Tag Archives: SBC News

SBC News Christmas Special

Now top stories with David…

Weather with Daveed…

Sports with Davis…

A few words with Fiddlesticks…

and The Special Guest Corner with Binky the Clown.


Now for the top stories…David: Welcome to the first annual Christmas Special of SBC News TV!! It is sure to be a holly jolly show today!


(Fiddlesticks covers his mouth)


Fiddlesticks: COUGH, yeah right, COUGH, COUGH!!!


(David looks at Fiddlesticks with a mean look)

(Fiddlesticks looks back)


Fiddlesticks: CCCOOOUUUGGGHHH!!!


David: SHUT UP!!


Fiddlesticks: OK, FINE, GAWD


Davis: What is this episode supposed to be about?


David: …I dunno…


Binky: Well, the only thing I know is that I’m interviewing Santa Clause and some other…things


David: hmm…ok…but first we have an undercover report from Dave


Binky: Dave, huh? He sorta scares me…


David: oh….well…here he is


(Dave comes up on a small TV screen next to David)


Dave: Hello, this is Dave reporting live from someplace in Wyoming….unfortunately during the Christmas season, the number of suicides increase a lot, and most of those people that commit suicide are wimps and don’t wanna face the IRS or some crap like that…but this is very strange


(Dave walks over to a body below a cliff)


Dave: as you can see…


(Dave lifts up the persons head to show the camera)


David: Oh my god! That’s Alex Trebeck!!


Fiddlesticks: REALLY??? YAAYY!!! HE WAS A BITCH!!!


Dave (muttering): Pathetic


(Dave drops the head with disgust)


Dave: there are just piles upon piles of these dead people here….mostly game show hosts…


(the camera gets a shot of all the bodies)

(there are rows and rows and piles of dead bodies)


David: Whoa


Fiddlesticks: Holy crap


Davis: EWW!!!


(Daveed makes a choking sound, like he’s about to throw up)


Dave: Yes, it is gross…I’m getting outta here…


(the camera turns off)


David: That was really weird….


(Binky is just staring ahead at nothing)


David: …hey Binky!


(Binky still stares at nothing)

(Daveed goes over and slaps him but has no effect)


Daveed: He must be stunned, or some junk, I ain’t a doctor, I can’t tell




Daveed: maybe all of us can do it…


David: Hmm…..heheheheheheh…


(David has an evil grin on his face)


Davis: Good idea, MWAHAHAHAHAHA!!!


(Daveed pushes Binky off the chair and drags his chair into the center of the room, right smack in the middle of everybody)

(Daveed goes back and sits down on his chair)


David: OK! Who’s up?


(a fat shadow appears from the door)


David (gasping): WELL!! Isn’t it Mr. Holly Jolly Himself!!


(the guy walks out of the shadows)


David: HEY! Wait a second! You’re not Santa Clause!


Fat guy: Uh, nope. Just a fat guy walking around.


(David starts getting mad)




(David takes out a gun and shoots the fat guy)


Fat guy: OW!


(Fat guy falls down, dead, as another fat shadow appears)


David (dropping the gun and gasping): COULD IT BE???




Daveed (walking toward Santa Clause): Hey, Santa, how ya doin? Why don’t you take a seat in the middle of all of us where we can see your jolly little fat face.


Santa Clause: HO?


Daveed: HEY! DON’T CALL ME A HO, BOY! I’ll slap da shit outta you.




(Daveed looks strangely at Santa Clause)


Daveed: Riiiggghhhttt……now sit your flabby fat ass down over there.


(Daveed points to Binky’s chair)

(Santa Clause makes his way over to the chair and every step he takes he says ‘ho’)


Santa Clause (as he is sitting down): mmmmmm christmas!


Daveed: Well, Santa, Arthritis gettin’ to ya, old man?


Santa Clause (laughing): Ho ho ho ho ho


Daveed: Um, ok. Uh…


David: Well, Santa, what do you have for ME for Christmas?


Santa Clause (laughing): Ho ho ho ho


(Santa Clause snaps his fingers and a bag appears at his feet)


David: Whoa!


(Santa Clause reaches in and takes out a neatly wrapped present for everybody and passes them out to everybody)


David: Ooh! I wonder what it is


(David rips the wrapping open and opens the box)


David: Huh? What da hell is this? It’s a Polly Prissy Pants Doll


(David is holding the doll and the head falls off)


David: …..this is used…


Daveed: I got a 3 page book….


Davis: I got a piece of paper with scribbles on it


Fiddlesticks: Heh heh…I have the best one out of ALL of you!


David: What is it?


Fiddlesticks: hee hee hee….its a porno magazine


(David drops the doll and charges for the magazine)

(so does Daveed and Davis)


David: Come on! Give me the magazine!


Fiddlesticks: No! It’s mine!


Davis: LET GO!




(the magazine is split up four ways)


David: Ah man, I got half of a stomach….


Fiddlesticks: Jeez, now look what you did to the Playgirl magazine…


Daveed: Play…GIRL????


(Davis drops his part of the magazine)




David: Oh my god….


(David and Daveed also drop their pieces)


Fiddlesticks: My god, you guys should be happy now….ripping up my Christmas present from Santa!


David (walking toward his chair): Yeah, whatever…


Daveed: Ok, Santa, how is the weather at the north pole?


Santa Clause: Christmas! Ho ho ho ho


Daveed: So, its always winter?


Santa Clause: Merry ho ho ho ho!


Daveed (looking at Santa weird): uh, can you say anything but merry, Christmas and ho?


Santa Clause: Ho ho ho ho!


David: Stop asking confusing questions to Santa! Let’s show him around our studio. Come on Santa!


(David leads Santa into the Director’s office)


David: This is where we used to have our Director and Producer fight each other all the time for no reason, but since they’re both dead, this room isn’t being used till we find somebody suitable for the job.


Daveed: Yeah, they used to fight over how a peanut butter and jelly sandwich should be made. Or, even how to-


David: Ok, that’s enough


(Davis yawns)


Davis: When is this tour over?


David (ignoring what Davis said): And, down here…


(David leads Santa through the door to the parking lot)


David: This is our little parking lot.


Fiddlesticks: Hey, where’s my car?


Davis: I think I saw someone driving off in a pinto with a flat tire and half the paint was chipped off. Was that yours?


Fiddlesticks: ….yes….


Davis: HA HA! That’s funny. He blew up a little ways down the road.


Fiddlesticks: oh…I hope my kitty made it to safety


Daveed: most likely, your stupid little kitty is dead


(Fiddlesticks’ kitty walks up to them)


Kitty: meow


Fiddlesticks: OH! KITTY! YOUR SAFE!


(Davis takes David’s gun and shoots the kitty as Fiddlesticks runs up to it)

(Fiddlesticks stares at his dead kitty)


Davis: SEE? NOW its dead


Fiddlesticks: NOOOO!!!!!


(Fiddlesticks drops to his knees and is still screaming)


David (looking at Fiddlesticks): Ok, let’s go to another part of the tour…


(everyone but Fiddlesticks walks away, and Fiddlesticks is still screaming and holding his kitty up in the air)


Fiddlesticks: NNNNNNNOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!


(camera goes to David and Santa Clause)

(Fiddlesticks is screaming in the background)


David: Well, this is a statue of a…um…


(David turns back to Fiddlesticks)


David (yelling): HEY SHUT DA HELL UP!


(Fiddlesticks keeps screaming)


David (pulling out his gun): Ok, that’s it….


(David shoots Fiddlesticks)


Fiddlesticks: Ah, SHIT!


(Fiddlesticks faints)


David: Well, that’s better…..that is a statue….of someone….I dont know who it is though….or why it is here…um…I dont remember how this got here…or remember when it got here….it wasnt here before…So…uh, I guess we should move on then…


(the camera goes higher and higher as everybody walks to the right)


Announcer Guy: But, what David didn’t know was, that the statue of someone he didn’t know was actually an alien space pod, full of tiny creatures that aim to help a race of other aliens to rule Earth….


(the camera zooms back down to David’s face)


David: Hey, did anyone hear that?


Santa Clause: HO HO HO HO!


Daveed: Hear what?


David: Uh….never mind…let’s go back inside…there isn’t anything else out here…


(everyone gets inside except Santa Clause)


Santa Clause (waving his finger from left to right): Ho ho!


(Santa Clause snaps and he disappears)


David: WHAT??? Ah, man! I was going to ask him if he wanted to be our producer or director or something….


Daveed: Uh……I think we’ll find someone better….


David: Like?


Daveed: Like, uh…that dead fat guy!


Fat Guy: What? What are you talking about? I’m not dead, just taking a nap…


David: Well, your hired!


Fat Guy: For what?


David: Uhh…Producer….now your name is now Fat Producer Guy!


Fat Producer Guy: cool!


David: Now, go and wait for someone to be director, then you can fight with them. That’s your job!


Fat Producer Guy: YAY!


(Fat Producer Guy goes in the office and closes the door)


David: so…now what?


Daveed: umm…i think that there were some elves in the back waiting…


(camera goes to elves)


Master Elf (smoking a cigarette): when the fuck do we get on this fuckin show? i got some crappy ass toys to make…


Ho Elf: Oh, don’t worry…we’ll get out of this stupid place soon…even though there is air conditioning instead of heat…


Elfy: I’ve never needed to have air conditioning before…




(camera goes back to david and the others)


David: umm…i’m sorta scared…lets go back to the station..those elves could be….doing something…weird


Fiddlesticks: KIIITTTYYY!!!!


Davis: What the fuck?


Daveed: what?


Davis: that statue..


Daveed: What about it?


Davis: it….moved!


Daveed: AW, stop fuckin lying ya stupid son of a bitch. statues can’t move. they are big ass pieces of rock.


Davis: It fuckin moved, you bastard.


David: Ok, just fuck it, let’s go.


Davis: uhh…i dont really want to…


(David just walks back into the station to find that the 4 elves they had waiting in the back were jumping around the station yelling “Air Conditioner”)




Ho Elf: A! C!


Ellf: FFFARRTT! look at that! it dont stink!




(David is about to strangle the Master Elf because he is waving his favorite piece of cardboard around his ass)


David (running at Master Elf): MY CARDBOARD!!!


(suddenly an explosion from behind David, sends him, Davis, and Daveed and they get launched at a wall along with the elfen people)


Master Elf: WWAAHH!!!


Davis: shistis!


Dave: who?


Shistis: YESssss…..It is I…the green statue with its arm up in the air….the real reason it was up there was not for me to look god-like, but to let my B.O. torture everyone that can smell it! hahahahahahaa!!


(Shistis starts to pace)


Davis: I thought you died!


Shistis: I thought i died, too!


Davis: Then why are you alive?


Shistis: hmm….i dont know really…i think it was a present from sweet ol’ Santa Clause!!!


(Shistis reaches behind her and pulls out Santa Clause by the collar)


Santa Clause (face drooping): ho…ho…ho…


David: SANTA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Santa Clause: ho?


Daveed (grabbing his head): NNNNYYYAARRRGGG!!!! SHUT UP! STOP SAYING HO!


Davis: I think that Santa is calling Shistis a ho…


(one of the elves fart)

(air conditioning breaks down, because of the fart)


Shistis: AARGH! What is that smell?


David (covering his nose): Its an elf fart!! RUN!!!


(everybody except the elves, shistis, and Santa Clause run out of the building just as it blows up)


Daveed: great, now we have to make ANOTHER stupid studio…


David: Hmm…maybe we should use the reserve studio…


Daveed: where is that?


David: across the street…


Daveed: really?


David: in Idaho!


Daveed: ACK!


David: Yes, that’s right, we’ll have to take a train all the way to Idaho…


Daveed: do we have to stay there?


David: …no..not really…we’ll just move the whole building on top of the old burned up studio…


(David takes out a walkie talkie)


David (speaking into the walkie talkie): BRING ‘ER IN CHARLIE!


Davis: …charlie?


David: He’s the helicopter driver…


(Charlie the Helicopter Driver comes over with a skinny rope holding onto a huge building)


Daveed: Is that our studio?


David: yeah! this one has anti-fart fluid sprayer thingys, air conditioning, heat, and…penguins!


Davis: Why the fuck do we need penguins?


David: ahh…they’re funny…


Davis: hrmm…


(Davis thinks about how they can be funny)


David: they walk funny and they make me laugh everytime they walk past me!


Davis (flicking his wrist at David): yeah, whatever, go right on ahead, have your stupid shitty penguins!


(David ignores the comment and turns around to the helicopter and brings the walkie talkie up to his mouth)


David: a little to the right and drop it right on our old building…


(Charlie drops the building on top of the old studio and stays on top of the old building)


David: hmm….oh well, now we have 2 floors!


(everybody goes into the studio and sits down in the middle of the room on the 1st floor)

(David takes out some pokemon cards)


David: haha! check this out! its a FUCK me UP Charizard!


Davis (pulling out his): bah! that’s nothing compared to my umm….CRAP FACE SQUIRTLE!


(Davis pulls the card out and shoves it in David’s face)

(David eats the CRAP FACE SQUIRTLE card)




David: and, it didn’t taste bad one bit!


Davis: grrr…..i’m gonna kill you!


(Davis and David start biting and punching each other)
(Daveed smacks his head and starts shaking his head from left to right with his eyes closed)


Daveed: my god…CUT IT! JUST CUT-



SBC News Broadcast 1

Now for the top stories……David: Ok be quiet out there…


Audience still talking




Audience shuts up


David: (ahem) 1. George W. Bush was caught cheating with Al Gore


Producer: Thats not true!


David: …2. George W Bush couldn’t tell a horses poop from Daveed’s brain…come to think of it, niether can I…


Daveed: You buttmunch, go screw a shrew!


Davis: No he’s my shrew, and you can’t have him!


Daveed and David look at Davis oddly


Davis (nervously): Uhh…nevermind…hehe…….


Shrew noises are coming from Davis’s room


David: …uh huh…anyways…also on our top news, a crazy man has been spotted running around this city naked screaming “Penis rhymes with Penis” while he waves a polish flag around and points a a big pimple on his left butt cheek…


Daveed: Hey that sounds like your wife david!


Daveed laughs while David slaps him, knocking him out


Davis: Now THATS a Bitch sla…


David slaps Davis, knocking him out right ontop of Daveed. David puts them both on the table and puts Davis’s hand in Daveeds pants and makes it look like he’s smiling.


Producer: Thats sick, someone get a censor out here?


Mr. Whatshisname: In Egypt, putting your hand down a guys pants means: “Lets eat dinner together”


Just then, Daveed wakes up and looks at Davis.


Daveed whispering to the knocked out Davis: Not now! Wait till AFTER the show! How many times do I have to tell you that!


Daveed gets up and sits in his seat, just then a naked guy screaming penis rhymes with penis, waving a polish flag and pointing to a pimple on his ass runs in the studio.




David: Someone get him outta here!




Security guy Holmes tackles the naked man, popping the pimple on his butt


Naked Man: OW that hurt!


Holmes: get outta here! and take your polish flag with you


Naked Man: i just wanted to play, the pimple made me INSANE


the naked man jumps infront of the knocked out davis while he wakes up. Davis see’s the naked mans ass and screams.




Davis jumps back and sits in his seat, closing his eyes


Producer: I’ll never see again…


Mr. Whatshisname: I’m from Egypt




Mr. Whatshisname: he has a big ding dong…


Naked Man: sweeeddddish penis enlarger! SWEEDISH SWEEDISH!!!!!!!!!!!


Holmes kicks the naked man in the ass so hard that the slam bolts him through the roof.


Davis: that was cool!


Producer: get on with the show you guys before i fire your sorry butts


David: O.o big bad producer!


Davis: You suck


Daveed: I hate my life


Mr. Whathisname: I’m from egypt


Producer is about to explode with rage. Just then the naked man comes back through the studio roof and hits the ground with a thud.


Holmes: I thought i told you to BEAT IT!


Naked Man: in public?


At first holmes doesn’t understand but when the producer tells what “beat it in public” means, holmes face turns an angry red.




The naked man jolts out crying.


David: Thats our news for today, see you…


Just then, jeeb bush (brother of George W) runs in.


Jeeb Bush: Has anyonre seen my brother? Last time I saw him he was taking his clothes off with a polish flag in his hand…


David, Daveed, Holmes, Davis, and the Producer walk over to Jeeb and beat him up.



DBC News Broadcast 5

Now top stories with David…

Sports with Davis…

Weather with Daveed…

a few words with Fiddlesticks…

the Special Guest Corner with Binky the Clown…

And other miscellaneous characters


David: The top stories today are 1. DBC is…


Fiddlesticks: Boring!!!


Davis: Shut up you perv!


Fiddlesticks: Are you callin’ my wife?


Davis: Umm……


Fiddlesticks: Are you having an affair with my wife?


Davis: I don’t have an affair with pervs!


Fiddlesticks: Oh, so now your bringing my wife’s friends into this now?!!


Daveed: His wife is probably one of the blow up girls.


Fiddlesticks: Well, fuck you


Daveed: Hey…


David: Shut up Weather Boy!! Can I go on with my top stories now??


Daveed: Right after I diss Fiddlesticks.


David: I said SHUT UP!!


Daveed: Shut does not go up


David: Yeah sure whatever. As I was saying, DBC is having a whole new line of characters we told you about last show are appearing THIS show!!!


Fiddlesticks: (yawn) Oh…wow.


Davis: They better not be better than me!!!


Daveed: Scum is better than you!!!


Davis: Why I oughtta…


Binky: Guess who gets to interview them today?!!


Daveed: Gee, you’re not in a little hole called the Special Guest Corner for nothin’!!


Producer: Speaking of which we have to go there now because we have a lot of people to interview.


Davis: What?!? And take the cameras away from me? I’ll sue!!!


Binky: First up we have…


David: This just in!!! All the characters we mentioned on our last show were on there way here in our Special DBC Bus of Joy and Luck…


Davis: I hate that name!! It should’ve been called The Special DBC Bus of umm… uhhh


Daveed: Shut up!!!


David: ………………Right. Anyway it blew up and everybody in the bus was fried like a burned french fry on a hot day in July. There are no survivors. If there were any survivors they’d have 1…2…3… 500 degree burns!!!


Binky: So who the heck am I supposed to interview??


Producer: Well umm… Some guys called and said that they wanted to be on the show and I said maybe and I guess they could be on the show…


Binky: OK bring’em in


Producer: I already called them and they’re here


Binky: First we have…(whispering to the Producer) get me a list of the names Mr. Producer


(Producer gives him a list)


Binky: First we have… Davy!!


(Davy comes in and sits on a chair)


Binky: Hello, Davy.


Davy: Hi


Binky: Well I see here that you are a –


Davy: Sex offender


Binky: Yes you are


Davy: I know that


Binky: Well I don’t think we’re going to be using you a lot


Davy: Oh trust me… you will


(Davy gets up and leaves)


Binky: OK, next we have Dave


(Dave comes in and sits on a chair)


Binky: Hello Dave


Dave: Hello Binky


Binky: Your an undercover reporter huh?


Dave: Yeah


Binky: Is there anything you want to say?


Dave: Yeah


Binky: Well?


Dave: Your an idiot


Binky: Right, next


Dave: Didn’t you hear me?


Binky: Yeah, sure, whatever, NEXT


Dave: Man, you suck


(Dave gets up and leaves)


Binky: Next we have, Davaroo


(Davaroo comes in and sits on a chair)


Davaroo: Hi Binky!!!


Binky: What exactly is a bioman?


Davaroo: Me


Binky: I know that but what is it


Davaroo: Who?


Binky: That!!


Davaroo: What?


Binky: A bioman!!!


Davaroo: Me


Binky: Urrrrrggghhh


Davaroo: I guess I better go


(Davaroo gets up and runs out the door)


Binky: Next we have Daveacaso


(Daveacaso comes in and sits on a chair)


Daveacaso: Yo, Binky what’s happinin’?


Binky: Right, what do you do for a living?


Daveacaso: I’m an art guy


Binky: Next!!


Daveacaso: Hey!! Hey!! Hey!! Whoa whoa whoa wait a minute!!!!


Binky: What?


Daveacaso: You can’t do that!!


Binky: What?


Daveacaso: As soon as I sit down you, well, umm… you kick me out!!!


Binky: So…what you are trying to tell me is you want to get interviewed the right way?


Daveacaso: Yeah I guess so.


Binky: …NEXT


Daveacaso: Wait a gosh darn second!!


Binky: Man you’re already stretching your time to the next person’s interview time


Daveacaso: Fine man, jeez I don’t care…


(Daveacaso gets up and leaves)


Binky: Next we have Davinky


(Davinky comes in and sits on a chair)


Binky: Ok you are a war guy right?


Davinky: Ya


Binky: Give us a little bit of what you have


Davinky: Umm… OK I got it. Yesterday in the war Thunder Lightning with Iraq, Oh before I go on you should know this is fake but interesting, Action Hank busted through Sudam Husaine’s palace with Action Hank’s Action Tank and made the palace go in ruins. That’s about it… can I go now


Binky (with face in hands shaking head from left to right): Yeah sure…


Davinky: COOL!!


(Davinky gets up and leaves)


Binky: OK, next we have Davewooligan


(Davewooligan comes in and sits on a chair, Davewooligan always talks in a passionate voice)


Davewooligan: Hi, Binky


Binky: You’re a gay movie critic aren’t you?


Davewooligan: Yeah, you wanna go watch some movies with me…in bed




Davewooligan: C’mon Binky, It’ll be fun. We can watch Barbara Streisand and the guy from Baywatch stripping.




Davewooligan: Oh poo, do I have to leave?


Binky: YES, YOU DO!!!


Davewooligan: Fine I’ll go…call me sometime…sweetcakes


Binky (muttering): I wouldn’t do it if my life depended on it


(Davewooligan gets up and as he goes he blows a kiss to Binky… Binky throws up)


Binky: Uhhhggg…next we have Davehooligan. Oh, great another gay guy.


(Davehooligan comes in and sits down)


Davehooligan: Damn…did you see that??


Binky: What?


Davehooligan: The buns on that chick that just went past me.


Binky: That wasn’t a girl.


Davehooligan: I know…………… anyway girls are really ugly.

Except for the ones that get sex changes.


Davis: HEY, hold up!!!! I think you and Fiddlesticks would make a great couple.


Davehooligan: Who is this, Fiddlesticks??


Fiddlesticks: ME!!! And if you even get close to me I’ll break your puny little legs!!!!


Davehooligan: I’d like that.


Fiddlesticks (shouting to producer): ……Do I have to work here????


(Fiddlesticks goes offstage with the producer)


Binky: Is there anything you’d like to say


Davehooligan: Do you know his number???


Davis: Yeah it’s 555-93824352191545794


Davehooligan: Cool


Binky: Uhhh…can you leave now??


Davehooligan: Sure, maybe I can catch up with that chick…


(Davehooligan gets up and runs out trying to catch up with Davewooligan)


Binky: Ok…now we have Davidian


(Davidian comes in and sits down)

(Davidian has an Indian accent)


Davidian: Hallo Binky


Binky: What??


Davidian: Hallo Hallo I said Hallo


Binky: What’s Hallo?


(Davidian loses his Indian accent)




(Davidian goes back to his Indian accent)


Binky: Ok, so what do you do?


Davidian: I’m a world traveler and I live in Africa and personally support gay, ugly, zebras and rhinos


(the door to the office flies open)






Natalya (director): SHUT UP AND CLOSE THE DOOR!!!!


(the producer closes the door)


Davidian: Ummm……I’m scared…


Binky: Then go away


(Davidian gets up teary eyed)




(Davidian runs away)


Binky: Next we have Disco Dave…


(All of a sudden a disco ball comes out of the roof and disco lights come on and HOT STUFF starts to play)


Music: Lookin’ for some HOT STUFF……….


(the music goes on and on)

(Disco Dave comes out dancing. He has some bellbottoms on and his shirt isn’t buttoned up)

(Disco Dave sits down and everything stops)


Disco Dave: Peace Man…


Binky: Huh?


Disco Dave: Peace man… you know 70’s talk


Davis: Dude!!!! Why do we have all these weirdoes coming on the show???


(the door to the office flies open again)


Natalya: SHUT UP!!!!!!!!!! BOTH OF YOU!!!!


(the office door closes again)


Davis: ………..Never mind…


Daveed: Yeah you better never mind!!!!!


Davis: Shove it, you jerk-off!!!


Daveed: ME???? A jerk-off???? Why don’t you suck it!!!!


(Daveed stands up and does the sign, or whatever you call it, for suck it)


Davis: Yeah, you’d want me to!!!!


David: Shut up, I just ate lunch!!!


Daveed: WHAT!!!! You had a lunch!!!!


David: Yeah I did have a lunch!!!!!


Davis: HUH??? YOU HAD A LUNCH???




Daveed: Did you leave any left???


David: NO WAY!!!! I WAS HUNGRY!!!


Disco Dave: HEY!!!! Peace man…PEACE…


Daveed: Ya he’s right let’s make peace…


David: Yes let’s


Davis: Are you sure there isn’t any cardboard left???


Daveed: We are trying to make peace you idiot!!!


Davis: Peace??? HA!!! HA HA HA AHAAAA


(Davis laughs hysterically)

(Disco Dave gets up and all of a sudden the lights start flashing like Disco lights, the music starts playing, and the Disco Ball……well it does its thing)

(the office door opens again)






Producer: Suck it!!!!


Fiddlesticks: Shove it!!!!


Producer: SUCK IT!!!!


Fiddlesticks: No!! You can do it yourself!!!


Producer: Fuck you!


Fiddlesticks: SHUT UP!!!!!


(Disco Dave sits down and everything stops)


Producer: ……I’m sorry…It’s just the music that gets me mad…


Fiddlesticks: …Yeah me too…


(the producer and Fiddlesticks run to each other and hug)


Davis: Ewwwwwwwwwww


David: You can say that again….


(the producer and Fiddlesticks start to kiss)

(Davewooligan appears in the doorway)


Davewooligan: Hey!!! Let me in on some of this!!!!


(Davewooligan runs for a group hug. Producer and Fiddlesticks stop kissing. The Producer, Fiddlesticks, and Davewooligan hug each other.)


Davehooligan: Hey!!!! There you are!!!!!!


(Davehooligan runs for the group hug also)


David: Gross!!!!!!


Daveed: Can you guys stop hugging???


Davis: I think I’m going to hurl…


Binky: This is too much…


Disco Dave (frowning): This isn’t too hip.


Davewooligan, Davehooligan, Fiddlesticks, and Producer: Aaaaaaawwwwwwww


David: Hey they said that Disco Dave’s music makes them mad!!!!


Daveed: Yeah!!!!! Get up Disco Dave!!!!


(Disco Dave gets up)

(Everybody stops hugging)

(Everybody screams at the same time)


Producer: I’M GOING TO GET YOU!!!!!! AAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!


Fiddlesticks: YAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!






(everybody charges at each other)

(the fight turns in to Slug-o-Rama Festival 22)


Disco Dave (in mortal kombat voice): SLUG-O-RAMA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


David: Yeah!!!!! Give him a kick in the balls!!!!


Daveed: PUNCH ‘EM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Davis: Kill! Kill! Kill!


Binky: Give him a left and a right!!!!!!!


David: HA HA! This is so cool!!!


(Producer socks Fiddlesticks in the jaw)

(Davewooligan clips Davehooligan in the stomach)




(Producer tirely punches Fiddlesticks in the face)

(Davewooligan collapses on top of Davehooligan)


Davehooligan: OH YEAH!!!!


(Davehooligan starts humpin’ Davewooligan)


Davewooligan (in sexy voice): Ohhhhh yessss.


David: EEEEEEEEWWWWWWWWW that’s the worst thing I’ve ever seen!!!! CAN I BLOW THEM UP WITH MY GRENADE?


Davis: Go ahead!!!


Daveed: Please!!!


Binky: That’ll be the best thing that happened if you do


(David throws the grenade)


Davehooligan: Huh? What’s this?


Davewooligan: It’s probably a sex toy


Davewooligan: Ok, cool. How do you use it?


David: You pull the pin and wait 10 seconds


Davehooligan: Let’s pull it together


(Davehooligan and Davewooligan pull the pin)








Davis: FREEDOM!!!!




Binky: Phew…I thought it would never end!!


Davehooligan: Uhhgghh. Ow, I’m hurting all over.


Davewooligan: At least you are living!!!


(Davewooligan makes a choking sound and dies)


Davehooligan: Noooo. My love!!! I shalt not live one more moment without thee.


Davis: Huh?


David (looking at Davis and shrugging): I don’t know.


(Davehooligan takes a dagger from his pocket and sticks it through his heart)


Davehooligan: Ow, that hurts…


Davis: Wow…that wasn’t even clever.


(Davehooligan chokes and blood starts to come out of his mouth, nose, and ears)


David: Eww…that’s gross.


Binky: Not as gross as before..


Daveed: Yeah, I guess


Binky: Who do we have next?


(Shavis has an Arnold Schwarzennegger voice, he is really buff)


Shavis: ME!!! SHAVIS!!!


(Shavis sits down on the chair)


Binky: Ok what do you do?


Shavis: I am Shavis, I’m so cool!!!!


Binky: Ok…what do you do?


Shavis: I sit around looking good with my superior muscles and I shave a lot…I like to shave


Binky: Ok…what else do you do?


Shavis (shouting): What do you mean what else do I do? I sit around and I shave a lot!!!! You are confusing me!!!! AAAHHH!!!!


(Shavis gets all red and looks like he is gonna blow up)


Binky: Ok, you don’t have to answer that


(all of a sudden Shavis returns to normal)


Shavis: You want to know what I ate for breakfast today?


Binky: Sure…


Shavis: I had 3 bags of sugar, 2 bags of brown sugar, lot’s of soda which was caffeine enriched, caffeine pills, and 3 of those rush pills


Binky: Anything else?


Shavis: Oh ya…I had 4 Viagra pills too


Binky: You sure you didn’t snuff anything either?


Shavis: Actually after you mentioned it yes.


Binky: What was it?


Shavis: Mountain Dew. Then I put on shaving cream. Man’s best friend. But not that Gillette junk. Old Spice for me. Yep.


Binky: Isn’t Old Spice deodorant?


Shavis: It is??? I thought that bar looking thing was a new type of shaving cream


Binky: Nope, it’s deodorant.


Shavis: EWWWWW!!!! But I smell like I had shaved, so I guess that is ok!!!! HA HA!! I AM REBORN!!!


Binky: Uhhhh…………………………….right……..


(Shavis gets up and starts jumping up and down like a ballerina out the door)


Binky: That was weird…Ok the next one we have is…Mavis


(Mavis comes in and sits down)


Mavis: HELLLLOOOO!!!!!


Binky: Hi


Mavis: HELLLLOOOO!!!!!


Binky: SHUT UP


Mavis: I’m sowwie


Binky: What the hell do you do?


Mavis: gee uhhhh…




Mavis: uhhh…I work at fast food restaurant…….I think…


Binky: GET OUT!!!! AAHHHHHH!!!!!!


(Mavis gets up jumps over the chair and the chair falls down and Mavis falls too. Mavis scrambles to his feet and runs)


David: HA HA HA HA! That guy was WEIRD


Binky: Yeah I guess so. Next we have…Dave Bond?


Dave Bond: Yes, that is right


(Dave Bond comes in elegantly and sits down)

(Binky looks at him strangely and examines that he has a suit and a tie on just like James Bond)


Dave Bond: Unlike that phony James Bond, I like it stirred, not shaken. And I say Dave, Dave Bond.


(Binky looks at him stranger then before)

(Dave Bond looks back)


Binky: hmmm……ok so are you done?


(Dave Bond is still looking at him)


Binky: You sure you ain’t gay? Cause if you are you’ll end up like that mess down there


(Dave Bond looks down at it and goes back in his chair with eyes wide open)


Binky (while turning his head to look): Hey, it ain’t that gross


(Binky’s eyes go wide open too)

(on the floor Davehooligan has a fountain of blood coming out of his mouth)




(David walks in with coffee and a doughnut)


David: …get away from me Davis this is my stuff..


(David looks at Davehooligan)


David: WAHA!!!!


(David spills the coffee on Davis and the doughnut lands on the floor)


Davis: AAAAHHHHH!!!! HHHHOOTTTT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I’M GONNA KILL YOU DAVID!!!!!!!!


(Davis goes for his neck and misses then David runs away with Davis behind him)


Davis: YOU AREN’T GETTIN AWAY!!!!!!!!!!


Dave Bond: …..um…ok


Binky: …are you done?


Dave Bond: not really…


Binky: …what else do you wanna say?


Dave Bond: I am a secret agent


Binky: uh…ok are you sure your not gay?


Dave Bond: yes


Binky: ok…your positive?


Dave Bond: YES!


Binky: ok good…too much gay activity going around here ::shivers::


Dave Bond: Ah, yes I see…


(Dave Bond looks down at the floor and looks away in disgust)


Binky: Well….what does a secret agent do?


Dave Bond: secret….stuff


Binky: oh….ok….


(Dave Bond looks at his watch)


Dave Bond: I must go now and do secret….stuff


(Dave Bond gets up and leaves)


Binky: Ok, next we have…Davib and Davik….they’re twins…


(Davib and Davik walk through the door, and raise their hands high in the air)


Davib and Davik: HELLLLLOOO!!!!




(Binky dives under his desk)


Davib: I’m not gay


Davik: I’m not gay either…though we’re called the gay brothers…


Binky: Uhh….can you go please??? Don’t call us, and we won’t call you!!!


(Davib and Davik go next to the desk and bend down)


Davib and Davik: HEY THERE!!


(Binky looks up)


Binky: AAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!


(Binky pushes past them, and is crawling on the floor)


Binky (crawling): Get away, get away, get away!!!


(Binky gets up and grabs a sword that is hanging on the wall)


Binky (backing away from Davik and Davib): Don’t make me chop you


(Davik and Davib walk toward him)


Davik: You think-


Davib: that will hurt us?


Binky (looking at them in a weird way): What are you talking about?


(Davik and Davib take out swords from their backs)


Davik: How do you like my sword? Made of 10 feet of titanium alloy steel and I can shoot lasers from it with its laser generator center


Davib: My sword is made of lasers and can cut through anything.


Binky: OH YEAH?? Well my sword is made of…uh…err…umm……


Davik: From the looks of it, it looks like aluminum


Binky: Uh….its a special metal, when I hold it up in the air I can blow anything up, like this….


(Binky holds his sword up in the air and it starts glowing, and a circle of red energy surrounds the top of the sword and makes it’s way down to Binky’s feet)


Davik (squinting looking at the sword): its so bright…


Davib (squinting looking at the sword): its like nothing I’ve ever seen…


Binky: AAHHH!!!!


(Binky points the sword toward Davib and Davik and the circle of red energy around the sword and Binky shoots in a beam toward them)


Davib and Davik: AHHHHHHHH!!!!!!


(the beam hits Davib and Davik, and they get electrocuted then after a minute of being electrocuted they start to glow)


Davib: wha…wha, what’s happening?


(Davib looks at his hand as it starts to melt)


Davik: aahhh…..i’m not melting I’m feeling kinda bad, like a really bad stomach ache….ugghhh….


(Davik blows up)




(Davib’s face starts melting)


Davib (muffled): noooooo


(Binky watches as Davib melts into a puddle)


Binky: whoa, cool


(David runs through the TV station again with Davis close behind him)


David: AAAHHH!!!




Binky: Man, would you stop?


Davis (stops running): ok fine….it wasn’t hot coffee anyway…


David (stops running): it wasn’t???? I GOT RIPPED OFF!!!


DD (looking in through a doorway): Hey when’s my turn?


Binky: Who da hell are you?


DD: My name is Double D. David David.


David: ………you copied me!


DD: no my name is DD, or Double D




(David grabs the sword Binky has and shoots a beam at DD)




(DD gets electrocuted, you can see his bones, and he gets reduced to a pile of dust)


David: …..I sorta liked that guy….


Binky: Then why da heck did you just zap him with the sword?


David: uh, cause I felt like it


Binky: Uhhh….are we done with the list?


(Binky looks at the list he has)


Binky: YES!!!! WE ARE!!!!


David (blinks): really?


Binky: yep


Davis: HA HA!!! FINALLY!!!


Daveed: YAY!!!


(everybody just stands where they are for some time, smiling)


Binky (after a while): I’m going…


David: yeah, me too


(everybody gets out of the TV station and the lights go down)

(camera focuses on Davehooligan and Davewooligan)


Davehooligan: Ah, finally, some privacy


Davewooligan: Oh, YES!!!


Davehooligan: But first, lets get outta here. We’ll have our revenge…..someday…heh heh


Davewooligan: Yes, heh heh, I’m horny lets go to your house


Davehooligan: Ok, honey, I’ll give it to you all night


(Davehooligan and Davewooligan walk out of the TV station, holding hands)



DBC News Broadcast 3

Now top stories with David…

Weather with Daveed…

Sports with Davis…

A few words with Fiddlesticks…

and The Special Guest Corner with Binky the Clown.


Now for the top stories… David: 1. A reporter from DBC took a survey on crime in L.A and the best response is, “You IDIOT!!!!! Give me your wallet!!!!! Hey!!!! No pictures!!!!!


Davis: Anybody would do anything for publicity these days.


David: I just happened to have my gun today so lay off!!!


Security System: Red Alert, Red Alert, Security has been breached!!!!


Billy Burnyourhousedown: All right you lousy punks give me all your money!!!!!


David: That’s it I’m pissed off now!!!


(David pulls out his gun and shoots Billy and Billy gets hit with the bullet)


Billy: Aaaghhhh…… am I supposed to die now??


Producer: I don’t care as long as you don’t take my money!!!


David: Hey!!! He’s been holdin’ out on us!!!


Davis: Speak for yourself!! I’m rollin’ in the dough!!!


Binky: Grrrrrr…


Davis: Don’t be growlin’ at me foo’!!!!!!


Willy Burnyourhousedown: Who shot my bro?????


David: Me, you wanna make somethin’ of it??? I just happen to have my assault rifle so you better get your *** outta here, before I load it!!!!!!


Willy: Well, I brought my grenade launcher for just such an occasion.


David: Well, I just happen to have my tank outback in the parking lot.


Willy (with a nervous look on his face): I’m outta here!!! I’ll be back!!!


David (muttering): Not if I can help it.


(David gets up and leaves without anybody knowing)


Davis: Ha Ha!!! Nice bluff David… Hey!!?? Where’d he go?!?


(suddenly a sound of a tank started up)


Daveed: What’s that????


Fiddlesticks: The parentheses said a tank started up.


Willy (from outside): AAAAAAGHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!




(a few seconds later David comes in)


David: Well… No more arsonists are going to coming here anymore!!!! Ha ha ha ha ha ha, well I guess we can go to sports now…


Davis: Now for the sports…1. Yesterday Daveed won the fight against Fiddlesticks. And that’s about it.


Binky: Now for The Special Guest Corner!!!!! We go behind the scenes of DBC to see our director………her name’s Natalya………………


(phone rings)


Natalya: Hello… Bobby, Bobby, Bobby what am I going to do with you?… I can’t believe you did that… No I don’t want to go to bed with you!!… As a matter of fact I already have a boyfriend… You do too?? You gay monster!! I should take you out and beat you… you slug head!!… Good bye Bobby!!!… I don’t care if you have $999,999,999 billion plus tax!!! Wait a minute did you say

$999,999,999 billion plus tax?… OK I’ll stop by tonight.


(she hangs up and phone rings again)


Natalya: Hello… Oh hi Nate!!… Yes I’ll go to bed with you tomorrow, good bye.


(she hangs up and phone rings again)


Natalya: Hello… yes I’m head of The Prostitute service. Next week?? OK


(she hangs up and the phone rings again)


Natalya: This is 1-800-HONEY, what time should I pick you up? 5:00 is fine, see you then


(she hangs up)


David: Hey guys, I’m gonna prank call her.


Daveed: You go girl!!!!!


(phone rings)


Natalya: Hello.


David: Hello Natalya this is Bond, James Bond, you know shaken not stirred.


Natalya: James??? I haven’t talked to you since the Goldeneye thing. How’s everything at Mi6????


David: Oh you know M still thinks I’m a nut who likes fast cars and women, which I do. Q is bugging me with all these new inventions. Moneypenny is bugging me so much I had sex with her so she could shutup!!!


Natalya: Good, Good


Daveed: Hey I got a phone too!!! I’ll call her also!


Natalya: Wait a second I got another call… Hello.


Daveed: Bwoinaz Diaz señorita!!!


Natalya: And bees in disease to you too, you Mexican pervert and I’m tracing this call!!! Hello James… Oh I got another call.


Daveed: Hello Natalya. I am General Akardy Ourmov.


Natalya: Not you!!!


Daveed: Remember what we did in the train a couple years ago??


Natalya: I put that behind me you… you… selfish beast!… Hello James… God, I got another call!!!


Daveed: I am the Ghost of Christmas Past!!!


Natalya: Good for you!!!… Hello James… Man!!! I got another freakin’ call!!!


Daveed: Hell…


Natalya: Shutup!!! I’m on the other line can’t you see???


Daveed: No… I’m blind.


Natalya: Shutup!!!!… Hello James. AAAAAAAAAAGGGGGHHHHH!!!!!!!! I got another call!!!!!

Will it ever end James???? Wait a minute!!! Hey!!! That’s my car!!!! Why are you towing it away?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!


David: Natalya?? Oh well.


Daveed: It’s -100 degrees Fahrenheit!!! I can just see Natalya out there chasing her car!!!!


David: Yeah!!! And that’s all from DBC!!!!


Fiddlesticks: I’m Egyptian!!!


Fiddlesticks: I’M EGYPTIAN


Everybody: SHUT THE HELL UP!!!!!!!!!!!


Fiddlesticks: OK


David: Now is that it????


Davis: No… we gotta sing the Lamb Chop’s Play Along song now!!!!!


Fiddlesticks: I like lamb chops for lunch!!!!!


Producer: You don’t have to sing it.


David: All right!!!! That’s it from…


Producer: You have to sing the Barney song.






David: That’s it Mr. Producer Man either you give us a raise and for us not to sing I won’t blow your guts out with my rifle!!!!!!!


Producer: You don’t have to sing it!! You don’t have to sing it!! And I’ll give you a 50 cent raise.


David: Now that’s better… and that’s it from DBC!!!!! Finally…



DBC News Broadcast 2

Now top stories with David…

Sports with Davis…

Weather with Daveed…

A few words with Mr. Whatshisname…

and The Special Guest Corner with Binky the Clown!

Now for the top stories……David: 1. The 1st top story today is… that there is no top stories!!!!!! Isn’t that funny??? 2. We have 2 top stories today???? I thought we didn’t have any!!!!

Producer: Why don’t you look at your script?!?!?

David: We have a script???

Daveed: Of course we do you stupid dumbass!!!!!

David: Eh, Shetep

Davis: Shetep…what does that mean??

David: Something you wouldn’t understand dork!!! (note: dork means a whale dick)

Daveed whispering to Davis: Yeah, it’s a nerd mating ritual.

David: I heard that!!!!

Davis: Big whup!!!

David: Eh, go blow it out your ear!!!

Daveed: Why don’t you go blow it out your ass?!!!!!!

Mr. Whatshisname: I’m Egyptian!!!!

Producer: Shut your trap, fiddlesticks!!!!

Mr. Whatshisname: Fiddlesticks… maybe I should change my name to that!!!

Producer: You do that!!!!

Fiddlesticks: Yaaaaaaaay!!!!!

Daveed (mumbling): He’s a little slow.

Binky (mumbling): That’s for sure.

Fiddlesticks: Well, I’m a lot faster than you all are… combined!!!!!!

Davis: Come over here and say that you bitch!!!

Fiddlesticks: Go stick a rubber hose up your nose!!!

Now for the sports…… Davis: Today is the fight of the century!!!! Fiddlesticks vs. Daveed!!!!

Fiddlesticks: I’m Egyptian!!!!

Davis: Unfortunately we won’t be able to cover it because it’s right after the show in the alley back there, and right after that, me, yours truly, will sock Fiddlesticks a couple of times if he wins or loses, so there is no way around it.

David: I’ll soften him up for you a little bit before you do!!!

Now for the Weather… Daveed: In the U.S.A all temperatures are -999999999999999 or below!!!!!

Fiddlesticks: Gee, that must be chilly.

Daveed: Chilly? Chilly? The temperatures are such at an extreme that no one can live with!!!

David: Not even Santa Clause??

Daveed: Not even Santa!!!

David: Not even Vanilla Ice?? Mr. Freeze???

Daveed: No one!!! Even though Mr. Freeze might think that’s all right…

Fiddlesticks: I’m Egyptian!!!

Producer: Yeah sure……………

Fiddlesticks: But…

Producer: But my butt!!!

Now for the Special Guest Corner…… Binky: Now we go behind the scenes in the White House in our hidden cameras in the dining room and the limo.

Bill: Hello, honey.

Hillary: Yeah, Whatever!!!

Bill: What’s for dinner???

Hillary: Why don’t you get off your dead ass and get it yourself!!!!

Bill: But…

Hillary: But what!?

Bill: McDonald’s is too crowded!!!

Hillary: Then go to Burger King!!!!!

Bill: Burger King’s hamburgers are ugly with a capital UG!!!!!!!!!

Hillary: GO!!!!!!

Bill: You can’t tell me what to do I’m the President of the United States!!


(Bill walks to the door moaning and goes out the door.)

Hillary: I don’t know why I married that man!!!!!!

Bill (in limo with 10 hookers): Why couldn’t I marry one of you???

Binky: Uh…right. Well that was interesting. We forgot to put on censor parts, but that’s okay!!! Everybody liked it!!!!!!!!

David: This just in Bill Clinton has died of what Hillary Clinton says what Bill would’ve said of Hamburger ugliness with a capital UG!!!!!

Fiddlesticks: I’m Egyptian!!!

Producer: Let’s see you make a pyramid!!!


DBC News Broadcast 1

David Broadcasting Company

Now top stories with David

Sports with Davis

Weather with Daveed

a few words from Mr. Whatshisname


Now for the top stories David: Welcome to DBC, this is a new TV station that you’ll grow to love. Now to the important stuff, 1. M n M’s are being cooked in Easy Bake Ovens!! Will this lead to war because the candy isn’t good enough??? Nobody knows and they don’t care! 2. Mice are carrying whole arsenals of guns, grenades, and other weapons!! Are mice planning to have a war??? Nobody knows…and they don’t care!


Daveed: Then what does anybody know and care about?


David: ……………………..Comic Books.


Daveed: That is the most lame answer anyone can give!!!


David: Did you read the one when Spider-Man beat up his mother-in-law? That was cool!!


Daveed: Ya I bet!


Davis: Man, would you 2 losers shut your traps and get on with the show so everyone can see my beautiful face?!?


David and Daveed: SHUT UP!!!!!!


Davis: OK you don. t have to yell at me!!


David: Oh, and did you see the one where the X-Men beat up a piece of poop?? That was SUPER cool!!


Producer: Get on with the stupid show!!!


Mr. Whatshisname: Why can’t I have a real name on T.V?


Producer: Because your name is too hard to pronounce!!


Mr. Whatshisname: Why can’t I have a fake name?


Producer: Because you already have one!!!!


Mr. Whatshisname: But……


Everybody: SHUT UP!!!!!


Mr. Whatshisname: Fine be that way!!!


David: As I was saying before I was rudely interrupted…


Davis: Oh, don’t start that again!!


David: People these days are so rude that I got interrupted twice!!


Producer: This just in!! Ratings are skyrocketing because you dumbasses are fighting!! Keep it up!!


Mr.Whatshisname, David, Davis, Daveed: SHUT UP!!!!!!!

