If your car has an air bag, you should use your seat belt:

No one is more cautious than a first-time parent. After our daughter was big enough to ride on the back of my bicycle, I bought a special carrier with a seat belt and got her a little helmet.
The day of the first ride I put her in the seat, double-checked all the equipment, wheeled the bike to the end of the driveway, carefully looked both ways and, swinging my leg up over the crossbar, accidentally kicked her right in the chin.
Q: What’s the first thing boxers do when they get in a car?
A: Knuckle-up.
Q: What’s the first thing clowns do when they get in a car?
A: Chuckle-up.
Q: What did the mother ghost say when the little ghosts got into the car?
A: “Boo-kle up your sheet-belts!”
Q: Why did Princess Diana’s bodyguard wear a seat belt?
A: Because he was never one to buckle under pressure.
eckankar – n. a pillow wearing a seat belt