Tag Archives: happy the otter


Joke #5323

Three blonde dudes were walking through the woods when they got to a river.

Looking for a way to cross it, one dude found a magic lamp then a genie came out of it and said he would grant each dude one wish.

The first dude said “I wanna get accross this river.”  So the genie granted him the power to swim and he swam to the other side.

Then the second dude said “I wanna get accross this river without getting my hair wet.” So the genie gave him a raft and he rode the raft to the other side.

Then the third dude said “I wanna get accross this river without getting my hair wet or touching the raft.” Then the genie was getting annoyed, so he turned him into a brunette woman then she simply walked across the bridge that was next to them the whole time.