Category Archives: Chat Logs

These are Lame Chats and Stupid IMs

#5977: stimpyismyname -> Berrybud

stimpyismyname: die

Berrybud: what???

stimpyismyname: yea

stimpyismyname: ok

stimpyismyname: hi

Berrybud: who is this

stimpyismyname: who do you think

Berrybud: i have no idea

stimpyismyname: yea, right.

Berrybud: who

stimpyismyname: what?

stimpyismyname: u still talkin bout that?

Berrybud: well i dont kno who you r

stimpyismyname: YEA?

stimpyismyname: WELL SO WHAT

stimpyismyname: I DONT KNOW WHO U R

Berrybud: then y dya im me

stimpyismyname: why does anybodyim anyone?

stimpyismyname: brb

Berrybud: k

stimpyismyname: back

Berrybud: just tell me ur name

stimpyismyname: tell me urs

Berrybud: Brooke

stimpyismyname: yea right

Berrybud: no seriously

stimpyismyname: k

Berrybud: now yours

stimpyismyname: im scared!!

Berrybud: tell me your freakin name

stimpyismyname: freak?

stimpyismyname: did you call me a freak???

Berrybud: no

Berrybud: i wanted you to tell me ur name

stimpyismyname: really……

stimpyismyname: thats what you

Berrybud: yea

stimpyismyname: ummmm

stimpyismyname: what?

Berrybud: just tell me ur name

stimpyismyname: why

Berrybud: i just wanna know who im talking to

stimpyismyname: you wouldnt know anyway

Berrybud: well i told yopu my name

stimpyismyname: well woop de do

Berrybud: tell me uyr name

stimpyismyname: …..

stimpyismyname: what?

Berrybud: im not talkinmg to you n e more

stimpyismyname: really….

stimpyismyname: HELL0!!!!!!!!

stimpyismyname: meow

stimpyismyname: meow meow meow

Berrybud: tell me who you r

stimpyismyname: hah!

stimpyismyname: knew you couldnt hold out

Berrybud: well i jus wanna knoe

Berrybud: opleeze.

stimpyismyname: hmmmmm

Berrybud: wht can i do to get you to tell me

stimpyismyname: lets see….

Berrybud: ………………

stimpyismyname: uhh

Berrybud: ……………..

stimpyismyname: go to

stimpyismyname: then tell ur friends to go

Berrybud: but i dont eant to

stimpyismyname: i dont care

Berrybud: well tell me ur namr

stimpyismyname: after

Berrybud: no no non nonm non non npn no!

stimpyismyname: …………………………………

Berrybud: bhrb

stimpyismyname: ok

Berrybud: back

stimpyismyname: wow

stimpyismyname: brb in 20 min

Berrybud: noo whats ur name

#5974: IceyBurn -> MyLeftTesticle

IceyBurn: you got high grow

MyLeftTesticle: No.

MyLeftTesticle: I was just kidding.

IceyBurn: o

IceyBurn: thanxs anyway

MyLeftTesticle: Sure. Funny joke, though, huh?

IceyBurn: ya i guss

IceyBurn: do you like weed

MyLeftTesticle: I live in Oregon…Of course I like it.

IceyBurn: kool

IceyBurn: you know any good siters that tell you how to grow it

MyLeftTesticle: No, not really. I’m not into growing.

IceyBurn: o

#5973: DAUGHTE -> MyLeftTesticle

DAUGHTE: wut then

MyLeftTesticle: Huh?

DAUGHTE: whatcha goin do know

DAUGHTE: bring it on


DAUGHTE: wut then

DAUGHTE: i thought so

MyLeftTesticle: What’re you talking about?

DAUGHTE: you goin get smart with me in the chat room so lets do dis

MyLeftTesticle: Do what?

DAUGHTE: you got smart with me when i said

DAUGHTE: wuts crackin up in here

MyLeftTesticle: Define your version of “smart”, please.


DAUGHTE: you ant smart


DAUGHTE: and wut you goin do

MyLeftTesticle: That’s a brilliant conclusion.

MyLeftTesticle: I’m just laughing my ass off at how lame you are.

DAUGHTE: your the lame one u scared to get in a fight

DAUGHTE: i thought so

MyLeftTesticle: How are we going to “fight”? This who thing is over the internet. Why even make a big fuss over it? That’s the lame part.

#5972: ddwebdev -> MyLeftTesticle

ddwebdev: do you need a website designed/redesigned for a business or personal use?

MyLeftTesticle: Not really.

MyLeftTesticle: Do you?

MyLeftTesticle: Do you need a website designed/redesigned for a business or personal use? I could design one for you.

MyLeftTesticle: Hey, answer me, buddy.

ddwebdev: no

MyLeftTesticle: Then don’t IM me with your crap.

#5970: Mousehunter -> MyLeftTesticle

Mousehunter: so you say you have a code for nascar 2003

MyLeftTesticle: Yes I do.

Mousehunter: can i please know what it is

MyLeftTesticle: What code do you need? I got them all.

MyLeftTesticle: They call me the codemaster.

Mousehunter: unlock all would be nice

MyLeftTesticle: Hm. First, you need the key.

Mousehunter: ok

MyLeftTesticle: You gotta know how to work it first.

Mousehunter: ok whats the key

MyLeftTesticle: You gotta insert something into the car before you race…

Mousehunter: ok

MyLeftTesticle: If you can get it in just right and turn it and push it in a few hundred times and turn it some more it should come unlocked.

Mousehunter: how do i get the key

MyLeftTesticle: Getting the key is simple…

MyLeftTesticle: You have to beat the whole game, every track with every car, 5 times perfectly.

Mousehunter: oh ok

MyLeftTesticle: Then…

MyLeftTesticle: You have to switch it to reverse-mirror mode…

MyLeftTesticle: That makes the cars go backwards on a reversed track.

MyLeftTesticle: You have to do only win one race with one car in under 20 seconds to get the key.

Mousehunter: ok

Mousehunter: thanks bye

MyLeftTesticle: No problem, buddy.

Previous message was not received by Mousehunter because of error (7:07:46 PM): User Mousehunter is not available.

#5969: dinsageofpower -> MyLeftTesticle

dinsageofpower: please go to this link

MyLeftTesticle: Why?

dinsageofpower: its outwar

MyLeftTesticle: What is it?

dinsageofpower: A SITE

dinsageofpower: JUST DO IT 4 M

dinsageofpower: ME*

MyLeftTesticle: Why?

dinsageofpower: so i get stronger

MyLeftTesticle: Stronger for what?

dinsageofpower: outwar

MyLeftTesticle: What is outwar?

dinsageofpower: a site

MyLeftTesticle: A site for what?

dinsageofpower: fun

dinsageofpower signed off at 7:49:18 PM.

#5968: hotstuff -> MyLeftTesticle

hotstuff: jhey

hotstuff: asl

MyLeftTesticle: 18/m/Cali

hotstuff: f-ny

hotstuff: 13

MyLeftTesticle: Okay.

hotstuff: ya

hotstuff: so do u mo a kid named mike

MyLeftTesticle: Yeah.

hotstuff: whats his last name

MyLeftTesticle: I know lots of people named Mike.

hotstuff: do u no a kid named mike mcfee or somwthing like that

MyLeftTesticle: Yeah.

hotstuff: oh wait i think it is mike mcduffee

hotstuff: do u really

MyLeftTesticle: Yeah. I think he was in my high school last year.

hotstuff: ok then what does he look like

MyLeftTesticle: It’s been a while since I’ve seen him, though. We didn’t know each other all that well.

hotstuff: oh ok

hotstuff: well what is yur name when he gets on i will ask him if he no’s u

MyLeftTesticle: My name is Fred.

hotstuff: fred?

MyLeftTesticle: Yeah.

MyLeftTesticle: Or Frederick. Either one.

hotstuff: fred what

MyLeftTesticle: Fred Pine.

hotstuff: for real

MyLeftTesticle: Yeah. I used to get made fun of at school a lot because of my last name.

hotstuff: ok

hotstuff: ok

hotstuff: soi what do u wanna talk about fred

MyLeftTesticle: Do you like cheese?

hotstuff: no

hotstuff: do u ?

MyLeftTesticle: Why not? Cheese is very tasty. It comes in a variety of flavors and what not. Cheese is the best thing that ever happened to food.

hotstuff: ya umm i am sure

MyLeftTesticle: You don’t know what you’re missing, then.

hotstuff: ya i do it aint like i have never eaten cheese before

MyLeftTesticle: No, I mean eat it as a hobby.

hotstuff: eat what as a hobbie

hotstuff: lol i am j/k

MyLeftTesticle: Heh.

hotstuff: what

MyLeftTesticle: That was funny.

hotstuff: ya but did u even get it

MyLeftTesticle: Yeah, I got it.

MyLeftTesticle: Did you?

hotstuff: ya i did

MyLeftTesticle: Okay.

hotstuff: so what are u doing

MyLeftTesticle: I’m watching Oprah.

hotstuff: kool

MyLeftTesticle: Yeah, I wish I could be on the Oprah show.

hotstuff: for what u dont have anything specail about u do u

MyLeftTesticle: I could tell people about my tragic story that happened two and a half years ago.

hotstuff: what was that

MyLeftTesticle: It was a fishing accident. We were all on this fishing boat when suddenly, from out of no where, a giant squid capsized the ship and killed my father. The whole crew died and I was the only survivor. But then I was stranded on a deserted island for a few weeks and I had to live out there. It was pretty traumatizing.

hotstuff: dude the same thing happened to me

MyLeftTesticle: Don’t mock me. I still have nightmares about all that.

hotstuff: i am serios my ship was called the s.s.u wish

MyLeftTesticle: …Look, if you’re going to mock me then I don’t think we should continue this conversation.

hotstuff: ok ok i was just having a lil fun jesus dont be so up tight

MyLeftTesticle: Like I said, it was very traumatizing. I can’t help but get all uptight about it.

hotstuff: ya but hwo do u expect me to believe that a giant squid killed everybody

hotstuff: except for u

MyLeftTesticle: No, the giant squid didn’t kill them–at least, I don’t think so. They probably died out at sea. Their bodies were never found again.

hotstuff: oh

hotstuff: umm well what sea was this

MyLeftTesticle: I’m sorry, what was that last part?


Previous message was not received by hotstuff because of error (3:35:21 PM): User hotstuff is not available.


–At about this time I was frantically trying to think up of a sea. I asked Dave but he said “Pacific.” -.-;; That’s not a sea. She obviously knew that I was bullshittin’ her, but I don’t care. Stupid bitches shouldn’t IM me!

#5967: MercuryLight -> MyLeftTesticle

I forget what the first part of the message was since it was in another IM window that I closed. But, the rest makes sense, even without the first part.


MercuryLight: shutup then

MyLeftTesticle: Don’t tell me to shut up

MercuryLight: ok

MyLeftTesticle: I got freedom of speech, boy.

MercuryLight: calm down

MyLeftTesticle: You calm down.

MercuryLight: ummmm. . .ok

MercuryLight: lol

MyLeftTesticle: …

MyLeftTesticle: That’s not funny, you dolt.

MercuryLight: ok

MercuryLight: cool word

MercuryLight: dolt

MercuryLight: lol

MercuryLight: are u a wiccan?

MyLeftTesticle: Yeah, it should be your name since it’s so cool, and you’re so cool, too. I’m gonna start callin’ you that from now on.

MyLeftTesticle: I am not a wiccan.

MercuryLight: ok

MercuryLight: i’m cool?

MercuryLight: No, you think you’re cool.

MercuryLight: no i dont

MyLeftTesticle: Good, ’cause no one thinks you are cool, either.

MercuryLight: shutup

MyLeftTesticle: What did I say?

MyLeftTesticle: Don’t tell me to shut up.

MercuryLight: do u no how 2 knock poeple off AIM?

MyLeftTesticle: Do you know how to spell?

MercuryLight: yes

MyLeftTesticle: Then, please for everyone’s sake, spell correctly.

MercuryLight: ok

MyLeftTesticle: Thank you.

#5966: Daisy -> MyLeftTesticle

Daisy: i saw you

MyLeftTesticle: So?

MyLeftTesticle: I saw me too

Daisy: lol

Daisy: . . .

MyLeftTesticle: What?

MyLeftTesticle: So, you saw me…And your point is?

Daisy: . . . .

Daisy: I don’t understand you

MyLeftTesticle: Me either…I don’t understand me a lot

MyLeftTesticle: Welcome to the club

Daisy: ok

MyLeftTesticle: Hey

MyLeftTesticle: Guess what

MyLeftTesticle: Dude

Daisy: what

MyLeftTesticle: You and me, we’re cool about things, right?

Daisy: about what?

MyLeftTesticle: About whatever

Daisy: i have no idea what you are talking about

MyLeftTesticle: Like, friends…

Daisy: okay yah

MyLeftTesticle: So, we can talk about anything, right?

Daisy: sure ….

Daisy: depends what is this about

MyLeftTesticle: Do you have a birthmark in the shape of Argentina?

Daisy: i have no idea what your talking about again

MyLeftTesticle: You know what I mean.

Daisy: no i have no idea

MyLeftTesticle: Yes, you do.

Daisy: no

MyLeftTesticle: How come you liked me?

Daisy: i didnt

Daisy: as a friend

Daisy: your physcopath sister

Daisy: always thought i did

MyLeftTesticle: Eh, my sister was always pretty stupid…

MyLeftTesticle: Why did she think that?

Daisy: cuz we were friends

MyLeftTesticle: Hmm…

MyLeftTesticle: You never did like me?

Daisy: just as a friend

Daisy: stop asking me

Daisy: im going to put u on block

MyLeftTesticle: What are you talking about?

Daisy: here I’ll show you

MyLeftTesticle: huh?


Then she goes on to ignore me…Dumb bitch…

#5965: Tortuga -> MadManWithAnAxe

Tortuga: you are crazy

Tortuga: you need to work on your profile

Tortuga: you sound like a weirdo

MadManWithAnAxe: you sound like marlon brando

Tortuga: thanks

Tortuga: crazy

MadManWithAnAxe: c-c-crazy?

Tortuga: i gotta go cause you are odd

MadManWithAnAxe: i think YOU’RE the crazy one, teacozy man

Tortuga: what

MadManWithAnAxe: you heard me

Tortuga: no i am trying not to

MadManWithAnAxe: then don’t

Tortuga: im not i told you i was leaving so stop talking to me

Tortuga: and you need some help

MadManWithAnAxe: stop responding

MadManWithAnAxe: no wait come back, i need you!

MadManWithAnAxe: Did you just call me a toaster oven?  What the hell is your problem?

Tortuga: you are crazy shut up

MadManWithAnAxe: let’s dance

#5964: IgetBORED -> Flamable Lector

IgetBORED: hi

Flamable Lector: hi

IgetBORED: heheh we watched porn and ate popcorn lst nite, not good combo

Flamable Lector: hehehe

IgetBORED: but porn sucks. never watch it alone, so cant spank the ol proverbial monkey

Flamable Lector: good point, but too much shared there dude

IgetBORED: that reminds me

IgetBORED: i gotta jack off

IgetBORED: cya