Category Archives: Dictionary Resources

This will help you understand the Squackle Dictionary.

Dictionary Help

Can’t understand some parts of the dictionary? Fear no more!

What do these things mean?

n. – noun. Usually definitions starting with “a,” “an” or “the” except for “the state of being.”  Used to name a person, place, thing, or idea.

v. – verb. Usually definitions starting with “to” except for “to be.”  A word or combination of words that expresses an action or says something about the existence or condition of a noun or pronoun.

adj. – adjective. Usually definitions starting with “to be” or “the state of being.”  A word that modifies a noun or pronoun.  Modify means to limit, qualify, or make partial changes.

adv. – adverb. Usually starts with “the state of” with a verb and the description of that action.  A word that modifies a verb, an adjective, or another verb (when, where, how, how often, to what extent).  Many adverbs en in -ly.

Contraction. – a shortened word

Acronym. – the first letters of a bunch of words or phrase

Interjection. – a word that you would use to say something out loud, like “damn” or “fuck.”  A word or phrase used to express pain, surprise, anger, pleasure, or some other emotions.  Stands apart from other words in sentences.

Klingon. – a word from the Klingon language

Location. – a location

Phrase. – a phrase that has more than 1 word in it

Ebonics. – a word or series of words used in Ebonics

Preposition. – a word like “a.”  A word that shows a relation between the word following it and some other word or group of words in a sentence.

Conjunction. – a word that combines two parts of a sentence, such as “but,” “and,” and “yet”

Pronoun. – a word that replaces another noun. Such as he, she, it.  It stands for or takes place of a noun and functions in most ways as a noun.

?. – we don’t know what kind of word it is

Ex. – example

;} – separates one definition from another definition for the same word. Similar to the numbering system used in actual dictionaries. The reason we don’t use numbers in our definitions is because we use numbers sometimes to define a certain word, and will thus complicate the definition. Another reason is because the dictionary is always adding definitions to existing words.

“<see (something)>” ?

to understand the word more fully, you should look at that word or link to another part of Squackle! that has been provided for you within the < >s

What other things should I know about these words?

  • If you use these words enough in everyday speech, and tell other people about this dictionary and to use the words in it, then one day the words might be put into a real dictionary, as it will become a part of everyday speech.
  • You should know that these words are not going to look good on any school, job or government related purpose (until of course they are put into a real dictionary) including, but not limited to
    • essays
    • tax forms
    • probation requests
    • business reports
    • graphs on projected business growth
    • anything but informal speech/writing

Get started on your Squackle! Dictionary experience!:

Root Words

The main bulk of the words in the Squackle! Dictionary don’t follow these “root words” from mainly Greek and Roman words.  You can use these to make words to go into the Squackle! Dictionary if you want.

phobia – fear of. Ex. agoraphobia, claustrophobia, xenophobia

phil, philo – love, lover of. Ex. philately, anglophile, fracophile

mis – hatred, hate. Ex. misogynists, misogamy

dys – bad, ill, difficult. Ex. dysentary, dyspeptic

eu – good, well. Ex. euphonious, euphoria

macro – large, big, long. Ex. macrocasm, macron

micro – small, tiny. Ex. microscope, microfilm

hetero – different. Ex. heterogeneous, heterosexual

homo – one, the same. Ex. homogon, homonym, homosexual

hyper – over, above, beyond the ordinary. Ex. hyptertension, hypglycemic

bio – life. Ex. biology, biography

geo – earth, ground. Ex. geology, geography

anti – against. Ex. antiestablishment, anti-Gore, anti-Bush, antipathy

pro – in favor of, for something. Ex. prochoice, prolabor

chron – time. Ex. chronology, chronic pain

auto – self. Ex. automobile, autograph, autobiography

gram, graph – writing. Ex. telegram, telegraphy, autograph, monogram

log, logue – words, speech or talking. Ex. monologue, dialogue

phon – hearing. Ex. telephone, phonics, cacophonous

poly – many, several. Ex. polyhedron, polygon, polyglot

mono – one, single. Ex. monochrome, monocle

pan – all. Ex. panacea, panoramic

bi – two. Ex. bicycle, bilingual, bisexual

semi – half of. Ex. semicircle, semicolon

logy – study of. Ex. biology, physiology, technology, astrology, theology

meter, metr – measure. Ex. baramoter, trigonometry

post – after. Ex. postscript

pre – before. Ex. preview, preliminary, prejudice

endo, em, en – within, put into, inside of. Ex. endocrine, enact,

exo, ex – outside. Ex. exoskeleton, exhale

a, an – not, without. Ex. atypical, amoral

co, com, col – together, with. Ex. cooperation, colatteration,

neo – new. Ex. neonatal, neophyte

psuedo – false, phony. Ex. pseudonym, pseudoscience

theo, the – God, religion. Ex. theology, theocracy

inter – between. Ex. interlude, intermission

per – outside. Ex. perimeter, periscope

tele – far, distant. Ex. telephone, television, telescope

sub – below, beneath. Ex. submarine, substandard

super – more, more than, above, beyond. Ex. Superman, Super Mario,
supervisor, supersedes

syn, sym – together, with. Ex. synonym, symbol

ante – before, in front of. Ex. antebellum

ad – to, toward. Ex. advance

cred – believe, trust. Ex. credulity, credit

contra, counter – opposed to, against. Ex. conrtaband, counterattack

therm – heat. Ex. themometer, themostat, thermal

terr – earth, land. Ex. terrain, terra firma

ness, tion – quality of, expressing action. Ex. goodness, commotion,

astro – stars. Ex. astroturf, astronomy, astrology

anthro – human, man. Ex. anthropoid, anthropormorphic

hydro – water. Ex. hydrology, hydraulics, hydraphobia

hemo – blood. Ex. hemophilliac, benevelent

mal – bad, evil. Ex. malevolent, malodrous, malicious

cap – the head, the chief. Ex. capital, cap

equ – equal, the same as. Ex. equal, equidistant

extra, ultra – beyond, extreme. Ex. extra credit, ultra

fid – faith, trust. Ex. fidelity, confidence

multi – many, numerous. Ex. multiplayer, multimillionaire

omni – all. Ex. omnipotent, omnivore

path – feelings, emotions. Ex. sympathy, apathy

psych – mental, spirit. Ex. psychologist, psycho

gen – birth. Ex. gender, generations, genesis

mor, mort – death. Ex. mortician, morturary, immortal

non – not. Ex. noncomformist, nonpartisan

ob, op – against, anti. Ex. opponent, obstacle

re – again. Ex. redo, restate, renew

de – down, away from, separation. Ex. demote, deconstruct

man – hand. Ex. manuscript, manicure

aud – hear. Ex. audible, auditorium

dic – say, tell, speech, wording. Ex. diction, dictionary, dictate

spec – seeing, to look.Ex. spectacle, speculate, inspect

ambi – both. Ex. ambidextrous, ambiguous

uni – one. Ex. unibrow, unicorn, unicycle

ten – to hold. Ex. detention, tenant, tentacle

pos – place. Ex. position, posture, positive, deposit

intra, intro – inside, within. Ex. introvert, intrastate

fin – end. Ex. final, fin, finished, finale, finals

fore – before. Ex. before, foretell, forecast

dia – through. Ex. diameter, diagram, diagonal

il, im, in, ir – not, the opposite of. Ex. illegal, immoral, indecent,

se – apart, apart from, away. Ex. segregate, separate, selected

temp – time. Ex. tempo, tempus fugit, temporary

trans – across, change to. Ex. transistion, transform, translation,

un – not. Ex. unfair, unlatched, unusual

ver – true. Ex. verocity, verify, verdict

vis, vid – to see, to provide. Ex. visual, visible, video

voc, vok – to call, voice. Ex. provoke, vocal

bell – war. Ex. rebellious, bellicose, antibellum

bon, boun – positive thing, good. Ex. bountiful, bonjour, bonus

iso – uniform, equal. Ex. isotope, isosceles, isotherm

mega – large, great. Ex. megalopolis, Mega Man, megaton

able, ible – capable of, condition of. Ex. reliable, edible, irritable

dermis – skin. Ex. epidermis

er, or, ist – person, who. Ex. terrorist, dentist, doctor

ful, out – full of. Ex. wonderful, poisonous, hilarious, wonderful

ism – belief. Ex. buddhism, cultism, cannibalism

itis – inflammation. Ex. laryngitis, arthritis

less – without. Ex. thoughtless, fearless