Tag Archives: GUTS
Joke #10712
Q: Why didn’t the skeleton climb the mountain?
A: Because he didn’t have the guts.
davepoobond voiced the audio until the “shut up”
Joke #5412
Q: Why didn’t the skeleton cross the road?
A: He didn’t have the guts
Another version of this joke:
Q: Why was the ghost a coward?
A: She didn’t have any guts!
The Bump n’ Dump
The Bump n’ Dump – n. a part of an obstacle course that has bumps, making you get off the course (which is bad)
MegaCrag – n. like the AggroCrag, but is made of metal, steam going down the mountain, and more glitter and styrofoam rocks. It is described as “a tangled mass of petrified lava.” and has sounds of dormant volcano “ready to blow.” It Also has silver balls falling out of nowhere <see AggroCrag>
arsig – v. to take home a prop from the origianl GUTS set
AggroCrag – n. a huge mountain thingy that has “sirens” on it with buttons to turn them on, and it has glitter shooting everywhere and stryrofoam rockfalls. The “sirens” are called Actuators. There’s one big one at the top.