davepoobond: hey how’s it going, Emily
BlackOneHunter signed off at 9:18:37 PM.
These are Lame Chats and Stupid IMs
davepoobond: hey how’s it going, Emily
BlackOneHunter signed off at 9:18:37 PM.
SkatDvss: hheeeeey
SkatDvss: watsup
davepoobond: nothin u
SkatDvss: nothiin
SkatDvss: wat are u gonna do all day
davepoobond: i dunnooooo
SkatDvss: me im gonna hav the dumbest day of my life
davepoobond: thats great
SkatDvss: no its not
davepoobond: sure it is
SkatDvss: hav u seen the movie the ring
davepoobond: no
SkatDvss: do u want to
davepoobond: not especially
SkatDvss: i do
SkatDvss: cuz i herd it was sopose to be the scaryest movie
SkatDvss: wat movie do u want to see
davepoobond: i dunno
SkatDvss: oh
SkatDvss: nice talken to un g2g bye
davepoobond: k bye
SkatDvss: bye
davepoobond: hey
reg ein: hi
davepoobond: hows it goin
reg ein: alright
reg ein: you
davepoobond: same
reg ein: i gotta go
reg ein: later
davepoobond: heh k bye
stimpyismyname: whatcha doin
davepoobond: ur mom aha
SkatDvss: hey
SkatDvss: supp
SkatDvss: nothin much
stimpyismyname: u have a dell, right
stimpyismyname: riiiight
davepoobond: yeah
davepoobond: so what
stimpyismyname: just wonderin
davepoobond: ok…
stimpyismyname: http://www.cafeshops.com/cp/prod.aspx?p=squackle.3277598
stimpyismyname: i wanna buy that
davepoobond: lol yep
stimpyismyname: 17 bucks
stimpyismyname: good deal
davepoobond: lol
stimpyismyname: or the postcards
stimpyismyname: also nice
davepoobond: they’re blank tho right
davepoobond: never mind
davepoobond: i remember what i did
davepoobond: i just need more pictures…
davepoobond: did you see the thong?
stimpyismyname: yes
stimpyismyname: what kind of grafics card do you have
davepoobond: g-force 4
stimpyismyname: oooh
davepoobond: ur review was pretty funny
davepoobond: do some more reviewss
stimpyismyname: ma be
davepoobond: didnt you say you’d let me borrow dungeon siege
stimpyismyname: no
davepoobond: or that other thing
davepoobond: dragon summoner or whatever
davepoobond: that was online
davepoobond: but didnt work
stimpyismyname: uhhh
stimpyismyname: soulbringer..?
davepoobond: yeah
stimpyismyname: its not online
davepoobond: wutever
stimpyismyname: and theres no voices anymore
stimpyismyname: i’ll sell it to ya
davepoobond: how much
stimpyismyname: witht he strategy guide
davepoobond: oooOoooh
davepoobond: $?
stimpyismyname: yea i kno
stimpyismyname: $30
davepoobond: FUCK NO
davepoobond: i’d rather get sims
davepoobond: and it costs more
stimpyismyname: then why do you want it
davepoobond: i just wanted to borrow it
davepoobond: for the sounds
stimpyismyname: no
stimpyismyname: theyre mine
davepoobond: u selfish bastard
stimpyismyname: mwa ha ha
davepoobond: its all about you you you you
stimpyismyname: what would you do with them
stimpyismyname: ur lazy
davepoobond: make stuff with flash or gamemaker when i get around to doing stuff with them
stimpyismyname: yea right
davepoobond: yeah i am right
stimpyismyname: yeah yore nooot
davepoobond: fine whatever, i dont care
stimpyismyname: good
stimpyismyname: it seemed like you did
stimpyismyname: yea whatever
davepoobond: i used to, but yer such a BASTARD
stimpyismyname: o….k
davepoobond: o k so i’m gonna g o
stimpyismyname: have fun
davepoobond: boo
stimpyismyname: what do you want
davepoobond: your mom in a bag
stimpyismyname: you cant use that
davepoobond: sure i can
davepoobond: why not
stimpyismyname: CAUSE YOURE A FAG
stimpyismyname: NO ONE LIKES A FAG
davepoobond: lots of people do
davepoobond: thats why there’s gay rights activists
stimpyismyname: oh yea, you
davepoobond: did you get that abbey robot song
stimpyismyname: piss off
davepoobond: so snappy today, arent we
stimpyismyname: hi butthole
davepoobond: hi
stimpyismyname: cal colin
davepoobond: h
davepoobond: y
stimpyismyname: what whaaa??
davepoobond: y?
stimpyismyname: cause
davepoobond: which
stimpyismyname: elmo
stimpyismyname: call until he picks up
davepoobond: and then what will i tell him
davepoobond: y dont u
stimpyismyname: then tell him to call me
davepoobond: i have THINGS to do
davepoobond: i’m a very busy man
stimpyismyname: yeah
stimpyismyname: busy making calls
stimpyismyname: NOW bitch
davepoobond: no
davepoobond: screw u and the mom you came out of
davepoobond: man i have so many dictionary submissions, i have enough of them for like at least a month maybe
davepoobond: and then i have 600 other words
Holmes: haha
Holmes: hey you never put scluckle 4 up!
davepoobond: i didnt?
davepoobond: oh yeah i probably didnt
Holmes: uh
davepoobond: lemme see if i have it
Holmes: k
davepoobond: eh i dont have it..
davepoobond: do u have it in ur filing cabinet?
Holmes: hmm
davepoobond: r u sure u wrote one?
davepoobond: the ones i have from u i havent put up yet are:
davepoobond: robot porn
davepoobond: The case of the missing X Box’s Box (yeah you heard right)
davepoobond: thats it
davepoobond: what was the last one u wrote about
Holmes: hmm
davepoobond: ep. 3 is the subway one
Holmes: herbal orgasmic shampoo i think
davepoobond: i meant scluckle
Holmes: no the last one had the verizon wireless guy in it
davepoobond: scluckle?
Holmes: yeah
davepoobond: oh damn i remember that
davepoobond: that was funny
davepoobond: you dont have it in your filing cabinet?
davepoobond: bleh, if i had it, it musta been lost in the move from the old computer to this one
Holmes: i think i have it on my computer
Holmes: byt for some reason i can’t access my desktop
Holmes: it froze
davepoobond: heh
davepoobond: well i’m putting up the herbal orgasmic and twiggs commercials up now
Holmes: shit
Holmes: shit shit shit
Holmes: i think i lost it
davepoobond: damn
davepoobond: sorry, i mighta actually forgotten to just put it onto my document file
Holmes: the only things i have are the robot porn
Holmes: and the xbox’s box
davepoobond: same with me
Holmes: what the fuck i never deleted it!
davepoobond: heh it seems like it just disappeared
Holmes: maybe the goverment took it
Holmes: O.o
davepoobond: maybe when you wrote it, we went backwards in time, and then it seemed like we read it, and it seemed like it was in existence
davepoobond: but it really wasn’t, because it hadn’t been written yet
Holmes: wow
davepoobond: ?
Holmes: your on crack
davepoobond: lol
davepoobond: i knew there was a little something funny in that halloween candy today
Holmes: yeah…did your mom check it before you ate it?
davepoobond: no. my mom didnt even want me to GO trick or treating
davepoobond: cuz i’m “too old”
Holmes: !!!!!!
Holmes: i went trick or treating!
davepoobond: lol
Holmes: in my work clothes
Holmes: at work
davepoobond: did u get a lot of “ur too old” bs
Holmes: and got paid for it
Holmes: i got that the year before
Holmes: when i did go trick or treating
davepoobond: i was a box
Holmes: heh
davepoobond: like a box the size of a mattress
davepoobond: with arm holes and a hole for my head
davepoobond: and then a paper bag on my head
Holmes: you should just run into people
davepoobond: people started calling me sponge bob
davepoobond: it pissed me off
Holmes: lol
Holmes: smack em with your box
davepoobond: the paper bag had a unibrow
Holmes: a box slap
davepoobond: and it was crying blood
davepoobond: some stupid shit heads kicked me and punched me around a little bit though
Holmes: lol
davepoobond: if there’s some white stuff on MnMs is that bad?
Holmes: ….
Holmes: theres only one explanation for white stuff on M&M’s
Holmes: lets just say someone might be a little attracted to the red and yellow eminem commercials
Holmes: lol i said eminem
Holmes: M7M
Holmes: m&m
davepoobond: heh
davepoobond: but its powderey
Holmes: =-O
Holmes: snort it
Holmes: if it gives you a good feelings it’s coke
davepoobond: nah, i tossed it
Holmes: if you die it’s anthrax
Holmes: ok
davepoobond: i dont do that shit
Holmes: heh niether do i
davepoobond: its back to the lab again yo
Holmes: word
davepoobond: where’s my snare?
Holmes: up your ass
Holmes: so loose yourself
davepoobond: i’m sorry mama
davepoobond: i never meant to hurt you
davepoobond: i never meant to make you cry but tonight, i’m cleaning out my closetttt
Holmes: sometimes it feels like the world’s on my shoulders
Holmes: everyones leanin on meeeeeeeeeee
davepoobond: daddy what are you doing
Holmes: i sit back with this pack of zig zags and this bag of this weed which gives me the shit needed to be the most meanest MC
davepoobond: i think my dad’s gon craaaazeh
Holmes: hehe
Holmes: till the roof comes up till the sun goes down i’m gonna rip this shit till my bones break out
Holmes: ok i’m going to attempt to drown myself…you can try this at home….you can be just like me
FroggyStyle: ignorance is bliss.
davepoobond: yeah..
stimpyismyname: did you play gta this whole time
davepoobond: no
davepoobond: watched tv
stimpyismyname: transformers?
stimpyismyname: yep
Auto response from davepoobond: I am away from my computer right now.
davepoobond: yeah transformers is awesome
davepoobond: but doesnt make any sense
davepoobond: and the kids are really annoying
davepoobond: the most interesting part though
davepoobond: is the credits
stimpyismyname: i dint watch it actually
stimpyismyname: so dont spoil it
stimpyismyname: boitch
davepoobond: cuz the transformers just transform and junk
davepoobond: showing you what they can do and stuff
stimpyismyname: nooo!
davepoobond: to entertain you through the credits
stimpyismyname: shut up!!!
stimpyismyname: lalalalalalaa
stimpyismyname: alalalalalalalala
davepoobond: dude! pokemon is on at 9!
davepoobond: first season
davepoobond: whoowhoo
stimpyismyname: ?
davepoobond: and then yu-gi-oh at 9:30
stimpyismyname: the whole 1st season?
davepoobond: no, the beginning
stimpyismyname: in half an hour?
stimpyismyname: whoa
davepoobond: one episode a day
stimpyismyname: it must be a clip show
davepoobond: right
stimpyismyname: all of them in 30 min
stimpyismyname: vines have a song called 1969
stimpyismyname: little fags
davepoobond: lol ok
davepoobond: raffi is gay
fartsinajar: i wasnt aware
davepoobond: well it shoulda been obvious
fartsinajar: i guess
davepoobond: If you wrote 1 million and 1 billion on a piece of paper, how many kidney beans are in a can of tuna?
A. I like to play with hot dogs
B. 15
C. ha
D. toss it higher, we’re down to 12 seconds!
Holmes: D
Holmes: definetly
davepoobond: thats actually a pretty funny question huh
Holmes: yes
Holmes: i made a loud laugh and my brother told me to shut up
davepoobond: ask him the question
Holmes: he said: “WHAT THE FUCK?”
davepoobond: lol
Holmes: heh
Holmes: he read the question
Holmes: and said “thats the stupidest question ever…your friend is retarded”
davepoobond: ask him this then
davepoobond: 46. How do you pee?
A. Standing up
B. Sitting down
C. Squatting next to a bush
D. Laying down, so you can make a “pee pee fountain”
Holmes: he said option d was gay
davepoobond: cuz he’s not a real man, thats why
davepoobond: all REAL men do D
Holmes: lol
Holmes: he said “he must be doin C…what a fuckin crackhead”
davepoobond: 59. Which actress do you like best?
A. Nicole Kidman
B. Penelope Cruz
C. Tom Cruise
D. Rosie O’Donnel
Holmes: he said B./…she’s fuckin hot
Holmes: and laughed at tom cruise
davepoobond: An oak tree’s fruit is known as…
A. acorn
B. rose
C. needle
D. calculator
Holmes: he said your fruity
davepoobond: Men that most use power saws are called…
A. loggers
B. foremen
C. farmers
D. politicians
Holmes: d
davepoobond: get any lately?
A. yes
B. no
C. Get what?
D. I’m a retard
Holmes: he said A and i called him a liar and he punched me
Holmes: lol
davepoobond: ahaha
davepoobond: What would you most likely say when confronted by a man-eating bunny?
A. Its on a bridge
B. I’m going to star in a movie with the women from Murder She Wrote
C. I am Iron Man
D. Hi
Holmes: he told me stop asking him retarded q1uestions then said C lol
davepoobond: What do you think Michael Jackson would do if his house burned down or it was blown up?
A. Do a Moonwalk
B. clap his hands to make it all go away
C. Ask for the help of children
D. die
Holmes: lol
Holmes: he laughed a little bit and said C then said “then rape them all”
davepoobond: haha
davepoobond: What hardship did the Pilgrims endure during their trip across the Atlantic?
A. No plumbing
B. secrets about gold coins in every box of Cocoa Puffs
C. Corn flakes
D. Winnie the Pooh was the only book to read
Holmes: lol
Holmes: B
davepoobond: What would you do if you had 90,000 donuts?
A. sell them for 30 cents each
B. jump into them
C. eat them
D. drive a semi truck through them
Holmes: definetly D
davepoobond: True or False: Watermelon
A = True
B = False
C = Go to Hell
davepoobond: thats all i got right now
Holmes: he said D: go to hell and fuck yourself
davepoobond: ask him “wanna help me do the second part?”
Holmes: he said: No
Holmes: he’s playin wrestlemania
davepoobond: heh
Holmes: like the homosexual he is
Holmes: and i’m saying this outloud while i’m typing it
Holmes: so he canjk;fds;dds;’sdd i’;’mmmmmmm gaydooosuj
davepoobond: haha
Holmes: asshole
Holmes: yeah anyways
davepoobond: heh
davepoobond: remember GUTS?
Holmes: oh yeah
Holmes: lol
Holmes: old school nickelodeon
Holmes: my brother farted that retard
davepoobond: lol
Holmes: jeeze man your lucky you don’t have retarded older brothers
davepoobond: worse, i have a bitchy younger sister
Holmes: yeah but you can over power her easily
Holmes: duct tape always works
davepoobond: right
Holmes: and belts
davepoobond: meteors don’t make good fertilizer
Holmes: …..
Holmes: uh ok
davepoobond: bouncing barracuda! I’ve been hooked!
Holmes: heh
Holmes: is that from sponge bob square pants?
davepoobond: i dont know
davepoobond: probably
Holmes: have yu ever watched the show?
davepoobond: yeah, hate it
Holmes: !!!!!!
Holmes: what!
Holmes: how can you hate it?
davepoobond: its not funny
Holmes: eh i guess everyone has there opinion
davepoobond: it has SOME funny parts in it, but as a whole i wouldnt watch it for anything
Holmes: i mean i can understand just not likin it but hating it……
davepoobond: i dont really hate it
davepoobond: but if i had a choice between sponge bob and land before time VII, i’d watch land before time VII
davepoobond: it seems like a copout from all their other shows
Holmes: some episodes are ALRIGHT
Holmes: but you have to see the one where they remake a store orientation video for the krusty krab for newly hired employees
Holmes: it’s hilarious to me because i;’ve seen one of those crappy ones at my work and i thought how crappy it was
Holmes: but anyways
Holmes: whatever
Holmes: enough said
davepoobond: i dont like any of the new nick toons
davepoobond: i guess thats why i really dont like sponge bob, cuz its a new nick toon
Holmes: yeah most of them are dumb
davepoobond: its just got something about it, more politically correct kind of cartoon kind of thing
Holmes: i just lik spongebob
davepoobond: more retarded
Holmes: not really
Holmes: you have to see some of the stuff they do…
davepoobond: before, it was like intellectual kind of things, like ren and stimpy, ahh real monsters
davepoobond: and rugbrats
Holmes: sponge bob is actually more intellectual then you think…you just have to look below the surface…the surface is for the kids who don’t get it
Holmes: and laugh because a stupid sponge and a starfish sound retarded
davepoobond: of course, thats what they do for all cartoons, even sesame street
davepoobond: all kid tv shows
Holmes: not really
Holmes: rockos modern life was basically for adults
davepoobond: and thats what makes the children introduced to adult themes earlier in life
Holmes: simpsons same thing
Holmes: ren and stimpy
Holmes: king of the hill
davepoobond: but simpsosn and king of the hill are on network stations
Holmes: true
davepoobond: ren and stimpy and rocko were on nickelodean
Holmes: rugrats are for everyone
davepoobond: what adult watched nickelodean? almost none
davepoobond: only when their kid was did they
davepoobond: its all a conspiracy
Holmes: heh
davepoobond: the dumbing down of america
davepoobond: grab the kids, then pull the parents in
Holmes: they did a recent poll
Holmes: college kids watch more nicktoons then adults
davepoobond: because they grew up with it
Holmes: especially spongebob
Holmes: for some odd reason
Holmes: i dunno
Holmes: anyways
Holmes: forget this
davepoobond: conspiracy conspiracy
Holmes: ren and stimpy are classics
Holmes: *slap*
davepoobond: yeah that was great
Holmes: even though that was the reason why my brother mike kept hitting me :-\
Holmes: he always use to say that after we watched the show
Holmes: and then slap me
Holmes: and we get into a fight
davepoobond: heh
davepoobond: i gtg later
Holmes: later
End of IMs3
fartsinajar: guess what
fartsinajar: im leaving
davepoobond: for?
fartsinajar: to go to the pub for a hamburger
davepoobond: oh
fartsinajar: should be tasty
davepoobond: thats great
fartsinajar: bye
davepoobond: yeah ok bye
davepoobond: get drunk
davepoobond: and think of me :-*
fartsinajar: hey i didnt get drunk
davepoobond: ya sure whatever
fartsinajar: look im back now and im not drunk
davepoobond: ok
fartsinajar: good im glad were clear
davepoobond: i’m supposed to believe you went to a pub and didnt touch a lick of liquor (haha that rhymed)
fartsinajar: haha