Do you prefer making-out or just lying in your lover’s arms?

deosculate – v. to kiss another person affectionately
basorthosis – n. when the penis becomes erect during kissing
basoexia – n. sexual arousal from kissing
Q: If your dog kisses you, what do you call it?
A: A pooch smooch.
All he asked for was a little good-night kiss, but she haughtily rebuffed him with, “I don’t do that sort of thing on my first date!”
“Well,” he replied with sarcasm, “how about on your last?”
Who’s there?
Quiche who?
Quiche me, you fool!
Q: What dog kisses a lot?
A: The Greyhound — it’s always good for a “buss”!
::pops out behind a wall::
“how ya doinnnnn’?”
::hugs and kisses someone on the cheek::
– Mrs. Stickums
A Girl: “you know, now that I think about it, I HAVE kissed a lot of girls”
– from somewhere around davepoobond’s high school
“Kiss me somewhere where I’ve never been kissed before”
– from the Radio
“she kisses better than my mom…cooks”
– from the TV
“every kiss begins with kayyyyy!”
– from the TV