Q: What do you call a mannequin on a weight-loss program?
A: A crash diet dummy.
One liner jokes.
Q: What do you call a mannequin on a weight-loss program?
A: A crash diet dummy.
Q: What did the frog drink when he went on a diet?
A: Diet Croak.
Q: How do vegetables serve their country?
A: They join the Peas Corps.
Q: Where do vegetables go to get married?
A: To a Justice of the Peas.
Q: How do corn kernels propose marriage?
A: They pop the question.
Q: Why was the vegetarian arrested?
A: He was caught with hot potatoes.
Q: How do you strain vegetables?
A: Give them lots of homework.
Q: Where do pastry chefs warm up?
A: In the batter box.
Q: Why did the little girl give her allowance to the bread makers?
A: She wanted to help the kneady.
Q: What do cannibals call a shipwreck?
A: Lunch.
Q: What did the cannibal wife give her husband when he came home late?
A: The cold shoulder.
Q: What’s a raisin’s favorite amusement park?
A: Grape Adventure
Q: What would you get if you crossed tropical fruit with a cartoon hero?
A: Papaya the Sailor Man
Q: What happened when the grape saw into the future?
A: It started raisin a fuss.
Q: How do you make an orange turn over?
A: Tickle its navel.