Submitted through the dictionary submission form.
word = all this trouble
undefined_word = (not defining an undefined word)
word_form = noun
other_word_form =
definition =
example =
etc =
Random junk that doesn’t go anywhere else.
Submitted through the dictionary submission form.
word = all this trouble
undefined_word = (not defining an undefined word)
word_form = noun
other_word_form =
definition =
example =
etc =
Submitted through the IM/Chat submission form.
name = sugababe141xXx
This_is_a(n) = IM
i_am = a female
chat_room_name = squackle!
victims = ace ppl!!
submission = Evrybody get up and chat 2 me xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Submitted through the IM/Chat submission form.
name = babe
email = hotshorty4eva
use_email = yes
This_is_a(n) = Chat
i_am = babe
chat_room_name =
victims =
submission =
Submitted through the Other submission form.
name = james the king
type = yahoo
title = hjh
submission = hjhj
Submitted through the Dictionary form.
word = 6th amendment
undefined_word = (not defining an undefined word)
word_form = noun
other_word_form =
definition =
example =
etc =
These are the words that originated in the 1920s which were used by flappers…some of these are still used today.
Dimbox – a taxicab
Flatwheeler – a young man who takes a young lady to an egg harbor
Egg harbor – a fall dance
Clothesline – one who tells neighborhood stories
Whiskbroom – a man who cultivates whiskers
Let’s blouse – let’s go
Crabhanger – reformer
Shifter – a grafter
Snugglepup – young man who frequents petting parties
Petting party – social event devoted to hugging
Finale hopper – young man who arrives after all bills are paid
Hiphound – one who drinks hootch
Sodbuster – an undertaker
Applesauce – flattery or bunk
Weeping willow – same as crepehanger
Ritz – stuck up
Alarm clock – a chaperone
Father time – any man over 30 years
Sugar – money
Urban set – a new gown
His blue serge – his girl
Cutting yourself a piece of cake – making yourself wait patiently
Dog Kennels – pair of shoes
Dogs – feet
Stilts – legs
Mouthpiece – lawyer
Handcuff – engagement ring
Stutter-tub – motor boat
An alibi – a box of flowers
Anchor – bank roll
Monogolist – young man who hates himself
Dropping the plot – getting a divorce
Appleknocker – a hick
Biscuit – a pettable flapper
Butt me – give me a cigarette
Barney – a scandal walker
Dincher – a half smoked cigarette
Ear muffs – radio receivers
Dingledangler – one who persists in telephoning
Cake basket – a limousine
Statts (?) – conversation that means nothing
Oilcan – an imposter
Fire alarm – a divorced woman
Cuddle-cootie – young man who takes a girl for a ride on a bus
Forty-niner – man who is prospecting for a rich wife
Tomato – good looking girl with no brains
Slat – young man
Strike breaker – young woman who goes with her friend’s “steady” while there is a coolness
Dud – a wall flower
Cake-eater – harmless lounge lizard
Noodle-juice – tea
Boob-tickler – girl who has to entertain her father’s customers from out of town
Barney-muggin – love-making
Brush-ape – anyone from the sticks – a hayshaker
Cake-eater – a wearer of tight clothes, belted coat with spear like lapels and one button, sausage trousers, low quick fitting collar, greenish pink shirt; and one of those jazzbo ties that gives you the giggles
Cat’s pajamas – anything that’s good
Dapper – a flapper’s father
Darb – gink with a roll of coin
Finale hopper – always ready to promise the last wrestle and never there when it comes around; the spendthrift who arrives after the ticket-takers have departed
Snake-charmer – a female bootlegger
Dive-ducat – subway ticket
Mad money – carfare home if she has a fight with her escort
Hikers – knickerbockers
Whangdoodle – jazz band
Grubstake – invitation to dinner
Pillowcase – young man who is full of feathers
Feathers – small talk
Hush money – allowance from father
Bean-picker – one who tries to patch up trouble
Corn-shredder – young man who dances on lady’s feet
Police-dog – young woman’s fiancé
Airedale – homely man
Fig leaf – one piece bathing suit
John D. – an oily person
Sweetie – anybody she hates
Frog’s eyebrows – nice, fine
Fluky – funny, odd, different
Goof – flapper’s intoxicated
Half cut – happily intoxicated
Kippy – neat or nice
Neckers – those who park while dancing
Sharpshooter – a good dancer (who spends his money freely)
Strangler – what a spendthrift isn’t
Toddler – a finale hopper’s faster sister
Sap – a finale hopper
Smoke-eater – a girl cigarette user
Plastered – a synonym for pie-eyed; oiled; intoxicated
They – refers to objecting parents
1. If you apply heat to petroleum unleaded fart, it will fuck.
2. Water always seeks its own fruit.
3. In a right triangle, the square of the dick is equal to the sum of the squares of the other two boobs.
4. Sound travels through the air at a rate of 69 dicks per second.
5. Weight: 16 ounces equals one fudgamudga.
6. If an object is floating in sperm fluid, it displaces its own pussy.
7. Everything that goes west must come east.
Submitted through the IM/Chat submission form.
name = Retard The Tard
This_is_a(n) = IM
i_am = A retard
chat_room_name = retarded
victims = retards
submission = Hey you little retards! Die please~
Submitted through the IM/Chat submission form.
name = chocolate poo
This_is_a(n) = IM
i_am = chocolate poo
chat_room_name = POOP
victims = POOP
submission = hey
Submitted through the Dictionary submission form.
word = child
undefined_word = (not defining an undefined word)
word_form = noun
other_word_form =
definition =
example =
etc =
Submitted through the Anti-Barney song submission form.
name =
email =
use_email = yes
song = BARNEY IS EVIL!!!!!!!!
Submitted through the Dictionary submission form.
word = dog
undefined_word = (not defining an undefined word)
word_form = dont know
other_word_form = blaggg
definition = A acronim for dog
example = i am a dog
etc = yo foo’s!
Submitted through the Other submission form.
name = Go Smoke A Toilet
email =
use_email = no
type = Bad submission archive
title = Bad Submission
submission = This is a bad submission.
Submitted through Other submission form.
name = Go Smoke A Toilet
email =
use_email = no
title = Bad Submission
Submitted through the Other submission form.
name = Go Smoke A Toilet
email =
use_email = no
type = Poems
title = Mr. Postman
submission = Mr. Postman