Q: What do boxers do if they catch fire?
A: Stop, drop and roll with the punches.
Q: What do boxers do if they catch fire?
A: Stop, drop and roll with the punches.
Q: What’s the first thing boxers do when they get in a car?
A: Knuckle-up.
Q: Why do boxing announcers make good storytellers?
A: They give blow-by-blow accounts.
Q: What do you hear when you cross a fighter with a telephone?
A: A boxing ring.
Q: What do you get when you cross a boxer with orange juice?
A: Fruit punch.
Q: Which vegetable shouldn’t be allowed to fight in Madison Square Garden?
A: Spinach — it can get creamed!
Q: Where do they hold prizefights in Fast Foodland?
A: In an onion ring!
Q: What food can never become heavyweight champion of the world?
A: The lollipop — it always gets licked!
Q: Who is Catland’s heavyweight boxing champ?
A: Muhammad Ali-cat!
Q: What dog stands the best chance of winning the heavyweight title?
A: A boxer, of course!
A famous boxer visited the offices of a sports magazine and said to one of the editors, “Do you have any good pictures of me here?”
The editor asked, “What do you consider a good picture of yourself?”
The boxer replied, “One where I’m standing up.”
The following was carved on the tombstone of a prize fighter: “He ended up the same way he fought — on his back.”
BOXING INSTRUCTOR (to a student who had his first lesson): “How did you like it, Benny? Do you have any questions?”
BOXER BENNY: “Yep! Do you have a correspondence course?”
It’s always more blessed to give than to receive. Especially if you’re a professional boxer.
A prize fighter doing road work with his manager one morning spotted a little girl jumping rope. He turned to his manager and asked, “Who’s she fighting?”