eudquerrep – v. to attempt to play a toaster like a banjo
Tag Archives: toaster
Joke #24428
And the Lord said unto John, “Come forth and you will receive eternal life.”
But John came fifth, and won a toaster.
babricede – v. to leave a loaf of bread, in its packaging on top of a toaster and constantly use the toaster so that the plastic melt into the toaster and into the bread, and not be smart enough to realize that is bad
Joke #18434
While visiting my mother in the hospital, I stopped in the cafeteria for breakfast. I set a piece of bread on the moving toaster rack and waited for it to pass under the heated coils and return golden brown.
Instead, it got stuck at the back of the toaster, and I couldn’t reach it. The woman next to me in line quickly seized a pair of tongs, reached in, and fished out the piece of toast.
I joked, “You must be an emergency room worker.”
“No,” she replied with a grin. “I’m an obstetrician.”
Joke #12280
A patient in the local hospital was really angry. He called his doctor and told him, “That dumb nurse came into my room last night and plugged my electric blanket into the automatic toaster on my night table and every five minutes I kept popping out of the darned bed!”
Joke #10392
A blonde walks in to a store and says to the cashier “Can I buy that TV?”
The cashier says, “No.”
The blonde leaves the store.
The next day, the blonde walks back into the store and says “Can I have that TV?”
The cashier says “No,” so the blonde leaves the store.
The next day the blonde walks back into the store and says “Can I have that TV?”
The cashier says “no” again
This time the blonde asks, “Why won’t you sell me the TV?”
The cashier says “Because, that’s a toaster, not a TV.”
sorkin – n. a towel on a toaster
butenite – n. a mixture of butane and broken clothes hangers made solely for over packaging cheap toasters <see butane>
bhytentine – n. a mixture of butane and broken toasters made solely for overpackaging cheap clothes hangers <see butane>