like that

Charger979: . . . .why not?

MonkeysAreComing: im really not in the mood

Charger979: . . . . what mood?

Charger979: why won’t you just answer the question?

Charger979: huh?

Charger979: i’m sorry for being so rude

Charger979: won’t happen again

Charger979: omfg! say something!

MonkeysAreComing: yes, ok

Charger979: was that so hard?

Charger979: nerd nerd nerd nerd nerd nerd nerd nerd nerd nerd nerd nerd nerd nerd nerd nerd nerd nerd nerd nerd nerd nerd nerd nerd nerd nerd nerd nerd nerd nerd nerd nerd nerd nerd nerd nerd nerd nerd nerd nerd

Charger979: that was fun

Charger979: hehe

Charger979: anyways

Charger979: what’s new?

Charger979: live in canada eh? like me?

Charger979: i do

Charger979: it’s cold

Charger979: i don’t like it

MonkeysAreComing: grady?

Charger979: i used to live in the institution, they had heaters there

Charger979: who’s grady?

Charger979: do you like video games? like, metroid? i like metroid\

MonkeysAreComing: actually, metroid sucks

Charger979: i’m serious when i say that i don’t know who grady is

Charger979: fuck you bitch!

Charger979: i can’t believe you’d say such a thing!

Charger979: oh, sorry

Charger979: forgot

Charger979: am i annoying you?

MonkeysAreComing: uh yeah

MonkeysAreComing: but thats obviously your goal, so congrats

Charger979: ty

Joke #10392

A blonde walks in to a store and says to the cashier “Can I buy that TV?”

The cashier says, “No.”

The blonde leaves the store.

The next day, the blonde walks back into the store and says “Can I have that TV?”

The cashier says “No,” so the blonde leaves the store.

The next day the blonde walks back into the store and says “Can I have that TV?”

The cashier says “no” again

This time the blonde asks, “Why won’t you sell me the TV?”

The cashier says “Because, that’s a toaster, not a TV.”

Joke #8882

Two guys are bungee-jumping one day.  The first guy says to the second, “You know, we could make a lot of money running our own bungee-jumping service in Mexico.”  The second guy thinks this is a great idea, so the two pool their money and buy everything they’ll need – a tower, an elastic chord, insurance, etc.

They travel to Mexico and begin to set up on the square.  As they are constructing the tower, a crowd begins to assemble.  Slowly, more and more people gather to watch them at work.  The first guy jumps.  He bounces at the end of the chord, but when he comes back up, the second guy notices that he has a few cuts and scratches.  Unfortunately, the second guy isn’t able to catch him, he falls again, bounces and comes back up again.  This time, he is bruised and bleeding.  Again, the second guy misses him.  The first guy falls again and bounces back up.  This time, he comes back pretty messed up, he’s got a couple broken bones and is almost unconscious.  Luckily, the second guy finally catches him this time and says, “what happened? Was the chord too long?” The first guy says, “No, the chord was fine, but what the hell is a piñata?”

The Hobo Wars

(a guy stands in an alley next to a trash can. You can hear sirens in the background.)

Guy: Hello, my name is Mr. Tard, and I am going to teach you about a series of inner-city conflicts called The Hobo Wars. The Hobo Wars started when one hobo made fun of another hobo’s tutu, and then-

(A hobo pops out of the trash can)

Hobo: this documentary sucks! everyone knows that The Hobo Wars started when george w bush and saddam hussein logged on to the same gay porn site that showed nude firemen fucking computers! And when the bicycle valve began to sweat-

(A redneck drives a tractor through the wall)

Redneck: is this here dang thing a documentary about beer? I love beer. I’ve been drinkin’ it since I was a young’un. Beer’s good because-

(A gay guy wearing only a rainbow wig and a purple thong appears from off camera. He has a mysterious white substance around his mouth.)

Gay Guy: My name is blowthetoad. I listen to boy bands because i’m gayer than elton john. I blow every guy that i see, even toads. Because of that, i have the name blowthetoad. Now let’s listen to this happenin’ beat!

(he pulls a radio out from nowhere and it plays n’sync)

(blowthetoad starts to dance)

Hobo: this documentary sucks!

Blowthetoad (still dancing to really gay music): did somebody say suck? i love to suck dicks. I also love getting fucked-

Redneck: this here documentary ain’t no good!

(he pulls out a gun and shoots blowthetoad)

(everyone cheers)

Mr. Tard: But that leaves the problem as to what this documentary is about!



(all 3 of them get into a fight)

(the hobo wins)

Hobo: this documentary is about the camera showing an unchanging shot of the trash can for an hour!

(the camera shows an unchanging shot of a trash can for an hour)


Smarty Pants

Cast: Captain Monique Meddlesome

Commander Sabrina Seesaw

Doctor Donna

Engineer Jaysen Juju

Pilot Angela Ambush

Security Chief Monkeywrench (a Silverback gorilla)

Captain Monique Meddlesome was sleeping rather uncomfortably in the microwave in her personal quarters when all of a sudden, the Starship Big Bad Bouncin Bubba shook. Monique hopped out of the microwave and turned on the intercom.

“Captain to bridge! What’s going on?” she demanded.

“Not much,” said Angela Ambush, the ship’s pilot. “I’m at my post, painting my toenails. Doctor Donna is wandering all over the ship, searching for human guinea pigs to take part in her latest lab experiment gone HORRIBLY wrong. Sabrina is plotting your destruction, as am I. Jaysen is messing with me and therefore one second away from getting vaporized by my ray gun and God only knows what Monkeywrench is up to.”

“Never mind all that, fool! What else is going on??”

Angela frowned, put her feet up on the ship’s steering wheel and reflected for a moment. “Well, let’s see…one of my friends just broke up with this guy with twelve hands. She dumped him because he wasn’t very “handy” around the house!” Angela laughed until she cried and fell out of her chair.

Monique tapped her communication badge. “Captain to doctor.”

“Doctor here. I’m busy cheating on my income taxes. What you want?”

“Angela needs some medication, it seems,” said Monique.

“Angela’s beyond help,” Doctor Donna remarked. “I thought you were contacting me about a problem that could be solved.”

“What good are you?” Monique asked. She turned off the intercom, put on her robe and fell to the floor again as the ship shook once more.


This is a STRANGE UNIVERSE, in which ANYTHING is possible.


Monique strode onto the bridge in her pajamas and robe.

“Captain, it’s about time you showed up,” Commander Sabrina said. “We are under attack.”

“We are under a tack?” Monique asked. “Wow! That’s gotta be one huge tack! When did we get underneath it? Who put it there? A species of giants with giant tacks? Are they tryin’ to ‘pin’ something on us?” Monique looked around for answers and then laughed herself silly.

Sabrina and Angela exchanged frightened glances.

The ship’s phone suddenly rang. Sabrina sprinted over to it and picked it up.

“What up, yo?” she sang into the receiver. She listened intently for several hours, nodded every once in a while and then hung up.

“Who was that?” the captain asked. “And how on Pluto did they get the number to this ship?”

“That was a creature calling himself OkeDoke. He claims we have trespassed in his territory.”

“Really?” said the captain.

“No, I lied,” said Sabrina. “The truth is, the caller was a man from France, who had a habit of eating his pants. So he went to the store to go get some more but the cashier said “Not a chance!”

“Stop lying!” the captain yelled.

“That is the truth,” Sabrina said. “He eats pants. Don’t ask me why.” She sat down and began making a hit list of all the people she wished she could kill. Monique topped the list.

“So if he’s the one who keeps eating his own pants, why is he attacking US?” Angela inquired. “We were minding our own business, for once!”

“Good question,” Monique mused while standing on one leg like a flamingo. She spun around and around and crashed into a crewman. She glared at him when he fell to the floor.

The phone rang again, and this time Angela answered the call.

“Hello?” she asked. She frowned while listening to the caller’s voice, nodded and then hung up.

“You guys are never gonna believe this,” Angela said.

“NOW what?” Commander Sabrina muttered.

“The guy who eats his pants said he will keep attacking us until we give him a lifetime supply of pants. If we refuse to supply him with the merchandise, he said he will board our ship and steal the clothes.”

“Why doesn’t he simply ask us to help him, instead of threatening us?” asked Monique.

“How should I know?” asked Angela. “Do I look like I know everything?”

“Hardly,” replied Monique and chuckled at the very idea.

The ship shook again, and Monique fell into Jaysen’s lap.

“Captain, you sitting on my lap is highly inappropriate,” he said, blushing.

“What makes you say that?” Monique asked, accidentally kissing him all over his face.

“Captain, the guy who eats pants has penetrated our ship’s armor,” said Angela as she studied a console with a piece of chewing gum on her forehead.

“Acknowleged,” Monique said while running toward Angela. “I’m almost afraid to ask you this, but like an idiot, I’m going to ask you anyway. Why do you have a piece of gum on your forehead?”

“What? A piece of gum? On MY forehead?” Angela raced to a mirror and said “Holy crappola! I have been looking all over for that gum!” She ripped the gum from her forehead and yelled “OWWWWWWWWWWW!”

“So what’s happening with the guy who eats pants?” Commander Sabrina asked. “Has he boarded the ship yet?”

“He boarded the ship five minutes ago, you freak,” replied Angela with a red forehead. “I suggest you and the captain call Security and have that nutcase apprehended!”

“Good idea,” Monique said, and after she called security, security officers arrived on the bridge and apprehended Angela!


The intercom on the bridge beeped.

“Captain here.”

“This is the Guy Who Eats Pants,” said the…guy who eats pants.

“Get off my ship,” the captain said in her most baby-ish voice.

“Not until you hand over all the pants aboard this vessel.”

“Where are you?” Monique asked.

The Guy Who Eats Pants turned off the intercom.

Five seconds later, Angela frowned and turned to the captain.

“Captain, I’m getting reports of some guy messing around in the ship’s laundromat, looking in all of the washing machines and dryers for pants,” she said. “He kicked everyone out of the laundromat.”

“Sabrina, let’s go down to the laundromat!” Monique said, sprinting toward the elevator.

Sabrina frowned. “But why? I know my uniform stinks, but does it stink THAT bad?”


Monique and Sabrina ran into the ship’s laundromat just as the The Guy Who Eats Pants was putting on a pair.

“Take those pants off!” Monique ordered the man.

“Would you two like to be alone?” Sabrina asked, looking from Monique to the man and then vice versa.

“A guy’s gonna take off his pants?” Doctor Donna asked as she walked into the room, panting and drooling. “Can I watch?”

“I will not remove my pants,” said The Guy. “I need them.” He closed his eyes, hummed and began writing complex mathematical equations on the wall. Monique, Sabrina and Doc Donna tried to solve the equations but the answers eluded them.

“Quite frankly, I’m stumped,” said Doctor Donna.

“Quite frankly, I’m perplexed,” replied Sabrina.

“Quite frankly, I’m Frank,” said Monique.

“But I thought your name was Monique?” Donna asked.

“That makes two of us,” Monique answered.

Doctor Donna sighed, injected herself with a syringe and purposely passed out to escape Monique’s insanity.

The Guy solved the mathematical equations and smiled. “Now do you all see why I need pants?” he asked.

“No,” Sabrina said. “And by the way, your shirt doesn’t go with those pants.”

The Guy sighed. “Without pants, I am dumb. But the moment I put on some pants, ANY pair of pants, I become a genius, capable of solving any problem. I can also think grand, profound and philisophical thoughts when I wear pants! And I eat them because they are delicious and a very good source of starch. So I can be full of food and think philisophical thoughts all at the same time!”

“Wait a minute, wo wo wo, just wait one doggone second here,” said Monique, waving her arms in confusion. “Who the heck is Mr. Phil Losophical, and what does he have to do with ANY of this?”

“Why do I even bother talking to that girl?” The Guy asked Sabrina.

“You’re not the first person to ask that question, and you certainly won’t be the last,” answered Sabrina.

The Guy laughed and was about to leave the ship when Sabrina tapped him on his shoulder.

“Before you leave, I must know something. Who IS Mr. Phil Losophical, anyway?”

The Guy Who Eats Pants ran away, because it was the smart thing to do.


Pikachu vs. Britney Spears

Pikachu is gonna marry Britney. They go to there house and get in their limo. They drive off. Britney brings out a Staryu with no glass. Pikachu starts screaming PIKA!! CHUUU!

Spears: But we need the glass for our sliding glass door.

Pikachu: CHUUU!

Pikachu chases her into McDonalds where Daryll Strawberry is standing on the counter and throws a few chicken nuggets at Pikachu. Then the Bucaneers football team comes in with jugs of cold coffee.

Spears: Look it’s the star-bucks!

They spill it because Ross Perot comes in hitting all he player with a 20 pound fish. A bunch of Vaporeons come and Carmen Electra gives them Spicy Doritos for pushing Pikachu into the burger machine. Then Pikachu blows his nose on one. Funny Bunny Wunnie comes and gives it to a car with Dennis Rodman, Ricky Martin, Madonna, and the chairman of Empre Rittle University.

Ricky Martin jumps out of the car with two supersized cup of sugar. He’s got the sugar inside of of him!

The New Radicals come in on a magic carpet.

New Radicals: Don’t give up you got the sugar in you!

Ricky Martin: Cup of Life OLEY OLEY OLEY!

A bomb blew up and everyone turned pink and started doing the macarena into NASA. They flew to Outer Space where they momboed to Mars.