Category Archives: (C) Misogyny Jokes

Joke #12488

“You’re very beautiful,” the boss said to the new secretary.  “I’ll bet a lot of men ask you for dates.”

The girl smiled sweetly and replied, “Yes, but I don’t go out with anyone I find unattractive.  I let them down nicely by telling them I’m married.”

The boss nodded.  “That makes sense.  Say, are you busy Saturday night?”

“Yes,” she answered, “I’m getting married.”

Joke #12408

“The brakes are gone!” cried the wife.  “I can’t stop the car.  What should I do?”

Her husband beside her in the front seat said, “Keep calm and look for a cheap economy car.”

“Why bother to look for a cheap economy car?” she asked.

“Do you think I’m going to let you stop by crashing into a brand new luxury car?”