Category Archives: Chat Logs

These are Lame Chats and Stupid IMs

#10924: hockeybreezer16 -> davepoobond

I forgot who this guy was.

hockeybreezer16: hi

davepoobond: hi

hockeybreezer16: sup

davepoobond: nothing much. you

hockeybreezer16: kool same

davepoobond: so do i know you from somewhere

davepoobond: or did you get my sn from somewhere

hockeybreezer16: chat room

davepoobond: ehhh….which one?

davepoobond: i wasn’t in any chat room

davepoobond: today

hockeybreezer16: ya

davepoobond: i wasn’t in one.

#10919: SR71 Steve -> Daedric Lord 666

Alright, i have a cooperation betweeen dan and he. I pick out some fool at random. Dan’s IM is basically dan trying to hit on him. Here’s my side.

SR71 Steve: 😀

SR71 Steve: 😀

Daedric Lord 666: hey

SR71 Steve: 😀

Daedric Lord 666: whoz dis?

SR71 Steve: 😀

Daedric Lord 666: ????????????

SR71 Steve: :-\

Daedric Lord 666: O_o??????????

SR71 Steve: >

Daedric Lord 666: ?????????????

SR71 Steve: i like pie

SR71 Steve: and i’m a pimp

Daedric Lord 666: ooo u


Daedric Lord 666: ???

Daedric Lord 666: who r u again?

SR71 Steve: spawn of satan

SR71 Steve: who are you?

SR71 Steve: the real slim shady?

Daedric Lord 666: sweet

Daedric Lord 666: and I’m a G-UNIT soldier

SR71 Steve: G-unit!

SR71 Steve: roflmao

SR71 Steve: G-units are the bitches of F units

SR71 Steve: lol

SR71 Steve: stupid g units

Daedric Lord 666: whaa??

SR71 Steve: Do my laundry bitch

SR71 Steve: your my bitch G unit

Daedric Lord 666: hell no

SR71 Steve: ARROWED!

SR71 Steve: POSSUMS!

Daedric Lord 666: tell my other bitches that

Daedric Lord 666: they’ll do ur shit

SR71 Steve: you have fucking H unit for bitches

SR71 Steve: H unit isn’t worth crap


Daedric Lord 666: who the hell are u?

SR71 Steve: spawn of satan

SR71 Steve: fucktard

SR71 Steve: i gusse it’s a G unit thing

SR71 Steve: Hi

Daedric Lord 666: how in hell did u got my sn?

SR71 Steve: Daddy gave it too me

Daedric Lord 666: who>>> ur daddy????

Daedric Lord 666: weird

SR71 Steve: think about it

SR71 Steve: shithead

SR71 Steve: SPAWN of satan

SR71 Steve: thessse G-units

SR71 Steve: think they’re all tough

SR71 Steve: but then they meet a possum

SR71 Steve: or get arrowed

SR71 Steve: seriously, blue meatloaf is the shit

SR71 Steve: hi

SR71 Steve: my homosexual friend says you’re hitting on him

SR71 Steve: is that how it goes with you G units?

SR71 Steve: hi

SR71 Steve: hi

SR71 Steve: hi

SR71 Steve: hi

SR71 Steve: hi

SR71 Steve: hi

SR71 Steve: hi

SR71 Steve: hi

SR71 Steve: hi

SR71 Steve: are you the real slim shady?

SR71 Steve: cuz my dad thinks he’s the shit

Daedric Lord 666:

Charger979: wanna cyber anyways?

Daedric Lord 666: hell no!

Charger979: ….you dissapoint me

Charger979: come on, it’ll be fun

Daedric Lord 666: hell no

Charger979: Is that all you say?

Charger979: either way, it turns me on

Daedric Lord 666: o god

Charger979: come on man

Charger979: you start

Daedric Lord 666: hell no!

SR71 Steve: STOP HITTING ON HIM!!!!!!!!

SR71 Steve: he;’s too good for G unit

SR71 Steve: fucktard

Daedric Lord 666: then u go and fuck him

SR71 Steve: I don’t go that way

SR71 Steve: homophobe

SR71 Steve: your going to hell dude

SR71 Steve: and hell is bad

Daedric Lord 666: hell is good

SR71 Steve: yeah, if your the spawn of satan

SR71 Steve: if you’re just some crappy G unit, it sucks


Daedric Lord 666: slim shady sucks

SR71 Steve: damn, that’s another pineapple up the ass from daddy

SR71 Steve: and quit raggin on mexicans

Daedric Lord 666: what???

SR71 Steve: i know why you won’t cyber with my friend

SR71 Steve: it’s cuz he;s mexican

SR71 Steve: racisit bastard

Daedric Lord 666: I’m not gay!!!

SR71 Steve: ;-)suuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuure;-)

SR71 Steve: and quit trying to shit behind my back

Daedric Lord 666: IT’S TURE!!!!!!!!!!!!> !!!!!!!!!!!!!

SR71 Steve: i know what your IMing him

Daedric Lord 666: Thats it I gonna get the other G-Unit soldiers to kick ur gay ass!


SR71 Steve: G unit sucks

SR71 Steve: literally

SR71 Steve: my friend knows

SR71 Steve: so what about that digiduel

SR71 Steve:

#10917: CuteVBChica -> davepoobond

I had this reallllllly good IM, but then AIM had an error and closed down. I IMd her back, and this happened:

CuteVBChica: so bye

davepoobond: wait

davepoobond: do you have the IM we just had

CuteVBChica: yea

davepoobond: can i have it

CuteVBChica: no

davepoobond: why not come on

CuteVBChica: why do u wan tit

davepoobond: i was just jerkin your chain the whole time

davepoobond: i put it on my web site

CuteVBChica: wut website


davepoobond: its down right now though

CuteVBChica: no ur not having it

davepoobond: and i change the sns, so its not even your sn

CuteVBChica: buh bye

davepoobond: waitttt

CuteVBChica: nooooooooooo

davepoobond: comonnnn

CuteVBChica: nooooo

davepoobond: don’t be mean

davepoobond: hello

CuteVBChica: hello

davepoobond: don’t be mean

CuteVBChica: i will

davepoobond: you want me to do something?

davepoobond: want me to say i’m sorry?

CuteVBChica: that won’t help sorrrrrry

davepoobond: want me to say something else

davepoobond: want me to drive over to your house and give you free sex

CuteVBChica: no thanks

CuteVBChica: u don’ty know where i live

davepoobond: well that’s why you tell me and pay for the airfare

CuteVBChica: no thanks BYE!!

davepoobond: COMONNNN

davepoobond: this is no fun

CuteVBChica: nope so bvyue

davepoobond: it was such a good time though

CuteVBChica: bye**

davepoobond: it was funnnyyyyy

davepoobond: i bet you laughed too

davepoobond: didn’t you

CuteVBChica: nope not once

davepoobond: oh comon

davepoobond: not even the printing out of your screen name

davepoobond: and me fucking it

davepoobond: with my penis

davepoobond: or the question about

davepoobond: me pounding you

davepoobond: and you being stupid

davepoobond: and not telling me the answer to it

davepoobond: hello

CuteVBChica: nope

davepoobond: come onnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn you mean to tell me you didn’t even laugh when i was asking you if i could ask a question

davepoobond: and then you said “just did”

davepoobond: like the smarty you are

davepoobond: notice how i didn’t say smart ass

davepoobond: cause i have respect for you

davepoobond: and also our dissing contest

davepoobond: where you called me a dick

CuteVBChica: i never klaughed

davepoobond: and i called you a cunt rag

CuteVBChica: so

davepoobond: or even when i said you were a bitch 40 million times

CuteVBChica: NEVER

davepoobond: or how about right now

CuteVBChica: never

davepoobond: because i just went through the whole last half hour that i’ve talked with you and summarized it up in the last 10 min

CuteVBChica: wutever

davepoobond: so where do you live

Auto response from CuteVBChica: i’M sO uNlOvEd :'( ……..

ThE wHoLe WoRlD tO mE iS a BlAcK hOlE…………………….

CuteVBChica: not telling you

davepoobond: do you live on earth?

CuteVBChica: yup

davepoobond: united states?

CuteVBChica: yup

davepoobond: california

CuteVBChica: nope

davepoobond: wanna see something funny

davepoobond: the same guy that you called nasty

davepoobond: i IMd him

davepoobond: and i had this really long IM with him

davepoobond: and i told him i was a 12 year old girl

davepoobond: first of all, this guy is a dumbass

davepoobond: cause he doesn’t see the “dave” part in my name

CuteVBChica: lol

davepoobond: and we “talked dirty”

CuteVBChica: shopw me ur convo

davepoobond: but then stupid AIM had to close

CuteVBChica: oh

davepoobond: that’s why i dont have the im i had with you

CuteVBChica: ok

davepoobond: (I show her the IM with hockeybreezer16, #10916)

davepoobond: what a loser huh

CuteVBChica: yup

davepoobond: lol

davepoobond: anyway

davepoobond: v8 is like cold tomato soup

davepoobond: i dont like it

CuteVBChica: lol

CuteVBChica: show me more

davepoobond: i can show you some more

davepoobond: that are on my web site

davepoobond: sort of though, its kinda hard to link to them

davepoobond: cause the url isn’t workin

CuteVBChica: o i meant something else

davepoobond: oh

davepoobond: like another IM?

I end up showing her some IMs….

#10916: hockeybreezer16 -> davepoobond

hockeybreezer16: hi

davepoobond: hi

hockeybreezer16: want to cyber

davepoobond: i thought we already did

davepoobond: i put my strap-on on and fucked you in the ass over and over

hockeybreezer16: its your turn

hockeybreezer16: i didnt go

davepoobond: did i mention that i usually have 43 year olds screw me in the ass, and i have a really loose ass

davepoobond: and i have a line of boobs going down my back

davepoobond: and i am 12 years old

hockeybreezer16: ya

davepoobond: ok

hockeybreezer16: i want to fuck u

davepoobond: and i want to fuck you too

hockeybreezer16: put my dick in your pussy

davepoobond: you don’t remember? i have 2

davepoobond: one is to the left

davepoobond: one is to the right

davepoobond: which one?

hockeybreezer16: both but not a the same time

hockeybreezer16: right

davepoobond: right as in ok or right as in right now or right as in the right one

hockeybreezer16: right one

davepoobond: ok you’re stupid

hockeybreezer16: i want your right one first

davepoobond: shut up

hockeybreezer16: y

davepoobond: you’re annoying

hockeybreezer16: y

#10911: davepoobond -> CaseyTrack

davepoobond: fuck off

CaseyTrack: ok

davepoobond: good.

davepoobond: notice the period.

CaseyTrack: yea

davepoobond: hey baby i’m legal now. click here to ::FUCK ME::

davepoobond: stop clicking

davepoobond: you’re fucking me too hard

davepoobond: ow ow wow

CaseyTrack: go bother someone else

davepoobond: wanna know what your profile says

davepoobond: One reason of life is to experience it and learn while you’re in it….so why do people give up on whats ahead of themselves?

Friends keep a person happy.

Don’t do drugs.

I dont do shout outs cuz i think i like everyone in this world.

….or am i too positive?

Couldn’t EC mean Educated Child…so why do we make fun of it?

Why do humans do the stupidest things in the world?

Has aim turned to a dating service now?

Why are there condoms and pills when the reason to have sex is to reproduce?

How come religion is always the conflict of war today?

Why is there a thing called oral sex when your mouth is the system for your daily survival by eating?

Do most of us go to school because of our great education oppotunity or because of friends and a person that we really like?

Is the supreme maker of all laughing at us because we have different religions?

davepoobond: hello

davepoobond: are you implying that i have no life

davepoobond: well i do!

davepoobond: and i’m living it LARGEe!