Q: What music did they play outside the castle?
A: Moat-zart.
One liner jokes.
Q: What music did they play outside the castle?
A: Moat-zart.
Q: When does a detective carry an umbrella?
A: When he’s undercover.
Q: What kind of birds always stick together?
A: Vel Crows.
Q: What do you call the period of time when nerds ruled the earth?
A: The Dork Ages.
Q: Where do you put a sick ballpoint pen?
A: In an ink-u-bator.
Q: What would you get if you crossed hopscotch with hookey?
A: Someone who likes to skip school.
Q: Where do young cows eat lunch at school?
A: The calf-eteria.
Q: What do you call a zebra that can’t see?
A: A referee.
Q: How do cows know what’s going on at school?
A: They read the bull-etin boards.
Q: Why was the elephant expelled from school?
A: Because he trunked (flunked) out.
Q: Why was Silly Sarah kicked out of art school?
A: She drew a blank.
Q: What kind of exams do cannibals like?
A: Taste tests.
Q: What happened to the cannibal who ate his teacher?
A: He had to cook with substitutes.
Q: What did the bad tooth say to the departing dentist?
A: “Fill me in when you get back.”
Q: Why was the little kid afraid to go to the dentist?
A: He was gum shy.