During High School…
davepoobond: my backpack got jacked
davepoobond: during lunch
Automatic Man: LOL
davepoobond: when i was buying my lunch, i bet some kid thought it was his
davepoobond: but there wasn’t any extra backpacks out there
davepoobond: my cell phone, calculator, binder full of all the papers for the year so far, my english binder, and my english notebook are all gone
Automatic Man: that sux
davepoobond: i’m pretty much screwed on the next sociology test
Automatic Man: ya
davepoobond: and the next time my english teacher collects the notebooks
davepoobond: and my squackle notebook was in there too
davepoobond: its vucking gay
Automatic Man: ya
Automatic Man: ull get it back prlly
davepoobond: i dont know though
davepoobond: there wasn’t an extra backpack anywhere
davepoobond: that doesn’t really make sense does it
Automatic Man: the world doesnt
davepoobond: why would someone come back pick up their backpack and keep mine
davepoobond: unless they wanted to keep my shit
davepoobond: for some stupid reason
Automatic Man: ill give it back to you tomorrow
Automatic Man:
davepoobond: did you seriously take it
davepoobond: i dont think you did
Automatic Man: no, i didn’t. and it sux that it was taken.
davepoobond: i had a lot of pens and markers too
davepoobond: and white out
davepoobond: and lead
Automatic Man: ya
davepoobond: scissors. my favorite scissors
davepoobond: my favorite calculator
Automatic Man: lol
davepoobond: my glasses case
Automatic Man: u had a fav.?>
davepoobond: yeah i have a favorite everything
davepoobond: i prefer the scientific calculator i had to a graphing calculator
Automatic Man: lo