Q: Why did the chicken walk on the telephone wire?
A: She wanted to lay it on the line!
Q: Why did the chicken walk on the telephone wire?
A: She wanted to lay it on the line!
Q: How do, like, really laid-back types answer the phone?
A: Mellow.
Q: How do scaredy-cats answer the phone?
A: Yellow?
Q: How do molded fruit-flavored desserts answer the phone?
A: Jell-O?
Q: How do angels answer the phone?
A: Halo?
Answer: Himalayan.
Question: In what position is a boy while he talks on the phone?
Answer: Dial soap.
Question: How do you stop dirty phone calls?
Answer: Hello? Hello? Hello?
Question: How does a three-headed secretary answer the phone?
Q: What do you get if you cross a telephone with a vacuum cleaner?
A: We don’t know what to call it, just don’t put it close to your ear!
Q: What do you get if you cross a telephone with a night crawler?
A: Ringworm!
Q: What do you get if you cross a telephone with a pelican?
A: A big bill.
Q: What do you get if you cross a telephone with a fat football player?
A: A wide receiver.
Bingo: Hello? Bingo’s Restaurant.
Ringo: Hello! I’d like to know, do you serve crabs?
Bingo: We serve anyone, sir! Come on in!
Bingo: Hello? Bingo’s Restaurant.
Ringo: Hello! Tell me, does your chef have pig’s feet?
Bingo: I can’t tell, sir. He’s got his shoes on!
Caller: Operator! Operator! I need you to connect me with someone in my diet support group! I feel hungry but I don’t want to eat!
Operator: I was hungry, too, but after talking to you, I’m fed up!