Which of these plants is not a cereal?

– from somewhere around davepoobond’s high school
– from somewhere around davepoobond’s high school
“Where’s the beef?”
– from somewhere around davepoobond’s high school
“Let’s talk about them Ranchers, they wanna grow more beef, feed more grass and cut down those trees”
– Mrs. DYKE
“The high heffer. Ok we have a cow”
– Ms. Signs
Cow: “daddy like!”
– from the TV
Q: What has four legs and goes booo?
A: A cow with a cold.
If I bought one of those toy cows that gives milk, it would probably go dry.
TEX: “Down home, we brand our cattle!”
REX: “We’re so rich, we have ours monogrammed.”
I read in the papers about a Mid-West college football player who stands 6 foot 9 and weighs 465 pounds. His doctor put him on a diet. Now he can only eat one cow a day.
COBBLER TO CUSTOMER: “I can tell you why my soles don’t wear as well as they used to. It’s because these days all the good leather goes into steaks.”
Q: Where do cows go when they want a night out?
A: To the Moooovies!
Q: Why did the Martian feed the cow money?
A: He thought it would make the milk rich.
Another version of this joke:
Q: Why did the farmer feed his cow money?
A: He wanted rich milk.