rastafar – n. a store in (a) chinatown selling seperate statues of people having sex, in different ways, and very detailed…
Tag Archives: sex
rape victim
rape victim – n. a bitch that’s black and blue and hates sex
rallobe – n. the wanting for sex. Like hunger is for food, thirst is for water.
Ex. I am rallobey.
quadsexual – n. someone who has a goozak, and they have sex with male and female humans, and animals. Not too much different from a trisexual, except the goozak in their ass <see goozak and trisexual>
prejza – adj. to rather be diabetic and getting sex from hot girls than not being diabetic and not getting sex from hot girls
pluginbaby – v. to have sexual intercourse, ‘plug in’ to your ‘baby.’ Could be quite energetic, as of the image of an electric ‘plug.’
pie hawk
pie hawk – v. to purposely look for naked people in cars, people having sex in cars, or people changing their clothes while driving
pentasexual – n. someone who has a goozak and an ulian, and they have sex with male and female humans, and animals. Not too much different from a trisexual except the goozak in their ass and the ulians on their legs. <see goozak, ulian, and trisexual>
orgasm – n. the best part of sex
;} the reason people have sex.
Ex. Sharon Turner could have 10 orgasms, but she’s such a dead fuck you’d never notice.
oomahfukingawd – n. the feeling or emotion you get when you walk in on your parents “lovemaking”
nuster – v. to have your good friend tell you to come listen to his parents have sex.
Ex. Jordan totally nustered me the other day…it was awesome.
nrop – n. a movie without sex. “Porn” backwards is nrop.
Ex. Disney movies are nrops.
ninja sex
ninja sex – n. a type of sex in which everything is quiet, nothing romantic or interesting about it
muschkoff veinersnitzenheiher
muschkoff veinersnitzenheiher – n. a crazy old guy who has wild sex with goats
mobilesexual – n. a person that has sex with anything mobile