– Holmes
– Holmes
“todays jokes are just the descendents of overused jokes”
– Holmes
“Hi im santa claus! turn around and give me a hug!”
– Holmes
“Santa Claus will get all north pole on your ass if you don’t be good”
– Holmes
“Blah blah black sheep have you any wool?”
– Holmes
“God made Elk, God made deer, God made N*SYNC a bunch of queers.”
– Holmes
Slippery Mouse (5.3 KiB, 2,928 hits)
Want a challenge using your mouse? Take it to the next level of extremeeeeenesss!!! Submitted by Holmes. It makes your mouse "slippery" so that its hard to control it. Its fun. Try running it twice at once... (thanks to DigitalX for this program comment)
davepoobond: there aren’t any recently slaughtered cows for sale on ebay
Holmes: 🙁
davepoobond: do you want the link to download the beverly hills cop theme song
Holmes: no thats ok
MadManWithAnAxe: FUN FACT!: It’s mean to name your kid Fuckface.
Holmes: ha
Holmes: how true
Holmes: and yet…
Holmes: how hilarious
MadManWithAnAxe: hehe
MadManWithAnAxe: FUN FACT!: All the money in the world can’t buy your dignity back if someone videotapes you trying to give oral pleasure to a lawn gnome.
Holmes: damn there goes all my hopes for my dignity back
MadManWithAnAxe: FUN FACT!: Polar bears do not like complimentary ass massages.
Holmes: have you tried it? don’t knock it until you try it
MadManWithAnAxe: hahaha
MadManWithAnAxe: FUN FACT!: If you’re going to attempt to stick your head up someone elses anal cavity, it’s probably in your best interest to wear goggles.
Holmes: well that brings new meaning to the term: i can’t see shit
MadManWithAnAxe: HAHA
MadManWithAnAxe: FUN FACT!: It’s not against the law to put a litter of kittens into your mouth…but it should be.
Holmes: whats wrong with eating more then one pussy at once?
MadManWithAnAxe: HEH
MadManWithAnAxe: FUN FACT!: A human face doesn’t taste as good as I thought it would.
Holmes: oh well..theres always hope in eating a dogs face
MadManWithAnAxe: FUN FACT!: I’ll bet everyone without legs has a funny story to tell.
Holmes: hah…uncle benny cut his legs off because we wouldn’t feed him his second dinner!
MadManWithAnAxe: hehehehe, that’s great
MadManWithAnAxe: FUN FACT!: Just because the space-gnomes inside your head tell you to, it’s never a good idea to staple yourself to pogo stick and yell “BEWARE!: I AM POGO-BOY, THE MOST POWERFUL BEING IN THE UNIVERSE!” People might think you’re crazy.
Holmes: it’s sooo typical of people to judge me just because i am pogo-boy…will the racism ever end?
MadManWithAnAxe: HEH
MadManWithAnAxe: FUN FACT!: You may think it’s cool to dress up in hot pants and a ten gallon hat and attend random people’s funeruls and sing 80’s style karaoke , but you’re really just making an ass out of yourself.
Holmes: ….NOW you tell me
MadManWithAnAxe: FUN FACT!: I wouldn’t exactly know from experience, but I’ll bet it’s pretty hard to hide a penguin in your ass.
Holmes: well, sorry to burst your bubble, but remeber hearing about penny, the famous penguin that ran away from the circus? guess where he is…
MadManWithAnAxe: :-DHAHAHA
MadManWithAnAxe: FUN FACT!: You’d think having sex with a mattress would be more satisfying than it actually is.
Holmes: water bed’s are oh so sexy!
MadManWithAnAxe: FUN FACT!: It’s never a good idea to masturbate and ski at the same time.
Holmes: oh yeah…oh yeah i’m coming…i’m coming…i’m com- *splat* poor joe, took a whole box of viagra before he went skiing…and hit a tree…what a way to go…
MadManWithAnAxe: hah
MadManWithAnAxe: FUN FACT!: Just because you have the means to fit a midget into your ass, doesn’t make it right.
Holmes: well…penny needed a friend
MadManWithAnAxe: ;-)that was good
MadManWithAnAxe: you should be famous
Holmes: heh i doubt i could be
Holmes: damn i hate when people IM you when your typing a sentence
MadManWithAnAxe: FUN FACT!: Sex with a microwave isn’t very pleasurable.
Holmes: that’s because your only suppose to do anal
MadManWithAnAxe: FUN FACT!: To be impaled on a toothbrush…that’s gotta be a crappy way to die.
Holmes: not as crappy as dieing in someone’s ass
MadManWithAnAxe: FUN FACT!: All the drugs in the world cannot equal the fun of poking a hobo with a sharpened stick.
Holmes: poking a hobo who’s on all the drugs in the world at once with a sharp stick, now that’s FUNNY!
MadManWithAnAxe: hehe
MadManWithAnAxe: FUN FACT!: Injecting anti-freeze into your scrotum may make people think you’re cool, but what would your parents think?
Holmes: well, i perfer my penis NOT to shrivel up when it’s cold…people will think i’m on the “short” side
MadManWithAnAxe: heeeeeeeey, that’s actually not a bad idea
Holmes: yeah…now if only i could stop my nipples from getting hard…
MadManWithAnAxe: FUN FACT!: If you’re eating a sandwich, and the sandwich starts mumbling at you in Latin, it’s probably best just to put it down and just walk away.
Holmes: but first kill it before it plans to take over the world…and steal it’s tomatos
stimpyismyname: could you do me a favor and find the sfx that plays when doug funni gets some from patty?
stimpyismyname: dudadudaleee waaaahhhhoooooweeeeeeeoooh
stimpyismyname: pleeeease
Holmes: what?
stimpyismyname: didnt you ever watch doug
stimpyismyname: on nickelodean
Holmes: yeah
stimpyismyname: you know when patty talks to doug that music plays
stimpyismyname: baaaooohwwahhhhoohh
stimpyismyname: ..do you know what im talking about?
Holmes: somehwta
Holmes: but thats gonna be a bitch to find
stimpyismyname: well you dont have to..
Holmes: can’t find it anywhere
stimpyismyname: o well
Holmes: what should i look for?
Holmes: doug funnie download music?
stimpyismyname: i dont know
stimpyismyname: i guess its not that important
stimpyismyname: heh
stimpyismyname: dougandpatty.wav
stimpyismyname: search for that
Holmes: why don’t you just watch doug and get a microphone out, then when he;s about to meet patty, turn your micrphone on and record it?
stimpyismyname: never!
Holmes: uh ok
Holmes: then tell dave to do it
stimpyismyname copied and pasted the whole IM to davepoobond while he was away, basically telling him to look for it.
davepoobond: I’D DO ANYTHINNGG
davepoobond: I’D DO ANYTHING
davepoobond: I’D DO ANYTHING
Holmes: um
davepoobond: OUUUU
davepoobond: dun nununu nu nununu!
davepoobond: hey
Holmes: k
Holmes: hey
Holmes: bye
Holmes: gotta get off
davepoobond: heh
davepoobond: k bye
davepoobond: hey boyeee
davepoobond: i saw Black Knight
Holmes: hey monster truck man
davepoobond: it was horrible
Holmes: was it good?
Holmes: figures
davepoobond: it wasn’t nearly as funny as it was supposed to be
davepoobond: it started out with martin lawrence being a jackass
davepoobond: and that was kinda funny
davepoobond: but then he goes through “this magical journey that ends up being a dream”
davepoobond: and everything changes for him
davepoobond: yadda yadda yadda
davepoobond: do good here do good there inside the dream
Holmes: thansk for telling me the story
Holmes: asshole
davepoobond: my pleasure
Holmes: j/k
Holmes: i wasn’t going to see it
davepoobond: well it has some funny stuff, but not too much to make you laugh out loud
davepoobond: kinda like a “heh”
Holmes: oh
davepoobond: its so stupid, this black guy talking about stuff now, and he knows he’s in the 14th century
Holmes: blue streak was pretty funny
davepoobond: yeah it was
davepoobond: but that was made to be funny. this was made to teach a lesson
Holmes: big momma’s house = eh
davepoobond: its like a family movie with cuss words in it basically
davepoobond: and a black guy
davepoobond: you dont see many family movies with black guys in it unless its an all black cast
Holmes: true
Holmes: life was funny…with eddie murphy and martin lawrence
davepoobond: everyone was white in the movie most of the time except, of course, the lady he tries to get it with
davepoobond: there just HAPPENED to be another black girl in england
Holmes: coincidence?
davepoobond: it took about a half an hour in the beginning for him to realize he was in the 14th century
Holmes: hahaha
davepoobond: such a waste of time
Holmes: but i know the number 1 movie i want to see
Holmes: Like Mike
Holmes: (major sarcasm)
davepoobond: oh man
davepoobond: i almost screamed everytime i saw previews for it
Holmes: oh man….
Holmes: and i thought i was the only one
davepoobond: and i think there was this one sentence that i always heard that i repeated
davepoobond: every single time
Holmes: “please let me be……..like mike”
davepoobond: i forgot what it was though…
davepoobond: yeah what the hell
davepoobond: stupid sneakers
davepoobond: they’ve been on a telephone wire for 20 years
davepoobond: God knows how it got up there in the first place
davepoobond: don’t you think itd be kinda nasty putting your foot into that thing
Holmes: it took about 20 hours for a kid in pakistan to finish making those sneakers for Nike
davepoobond: at least those kids are working
davepoobond: unlike the lazy children here
Holmes: yeah
davepoobond: all children should be put to work! just like before the progressives spoiled everything
Holmes: damn progressives
Holmes: !
davepoobond: yeah! making everything today become the standard of what we want everyday. damn them for making us so picky
Holmes: damn them for wanting our drinks: “shaken…..not stirred!”
Holmes: or our meat not rare or well done, but medium!
davepoobond: i dont think they did that…
davepoobond: what they did was actually guarantee that the meat was actually meat
davepoobond: etc. etc.
Holmes: well they should go to mcdonalds
Holmes: and guarrentee THATS meat
davepoobond: its meat, we just dont know what from
Holmes: because i don’t know if I’m eating a timberland boot or rat meat for the chicken nuggets
davepoobond: chicken nuggets are pretty nasty….but at least it isn’t made of soy
davepoobond: have you ever had soy chicken nuggets?
Holmes: yuck no!
davepoobond: i did
davepoobond: worse than anything you can imagine
davepoobond: un-be-lievable
Holmes: i think the worst thing i’ve ever eaten was encore frozen hamburgers
Holmes: it tasted like it was creating a colony of shit on your toungue
Holmes: and the taste would not come out no matter what!
davepoobond: heh
Holmes: i ended up throwing up
Holmes: even the throw up tasted better then the burgers
Holmes: but you probablly didn’t want to hear that
davepoobond: it comes to wonder, how people even market that shit and pretend like they’re gonna make money
davepoobond: what do they think we are?
Holmes: idiotic fat americans who spend money on anything that sounds good
davepoobond: yeah, and they milk it for all that products worth until it stops making money, and then they move onto their next shitty product
davepoobond: like Diet Soda
Holmes: y – u – c – k
Holmes: Pepsi One
Holmes: Diet pepsi
Holmes: Diet caffeine free pepsi
Holmes: Diet coke
Holmes: Diet coke with lemon twist
davepoobond: diet 7 up
Holmes: diet sprite
davepoobond: diet cherry pepsi
davepoobond: diet cherry coke
davepoobond: diet cherry 7 up
Holmes: diet vanilla coke
Holmes: diet dew
Holmes: diet dr. pepper
davepoobond: this is a sad world we live in when there’s more than 4000 different sodas to chose from
Holmes: and the biggest problem in this world is choosing between the two rivals
Holmes: coke
Holmes: or
Holmes: pepsi
davepoobond: there’s also RC
davepoobond: but no one gives a shit about them
Holmes: RC….i haven’t had a cola from them in a long ass time
davepoobond: they don’t sell it anywhere but in the middle of the desert at a garage with a vending machine 20 years old
Holmes: ever try moxy?
davepoobond: the hell?
Holmes: moxy is the first original “soda”
davepoobond: i thought it was 7 up
Holmes: it’s uncarbonated and has almost no sugar
davepoobond: oh.
Holmes: wait
davepoobond: that’s not a soda
Holmes: it’s carbonated
Holmes: sorry
Holmes: forget i said that
davepoobond: k
davepoobond: y’mean club soda?
Holmes: no
Holmes: but my cousin drank some
Holmes: he said it hits your toungue like a 2000 pound bitter anvil
Holmes: gotta go
davepoobond: k bye
davepoobond: lol i got this file that was supposed to be metallica covering pearl jam – jeremy. but its just 3 guys being idiots and singing the whole thing with the actual song. but i like it!
Holmes: lol
davepoobond: but it was pretty good
davepoobond: you can barely hear the music though
Holmes: i downloaded a music video a while ago, i forgot who it was, but it ended up being a porn
davepoobond: lol
davepoobond: was it a good porn?
Holmes: pissed me off
Holmes: no
davepoobond: what kind
Holmes: it was a guy jerkin off on a girls face
davepoobond: lol
Holmes: i mean you would think he would get a blowjob off of her but no, he decided to beat his shit
davepoobond: what was she doing just sitting there or somethin
davepoobond: kneeling down “yes ejaculate on me!”
Holmes: she didn’t say anything, she was on her knees with her eye’s closed waiting for it to rain cum
davepoobond: lol
Holmes: the guy was moaning…he sounded like an elephant
davepoobond: omg thats hilarious
davepoobond: did you watch the whole thing
Holmes: it was like 15 seconds
davepoobond: did he get off though
Holmes: yeah
Holmes: then it ended
davepoobond: was the girls expression like =-O
Holmes: no she had the same expression the whole time
Holmes: eyes closed
Holmes: head up
davepoobond: not smiling or anything?
Holmes: waiting for jiz shower
Holmes: even when it happened
Holmes: nope
davepoobond: wut a stupid porn
Holmes: i know
Holmes: deleted it right after i got it
davepoobond: did he have a small weinieee
Holmes: i didn’t measure
Holmes: nor did i care
davepoobond: lol
Holmes: but i think it was average
davepoobond: heh
davepoobond: average
davepoobond: heh
Holmes: i’m not the cockexpert
Sx ShyTeaRs xS: Yo, i am letting everyone know about my web site 🙂 come over here. 😀
Holmes: really yo?
Holmes: who’s everyone?
Holmes: yo?
Holmes: all your 1 friends?
Holmes: plus random online aol people?
Holmes: is that everyone?
Holmes: what a porno looser