Q: Why did the fly play outfield?
A: To catch the fly balls.
Q: Why did the fly play outfield?
A: To catch the fly balls.
Q: A baseball team had 45 hits, but not one man crossed home plate. Why?
A: It was a girl’s baseball team.
The coach of the St. Joseph’s High School baseball team, who happened to be a priest, called time out and ran onto the field to have a talk with his pitcher, a boy named Morgan.
The umpire watched patiently while the priest had a lengthy discussion with his younger hurler. Finally, tired of waiting, the umpire stormed over to the coach. “What is this?” he said to the priest angrily. “A conference or the Sermon on the Mound?”
Times have changed: Years ago, a professional baseball player sat on the bench studying the guys on the other team. Today, he sits on the bench studying the stock market reports.
Did you hear about the loony outfielder who thought he was a frog? He caught flies on his tongue.
Q: What kind of baseball games did loony King Henry VIII like to watch?
A: Double-headers!
We have such a strong union where I work that we have more strikes than a baseball game.
A sports nut is someone who’s married to the TV set during the baseball, football and basketball seasons and married to a wife the rest of the time.
Did you hear about the crumby baseball player who became a great bowler because he was an expert when it came to striking out?
Old baseball players never have mental breakdowns. They just go a little batty.
Another baseball first happened yesterday in New York City. Umpires decided to call a night baseball game on account of daylihgt.
It’s easy to tell if a pitcher is throwing spit balls… The catcher will be wearing a raincoat and galoshes.
Did you hear about the umpire who kept home plate so clean, you could eat off it?
Isn’t it ironic that in 1979 the Professional Baseball Umpires decided to call their first strike?