A toothless termite walked into a pub and asked:
“Is the bar tender here?”
A toothless termite walked into a pub and asked:
“Is the bar tender here?”
Q: What’s a termite’s favorite movie star?
A: Woody Allen.
Q: What do termites eat for lunch?
A: Door jam (jamb) sandwiches.
Q: What do termites eat for lunch?
A: Coatmeal.
“A termite is an animal that attacks a house. Yes!”
– from a book
“Termite attacks a house. Yes”
– from a book
The father told his son, “I won’t waste money on pet food. If you want a pet, get one that will eat table scraps.”
The next day the son brought home a termite farm.
Did you hear about the little termite who walked into the local bar and asked, “Where is the bar tender?”
termitator – n. a termite from the future that wants to eat little kids