Tag Archives: Mrs. DYKE

Reflection on the 1st Quarter of Regional Studies

Regional Studies is a class that is one semester long. This class was with Mrs. DYKE.


The 1st quarter of Regional Studies was a somewhat educational experience though in my opinion, it will not help me in the future because I will probably not ever leave the U.S.

There were something that were fun, like the oil simulation, metaphor thingys and other projects. But they basically sucked, and i dont give a damn about them, cuz they had nothing to do about the real world AT ALL!

So far this is a somewhat STUPID class and i already knew 99% of the things that were mentioned in class, and its really stupid to be learning from resources that are from the early 80s, which still have the Russia as the USSR. STUPID!

The Ham Pan Story

As told by Mrs. DYKE

There was this lady that always took off 4 inches the back of her ham. One day, her girlfriends said, “why do you cut the back 4 inches off your ham? You’re not supposed to do that!” She said, “I don’t know, that’s what my mom always did.” So she asked her mom why she cut the back 4 inches of the ham, and her mom said, “because my pan couldn’t hold the last 4 inches of the ham.” That’s the relation between the Opium Wars and my butt

Mrs. DYKE Conversation: Puppies

Note: this didn’t really happen, this is just what we think she would say if we talked to her

davepoobond: “hello Mrs. DYKE! do you like puppies?”

Mrs. DYKE: “why, yes, I was taking a shower for 15 minutes and I thought about a puppy!”

davepoobond: “….”

(Mrs. DYKE sticks her tongue out and bites it)

davepoobond: “ew!”

Mrs. DYKE: “did you do your Regional Studies homework?”

davepoobond: “…no!”

Mrs. DYKE: “why NOT!!??!!?”

davepoobond: “my parents threw out the newspaper already. I don’t want to make a ‘current events wall’ anyway!”

Mrs. DYKE: “You don’t like my idea????”

davepoobond: “Hell no, bitch”
